Countdown to FS a series of Tutorials etc.

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by ANC_INN, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. ANC_INN

    ANC_INN Member

    As you know VF5 FS is hitting North America Summer 2012 i believe. So im sleeping in the dojo ill be learning every character etc. and making tutorials for them my youtube is AncZeinn please check it out i dont have the best quality but i try my best and give my all on each video i post if anyone has any clips or tips that the recorded i would edit them for you. Im just trying to help the vf community please spread the word.
  2. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    Appreciate the enthusiasm but a simple youtube search reveals there are already plenty of VF5 tutorial vids, however if you want to continue making them I would suggest just focusing on more advanced Eileen ( or any other character you wish to explore in depth) combos and strategies.

    That being said the graphics in your video are pretty decent though I might change the font and refrain from using internet acronyms like "LOL" in the tutorial text.

    Also, if you insist on inserting dubstep into your videos at least choose something decent...

    ... like this perhaps.
  3. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    LOL Rare you dubstep snob [​IMG]

    Ann_inc I hope u didn't take your video down 'cause Rare lambasted it. Because you are free to do whatever you want you know, you don't have to listen to others opinions.

    I will say one thing though. VF is a really deep and rather complex fighter. Learning even one character to a decent level of proficiency will take fricken ages. But to an extent the basic mechanics of VF aren't that complicated and you can play any character decently as long as u understand them.

    So my advice would be to either learn one character or learn the intricacies of the VF engine, I.E. ETEG, fuzzy guard, Adv/Dis Adv etc, and do vids on those.
  4. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    Diggerydoo I don't think I came across as harsh. As far as criticism goes I think one could do much worse. And I'd hardly consider myself a dubstep snob. [​IMG] I'm not really into that music with the exception of the track I posted.
  5. ANC_INN

    ANC_INN Member

    Im aware of the basic stuff and i am going to make a more advance tutorial where show combos etc. for eileen that was just day 1 covering basics and im also aware that vf is a complex fighter and it may take ages for some people btw i dont really like that dubstep i just used it because i didnt want to use any of my good stuff and it had a slow intro. i already understand the vf engine and i did make a basic vid breaking down the engine and i will never make a vid talking about advantage/disadvantage they have frame data tutorials for that.
  6. Braveheart

    Braveheart Active Member

    I'll glady watch your vids (I need all the help I can get).
  7. RORY

    RORY Well-Known Member

    Good stuff for doing this.

    I think its probably best to focus on the basic system mechanics, then move onto hitchecking, basic nitaku and then more advanced stuff from there.

    Combos have changed and characters have gained new moves, thats not to say the system hasn't changed but if your really looking to prepare people for FS, I dont think teaching them outdated combos is right way to go.

    Thats my 2cents anyway
  8. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Hey guys, about tutorials i've had a great idea (i hope). Is that possible make a video about the different changes in vf5fs?
    Like "this is how it was before and how it is now". That will be a nice start for a old player.
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    My own time will be put into making stuff for new players. If all you old heads feel lost its your own fault for not paying attention. FS replays have a frame display so there is no excuse.
  10. ANC_INN

    ANC_INN Member

    Teaching outdated combos will help because they will know the characters basic combo routes and gain familiarity with there timing. And yes Mister i will gather vf5 fs footage and make videos about the changes for every character. calm down an idea isnt perfect from the start you have to build and make changes also share ideas with other people thank for your constructive criticism rory and mister. marlyjay you made a great point to lol.
  11. ANC_INN

    ANC_INN Member

    If any of you know how to get footage and want to help that will be great because i need the help i can get.
  12. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Maybe you could put up some vids outlining what beats what in given situations, as in my opinion that's where VF is different to other fighters (the depth at which it is possible to predict your opponents choices).

    An example with Eileen is how you could delay [4][6][P] at ETEG disadvantage (-7 up to -11) if you think your opponent will ETEG (or sidestep) for a slam combo. It could then be said that because Eileen's [4][6][P] slam move is a High Punch then the opponent could predict this delayed slam move coming out and opt for an immediate [2][P] (as an example) which would land as a CH.
    The Eileen player could also anticipate a defensive move such as [2][P] coming out and opt for a move such as [6][6][P] which would give decent damage on a CH versus the token [2][P].

    All these theoretical mind games come from the frame data and move properties (high, mid, low, sabaki, etc) and not everyone likes to sit down, compare frame data and come up with viable mixups.

    I think if you could make some videos outlining the mind games behind the offensive/defensive resources available in VF, and also the outcomes of the possibilities (such as the CH combo opportunities by punishing your opponents abare) it would make learning VF more aesthetically pleasing than sitting and reading and may also encourage to think about things a bit more when playing VF.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    But not this specific example as it doesn't really work.
  14. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Hey ANC_INN, go for it. Don't be discouraged by anyone in doing what you feel may make you a better player. Just try to be mindful of the existing resources available to you, and leverage the knowledge of other players to assist you on your way. Good luck.
  15. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    ^^. Also anc_inn, if you provide the actual link in your posts or embed them, it would greatly help others find your page or video.
  16. ANC_INN

    ANC_INN Member

  17. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    I like your day 1 tutorial video simple and to the point, nice.
  18. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Hey, nothing personal, it's cool that you want to put in the effort, but that vid is reaaaally counterproductive. Lots of wrong info in there, new players will just get bad habits if they use the stuff in there. I don't have time to go in depth right now and I don't know when I will, but I trust other people will take care of that.

    This might sound harsh, but: don't make tutorial vids if you don't know how the game works. Sorry if this offends you.
  19. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Krye, if vids can help attact new players, so be it, we need vids! I'd contribute myself but the USB capture device i bought off my local supermarket is, surprise, worthless [​IMG] (Note to self: serves me right for buying pc equipment from LIDL, ffs)

    I say keep it up ANC_INN [​IMG]
  20. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    To be very honest, it is very counterproductive to tell someone is writing a lot of wrong information and not mentioning specific examples. In other words you are part of the problem (if this sounds harsh, it is meant to be :p)

    Anc-inn - I only saw "day 1" vid quickly. You mentioned "tracking moves" but I think you are actually talking about semi-circular and circular attack moves. There is some misconceptions to what tracking is. Some people like to say certain linear moves can "track" evaders. This is usually due to the evading player inputting some command causing the game to realigned the two characters; thus, allowing certain linear moves to hit a character (or what some people refer to as tracking) that evaded successfully previously.

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