Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by hardcorewolf, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. hardcorewolf

    hardcorewolf Active Member

    Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    What: Columbia College GPACC aka VGC (Video Game Club) Presents-SC2/VF4 Evo Console tournment

    When: Friday Dec 5th
    Time:Sign ups 5:30 Tourney starts at 6 (we will accept entries up til 6:30) We close up at around 10pm or a little after
    Fee:$5.00 entry fee
    Where:Columbia College Chicago,IL 624 Michigan Building 6th floor room 603

    Both tournies are 2 out of 3 double elimination.

    We will give away some free stuff.

    Prizes: (tenative)1st place 50% entries, 2nd 25%, 3rd place (to be determined, all of this this may change becasue we are negotiating actual prizes out side of cash,plus depending on the no. of entrants)

    -Bring your own controller
    -We are not responsible for lost, stolen and or misplaced items. (But we will help look)
    -Irrational behavior will not be tolerated

    Soul Calibur 2 - NO WEAPONS!!!!! All Characters selectable. Health 150% and 3 round matches. We will try to provide every system version

    Virtua Fighter 4 EVO - 3 round matches 250/300 health(tenative)memory cards welcome.

    Equipment: 2 tv's 2 montiors and a projector
    2 to 3 PS2's
    2 GC's
    1 XBox

    We will follow with UPDATES in coming the coming days. . .
  2. WCMaxi

    WCMaxi Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    I can't join since I'll be 1-armed at the time, but you need to re-think those settings.

    Harecore players are going to throw their noses in the air. For VF use:
    200 health
    45 sec
    3/5 round
    stage on random

    For SC:
    Follow the guidelines we set at,
    No Heihachi, Link, Spawn, Assassin, Beserker, or Lizardman
    Time default
    3/5 rounds
    Stage select off
  3. hardcorewolf

    hardcorewolf Active Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    VF rules: we are still working on those. Gives us a break this is our first VF tourney and we are not familiar with the usual VF rules. We will consider you suggestion though. We dont have a lot of VF players. And I am expecting a lower turnout.

    SC rules: Well. . . we need to discuss this but we were going to leave it up to the players. SC is more for the console crowd. I didnt see reason to omit the extra charcaters. But maybe we will omit the system specfic characters. Dunno we'll see.

    Give us time we are still hammering things out
  4. skyrend

    skyrend Active Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    Hey, sup. Hmm, it's before finals week, I can probably make it.

    I agree w/ WCM on console charas, outside of Sophi/Mina, there shouldn't be any character available that's outside of arcade play. LM has pretty nasty glitches, and Necrid has some ridiculous moves. Also, default health.

    VF: The settings WCM suggested is probably default for VF tournies (dunno, would be my first).
  5. hardcorewolf

    hardcorewolf Active Member


    <font color="#666666">SC2 rules change </font>

    Due to demands and player concerns the following console characters will be banned: <font color="green">Link, Heiachi,Spawn, Necrid, Berzerker, & Asassin</font> will be banned til futher notice.

    Also for both tournies:
    winner plays w/same character loser can switch this applies for all matches.

    - HW/versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif/versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif/versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  6. Fury

    Fury Active Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    I agree with the VF defaults as well as WCM's suggestion on SC. Payouts usually go 70/20/10 however you'd probably get more people to join if it was free but 5 isnt horrible i guess.

    But ill be sure to get that friday off and come down to play.
  7. hardcorewolf

    hardcorewolf Active Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    We are still working out the prizes too so bare with us,if we change it I will update right away. But it might change depending on the turn out too. This is our first tournment so bare with us. We wanna make this a event as fun and FAIR as possible.

    The 70/20/10 sounds fair i will get back to you about that.
  8. FetZ

    FetZ Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    vf4 tourneys. fun!

    FetZ will come.
  9. SliceOfPai

    SliceOfPai Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    Those rules are cool with me. Also, if anyone decides to go with only the default characters(SC2) , I need to know in advance so I can work on my Talim instead of Seung Mina. Also, I'd rather that the SC2 matches be set to infinite time. I prefer fights to the death instead of relying on the clock. Other than that, if you need help in organizing, and I'll do what I can.
  10. Fury

    Fury Active Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    Ill be there to bring the wolf beatdown
  11. hardcorewolf

    hardcorewolf Active Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    [ QUOTE ]
    orginally posted by Fury

    Ill be there to bring the wolf beatdown

    [/ QUOTE ]

    EH EH!!!

    sorry bud i am the only one is going bring da wolf beat down
    read da handle fury


    see ya'll there
  12. hardcorewolf

    hardcorewolf Active Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    if this tournament is successful enough maybe we can do it again.
  13. Fury

    Fury Active Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    Well i started Wolf two days ago and it seems im making more progress and having more fun than when i played akira. He suits my style just like Nightmare did in calibur. Gonna be fun times for the kids i tells ya.
  14. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    someone drag ed from
  15. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    Hey all,
    I'll defintely make it up to chi-town for one of your tournies before the end of this year or for mad casual play. Gotta hit up chicago kalbi and mitsuwa, but besides that it's all vf prime time. Look forward to meeting all of you soon!
    P.S. Tell shota I'm coming up to get lau--d..hehe
  16. erro_akira

    erro_akira New Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    All of you will be beated by me, akira yuki [image][/image] <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> </pre><hr /> [2_][6][P][P] <font color="white"> </font>
  17. Fury

    Fury Active Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

  18. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    Damn it all to hell, too bad I'll be working. Wanna show off my new throw escape abilities. "Reverse a reversal into a throw, just to see it throw escaped!!!! Damn it all to hell!!!"
  19. Fury

    Fury Active Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    is there ample parking space or a visitors parking lot??? Let me know.
  20. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago SC2/VF4 EVO Console Tournment

    There are quite a few parking meters around the building, where you can park after 6pm.

    Last time, I went there at around 5:45pm, found my spot, and waited for 15 mins till 6pm.

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