Colorado Cutthroat Console Tournament

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by DoomShroom, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. DoomShroom

    DoomShroom Member

    The time has come to present the third installment of the largest video game tournament in Colorado. Colorado Cutthroat is back . Cutthroat is coming with more games, more prizes and even more competition. So everyone start praticing up because this Cutthroat will be the biggest yet. Go to the following website for the details on the tournament: <font color="red">CCCT</font>

    Early this year, Colorado witnessed it's first Virtua Fighter tournament. JunoSynth ran away with first place thanks to his his Lei-Fei stance dancin skills. Turnout was better than expected and with popularity increasing here in Colorado, we can expect to see Colorado's finest VFers out to claim Juno's title. The CCCT is a bi-anual tournament for console games. Please visit the links above for more information about what games will be present at this years Cutthroat.

  2. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    you should have changed it to competition

    must respect alliteration
  3. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Though not definite, the Virtua Fighter tourney might be on the new VF FT and not on Evo. I know Junosynth is trying to get the game as soon as possible and I'm sure he'll be willing to bring it to the tourney for everyone to use. Keep tuned here for more info.

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