Combo List Upgrade - Ideas Wanted!

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Myke, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    My next upgrade project for VFDC will be the Combo Lists. I plan to give them a similar do-over as I did with the Command Lists. While I have my own ideas for some enhancements (e.g. links to videos), I'd be interested in hearing from you guys as well.

    Are there things you like, or don't like, about the current Combo Lists? Could the layout be improved?

    New Features Proposed

    Additional Filters
    • Max Versus Character: automatically determined
    • Any stance: automatically determined
    • BNB: combos would have to be tagged as "BNB"
    • Execution Level: combos would have to be "tagged" as either basic, intermediate, or advanced.

    • Print friendly
    • Show execution time for starters
    • Global Notes for each starter/category

    Contributing / Maintaining
    • User ability to submit a new combo, to be approved by Content Manager.
    • User ability to submit an update to a combo, e.g. for unverified combos versus certain characters.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    If there's a thing I don't like about filters, is that if you want to see the combos vs a character it shows all the combos that works on that character. It is correct but I would like an option to reduce the combos shown to just the max damage vs her.

    And also I would like a menù to have the combos in a printable format :| (same for the command list).

    I don't need nothing else.
    mfwebdude and Myke like this.
  3. mfwebdude

    mfwebdude Well-Known Member

    maybe a combo submission form for new ones... i feel like a lot of new ones in the combo threads get lost amongst the discussions. not sure if it's worth the engineering effort since i don't know just how much is left to discover lol.

    i like the idea of having videos, maybe a slowmo version of at least more advanced ones to see the subtleties of inputs, 1FKs, delays, etc?

    might be nice to see what situation you could use a particular combo vs a character, especially for recovery counters. for example, if i'm akira and block pai's [1][K]+[G], i could use a knee combo. or if i block kage's [1][K], i could do a [2][1][4][P] combo.

    a clear way to indicate the stance and position required: open, closed, stomach side, back side, front, back. a top down illustration of your opponent showing where you strike possibly
    Myke likes this.
  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I will like to see filers for character specific combos upgraded with additional settings - max damage only, stance (in)dependance, all or max damage only and such

    Maybe even BNB mark that will show core combos to go with for beginners

    Maybe "execution demands" or something like that; something that will show how easy or hard it is to pull out the combo

    Better solution for notes, especially character-specific notes for specific combos (for example with wolf, there is very important note for almost ALL combos when performed on Blaze... but putting something like this in notes for all of them will be reidiculous)

    Better solution for 1FKs, ideally such one that will allow to filter them in or out

    New "tag" for TRable combos and ability to filter them in or out (some combos works for example on whole cast while being guaranteed only on part, while rest can just ukemi; or significantly stronger combos that can be just ukemied... not to mention OTG extensions for combos if you expect your opponent to not go for TR. question is if OTG will deserve special mark or not)

    Ability to manually mark selected combos and then filter them out (will be great for printing purposes)
    mfwebdude and Myke like this.
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Currently it is possible to reorganize combo starters using drag-and-drop (aka. "combo category edit").

    It would be nice if we could use drag-and-drop to reorganize combos as well (keeping track of the "sort index" becomes a nightmare for some combo starters that have a lot of character- and stance- specific followups).
  6. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I think I made some remak in the past about how the clickable P, K, G, etc. icons behave, currenlty they only go in the combo field no matter where you are focused with the cursor, so I guess that would be an improvement if it would put the icons to that field you have selected so you wouldn't have to copy-paste them by hand into the others.
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thanks for the replies. I've edited the original post with a list of the features that I think are achievable (in theory) ;)

    erdraug/YOMI: your suggestions relate to the editor functionality, which only Content Managers can access. While I was particularly looking for end-user features, I will say that the editor will definitely be overhauled as well.
    Combolammas likes this.
  8. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Nice :D

    JUst a quick question: any chance to make print-friendly version of movelists, please?
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    It's being worked on as we speak... type... post... err... it's coming soon!
  10. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    how about a section for knockdown positioning after each combo?

    it can be helpful so the user can determine things like how the opponent's rising attacks and in place recovery will behave after each combo.
    erdraug likes this.
  11. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    What information could be presented in a dialogue box that appears when you place the cursor over a field? I believe clutter could be avoided using this idea.
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    In the same way the command lists have a more detailed popup window, I can do the same for combos to show additional information, such as knock down position.
    Libertine and Mister like this.
  13. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Resuming a year-old conversation - falling position also matters when playing against Vanessa who can transition into IP when FUFT - ending combos with a spinning move, thus sending her off-axis, might be preferable against her.

    BTW are we still taking requests for these? It would be very practical for content managers to have a "clone" combo button. Currently we have to input every new combo from scratch - even if it's just to change "P+KP -> 6_PPK" into "P+KP -> 6PKK" and bump the combo damage from 73 to 75.

    This is slightly aggravated from the fact that we must repeat the "combo starter" for each combo despite the fact that it is that visible on both catagory tab & heading. Surely @Myke must have explained the reasons why that's necessary but I'm afraid I have forgotten them.

    It's not urgent (since most of the combos have already been catalogued) but it would really help in the case of a new version :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
  14. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    I know you have it noted if the combo is special vs. a character and Max sobering combos vs. Shun.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    Noted, but not a high priority right now. Also, see final note.

    This was to allow for different "starters" under the same "category". For example, a character may have 3 different starters that all produce a stomach crumple, all allowing for the exact same combo follow ups. Rather than repeat every combo 3 times, you only need list it once with one starter. The category note can then be used to inform the reader that the same combos can be used with the other two starters, with damage variations, accordingly.

    Of course, content activity has all but died down as of late, so the demand for such convenient features is a really low priority. Furthermore, there's new forum software on the horizon which will introduce a new and improved framework. The downside to this is that it will force me to re-write all the custom add-on development I've made for VFDC from scratch. As such, I'm reluctant to build new features into this existing framework in order to avoid the inevitable re-work.

    p.s. requests related to content management should really be directed to the Content Managers forum ;)
    erdraug likes this.
  16. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    @Myke Duly noted. For the record I meant "in the case of a new VF version" but news of a forum update are always welcome!

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