Concerning the elbow

Discussion in 'Akira' started by shinshistu, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. shinshistu

    shinshistu New Member

    should I do SDE all the time or the regular 66P. I'm lost when to use SDE effectively. When an opponent blocks it should I fuzzy guard/sidestep immediately?
  2. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    [6][6][P] to poke, [6][6][6][P] to rape.

    [6][6][P] won't net you the big damage, but it's safer on block and evade, use it to set up bigger moves like the SDE.
  3. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    hahahaha...great explanation J [​IMG]

    Based on Akira VF5FS data

    [6][6][P] takes 13 frames to execute and is -5 on guard

    [6][6][6][P] takes 15 frames to execute and is -5 on guard

    Standard jab / low jab takes 12 frames

    Since [6][6][P] is faster I use it for poking and stopping low jab spammers, usually from a close to mid distance.

    I use [6][6][6][P] from mid to far distance when I expect a counterhit (as it’s on counterhit that this move shines in terms of the combo dmg output).

    In case your opponent blocks either version, you are very safe since it’s only -5 on guard and the fastest moves (jab/low jab) take 12 frames to execute.

    Given the above, you are free to defend/evade as you see fit, fuzzy is always a good option if you are expecting a throw, and side step if you are expecting an attack (that does not have full-circular properties).

    ...-5 is petty good on guard, so you could even attack again after your elbow got blocked.
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Like everyone else said, [6][6][P] is to poke at your opponent, it's +4 on hit and +8 on CH so if it connects keep the pressure on your opponent with bigger moves like throw/SDE. In sidetuned situations the stats on this move are even better, -2 on block, +7 on hit and +11 on CH if I remember right. Great move to keep the pressure on your opponent and the exe is frightening now.

    No need for sidestep, at -5 crouch dash fuzzy should beat throws and attacks.
  5. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for pointing that out Feck, as I might confuse the reader. I'm implying that at -5 he also has the option to evade...which is almost always a good one if you are expecting a straight forward attack.

    btw, where did you get the properties for sideturned situations? or do we just add +3 frames?
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Depends on the base damage of the move.

    14 damage or less = +2

    15 to 24 damage = +3

    25+ damage= +6
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Most throws and attacks [​IMG]
    Your average fuzzy doesnt beat for example low throws and low attacks.
    Ytpme_Secaps likes this.
  8. blk_brotha

    blk_brotha Active Member

    I would use 666P to intimidate my opponent to fail to evade. I usually do it when I'm in sweep distance to go all up in their space.

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