Controller for n00bs(specifally Akira players)...stcik or pad?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Isamu, Feb 28, 2004.

  1. Isamu

    Isamu Active Member

    Hi guys! I have been playing VF for the PS2 with a pad on and off for a couple months now and I'm used to a pad. I have started training with Akira a couple days ago and man, some of his moves are just torturously hard! But I've managed to accomplish most of them with the PS2 gamepad.

    I also own a MAS Arcade stick(which as you know is an exact replica of the arcade) for the PS2 and it works well enough for Streetfighter type games. I am now wondering if D-pad/Stick moves with Akira are better executed using an actual arcade stick or a d-pad? Button presses would certainly take me a while to get used to on a stick, since you have to do them simulabeously, especially since I have a standard SF 6 button style layout, and not a VF one.

    But yesterday, I tried out the stick for the first time with Akira(in training of course) and while quite a few moves can be done a little easier with a stick, it is very difficult to hit the diagonals in a couple of the bigger 2 and 3 step moves. I just can't see myself pulling these off consistently in a match.

    Have any of you started out with Akira with a gamepad and almost gave up but didn't, and then switched to an arcade stick and then were able to pull off his moves with ease? What controller were/are you using?

    Finally, for you PS2 pad you have multple buttons assigned to one button on your PS2 pad? Don't you feel like you're sorta cheating the game by making it easier this way? I mean, don't you feel that's kinda unfair that the real hardcore japanese players had to learn the game on a three button joystick and here we are doing the same moves, but are taking a shortcut on the PS2 pad by having two or three extra button functions at our disposal? Wouldn't it feel mroe rewarding learning the game on a real three button arcade stick rather than a gamepad? I am tempted to go back to the PS2 pad but I dunno, I get a guilty feeling in my gut whenever pick it up now. Your thoughts?
  2. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Isamu said:

    Finally, for you PS2 pad you have multple buttons assigned to one button on your PS2 pad? Don't you feel like you're sorta cheating the game by making it easier this way? I mean, don't you feel that's kinda unfair that the real hardcore japanese players had to learn the game on a three button joystick and here we are doing the same moves, but are taking a shortcut on the PS2 pad by having two or three extra button functions at our disposal? Wouldn't it feel mroe rewarding learning the game on a real three button arcade stick rather than a gamepad? I am tempted to go back to the PS2 pad but I dunno, I get a guilty feeling in my gut whenever pick it up now. Your thoughts?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I use multiple button setups and no not really to all your other questions.
  3. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    stompoutloud said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Isamu said:

    Finally, for you PS2 pad you have multple buttons assigned to one button on your PS2 pad? Don't you feel like you're sorta cheating the game by making it easier this way? I mean, don't you feel that's kinda unfair that the real hardcore japanese players had to learn the game on a three button joystick and here we are doing the same moves, but are taking a shortcut on the PS2 pad by having two or three extra button functions at our disposal? Wouldn't it feel mroe rewarding learning the game on a real three button arcade stick rather than a gamepad? I am tempted to go back to the PS2 pad but I dunno, I get a guilty feeling in my gut whenever pick it up now. Your thoughts?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I use multiple button setups and no not really to all your other questions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i second that. some people find it confusing to use multiple buttons at a time so dont consider it cheating, consider it a preference.
  4. DShadow

    DShadow Member

    i am playing on pad and guard throw escapes are bloody hard for me /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
    kage's roll actions too


    Honestly I can only play Akira on PAD it seems almost impossible to play him on a STICk and the only move I have a problem with is the KNEE heh but I still can get it 50% of the time and yes I can use everyone else on a STICK but I perfer to play on PAD for Akira.
  6. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    THE_INFORCER said:

    Honestly I can only play Akira on PAD it seems almost impossible to play him on a STICk and the only move I have a problem with is the KNEE heh but I still can get it 50% of the time and yes I can use everyone else on a STICK but I perfer to play on PAD for Akira.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I challenge your pad akira to mine! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
    Oh yeah my Knee skillz are better, hehe. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  7. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    THE_INFORCER said:

    Honestly I can only play Akira on PAD it seems almost impossible to play him on a STICk and the only move I have a problem with is the KNEE heh but I still can get it 50% of the time and yes I can use everyone else on a STICK but I perfer to play on PAD for Akira.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think I just found a new type Akira player!

    1. Pad only <--Understandable
    2. Stick only <--Understandable
    3. Both <--Understandable
    4. Pad only just for Akira and stick for the others<--- ???????/versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    J/K man. Whatever works works, right? /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Isamu said:
    Wouldn't it feel mroe rewarding learning the game on a real three button arcade stick rather than a gamepad?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nop not a bit more rewarding, learning VF (especially Akira) is easier on a stick. So I find it more rewarding to be able to DLC, Knee, mdbplm... on a pad.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Isamu said:
    I am tempted to go back to the PS2 pad but I dunno, I get a guilty feeling in my gut whenever pick it up now. Your thoughts?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why would you feel guilty when everything is easier to do on a stick ? VF is also a console game and you don't live in Japan so who cares. If you feel guilty about using the multiple buttons then try changing your config. I personally don't think it's cheating but if you plan on participating in tourneys, be sure to read the rules, some don't allow them.

    I play Akira on a pad and everything comes out smoothly, the (legal) configuration I use is :
    - square : [G]
    - X : [G]
    - triangle : [P]
    - circle : [K]

    (Uniquely for the Knee)
    -L2 : [K]
    -R2 : [G]
    That's if you're a thumb player and don't want to have to switch finger positions in the middle of a match.

    The thing about DLC is that you have to be precise more than anything when doing [4][6][6][P]+[K]. Don't try doing it extremly fast and sloppy. Do it slowly and precisely, even if it doesn't come out all the time, then gradually speed it up until you find the rhythm. SPoD isn't that hard, you'll get the hang of it with practice. For the Knee turn on the display function with the little bars and practice pressing [K]+[G], you'll notice that the longer you hold [K]+[G] together the more the bars will scroll across the screen. Now do the same thing and hold [K] as long as you want but try pressing and releasing [G] within one bar by scraping or which ever way you like as long as it's one bar. All in all you're looking at some serious VF boot camp playing with Akira. Learning his movelist is just the begining my friend. Yes you can play him with a pad but I would suggest a stick if playing with pad makes you feel guilty.
  9. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    God damn it Oni BUY A STICK ALREADY!

    /KiwE (Plays on a pad with his feet as it's more rewardning / skillfull to do apparently. Did I mention the blindfold?)
  10. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I am tempted to go back to the PS2 pad but I dunno, I get a guilty feeling in my gut whenever pick it up now. Your thoughts?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was first a pad player, than stick, and now pad again. Sounds like you right. I probably swich back to stick again. i just like to alternate.

    my botton config is type-A then mod with triagle = [G], R1 = [P], R2 = [K], L1 and L2 = no use. This way I can piggy back to an evo arcade stick with a pad config.

    When I first practice with akira, I was using a pad. Once I used a stick, it was easier then a pad. Now after swiching to a pad, I can do his stpm -> F+p -> dbpm with about 1/6 consistency. I'm quite happy with that. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    stomp and smurfy,
    I got a clip of me training with akria on a pad, hehee... You guys can have a sneak preview.
  11. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    cool hammerhead. How's the capping coming along?/ /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  12. fjf314

    fjf314 Member

    When a pad was my only option, I usually avoided Akira. After trying him out, I just couldn't pull off his moves consistently with a pad. The moves that I could do I couldn't seem to do quickly enough to be able to use them effectively in a match.

    When I recently got my stick, I gave Akira another shot, and I've been working with him ever since. I still have a long way to go, but I think I've already progressed more with him than I ever got with just the pad. I'm sure a part of that just comes from the fact that I really don't like the layout of the ps2 pad with just the four buttons, but I still think that a stick makes things easier.
  13. Valdimiar

    Valdimiar Well-Known Member

    I think akira is better played on a stick becuase the directional I presume are easier ( wouldn't know, but getting stick tommorrow so will know and edit post so please don't moan You are wrong you crazy brit) but anyway if you think that the default pad setup is cheap/cheating try combo 4 and 6 of tatics advice and if you do that then do yoho punch and then knee, I challenge you, there that should be hard enough.
    Going to try the config [G]is triangle [P]is R1 [K]is R2
    Does anyone know if this is possible and how much damage it would do:
    Knee to DLC

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