Command List Repository (Google Documents)

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Libertine, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Command List Repository

    These command lists haven't received all of the changes to Version A yet, and are awaiting some other changes.

    I believe that these lists may serve as nice supplemental material for the command lists on VFDC. Of particular interest are the "SideData" tabs that show the frame statuses for side turned situations. Combo lists will also be added as time permits.

    Also, any suggestions or volunteers for maintaining these spreadsheets are welcome!
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Good stuff to Libertine and everyone else that have contributed to them [​IMG]
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Thanks for reminding me to add a tab giving individual credit to people who have helped me. In the meantime, special thanks go out to akai, Kruza, and Myke!
  4. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much!!!
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Awesome stuff, thanks for doing this!
  6. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot for this, Lib. I'll try my best and maintain the Goh command list, possibly adding some more precise info to his sabakis and checking whether it's all up-to-date with revision A.
  7. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Wow, this is awesome! Thanks a lot!
  8. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Lib asked me to elaborate a bit on the extensive changes I've made to Goh's command list in particular (link), which now looks completely different from the rest of the command lists.

    I was mainly unhappy with the original representation of the data in those extremely wide-stretched tables and wanted to make the whole thing more readable.

    Therefore, I removed the square brackets around the command inputs, got rid of most of the capitalization, reduced the column size, came up with a more constructive color-coding for the HIT, GRD, and CH columns when at a disadvantage, and stuck to the header names for each column that we're already familiar with from VFDC's command lists.

    I also reworked the side-frame data and specific Taka frame data for those columns and implemented them as cell comments (just hover your mouse pointer of those cells). Some of the frame data also got revised for Revision A. Same goes for some of the Notes and their sometimes-clumsy translations from the Japanese ("removes high guard").

    As well, I added a legend that explains the most important terms and abbreviations used in the command list (I borrowed heavily from VFDC's legend explanation here). A combo list was added as well in a very similar fashion as the command list.
  9. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    From Brad Command List :
    K+G is noted Mid, should be noted High.
    Libertine likes this.
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator


    By the way, would people prefer it if I used Leonard's format for all of the other characters' spreadsheets? Could anybody recommend suggestions to make these lists even better, or to offer more features not available in the command lists on-site?
  11. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Well, I was going to give my opinion, but you already started to change the layout.:D
    But yes, Leonard's format is more compact and the color-coding is always a bonus. Not really necessary, but not a bad thing.
    That said, I believe that's keep a dedicated sheet for the SideHits, since when you study Side strategies, it's more convenient to have all the info in front of your eyes at once.

    The only annoying thing was the square brackets around the command inputs on some spreadsheet.

    And by the way, thanks for all that work!
  12. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    All I did was change the heading color. :D

    I'm open to any suggestions as usual, as well as changing the heading.

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