Character Overview Videos

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by erdraug, Sep 11, 2017.

  1. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Imho, we are missing "Character Overviews" videos for VF5FS, as per this recent one for Tekken 7. Our community has, over the years, created a number of videos about the game's overarching mechanics - but overlooked the differences between the characters. @Zero-chan wrote something equivalent for VF5 but I don't think we have something like that either for VF5FS or in video form.

    Alternatively, and complimentary, the reverse type of video (ie. playing AGAINST each character, not playing AS them) would also be useful. Basically a "Hey, if you run across a Lei Fei in ranked this is what you should be expecting and who to deal with it" video guide. And then replace Lei Fei with each character.

    I reckon it would be as useful to entry level players - if not more than the actual "choose this character if you like X". Some people choose characters because they like their design, you know?! :)

    Possibly since the cast is not as big maybe add some tips on how to counter common setups, like "if Lei FEi goes BT he has two options, sabaki and low crush high kick; if you have a fast mid that can't be sabakied use that".

    PS: For the record, "playing VS X" content is one of the few things that our wiki and forums lack in written form as well. We have the odd complaints thread, some cross-subforum "punishing X character" or "attacks positive on block" threads but nothing consistent. Observe, for example, how a thread entitled VF(5FS) characters playstyle as an elevator pitch petered off before completing half the cast. Not a reproach, just a corollary of the way character expertise is channeled. Maybe something for @Myke to consider?
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I think the reason you don't see much "how to beat X character" because the only ones who could do that are the specialists and most people aren't going to tell you how to beat them. I find asking players who a sparring partner's of character specialists to be the best ones to get anti-character information.

    That said, I do have a little book/google doc where I've been compiling anti-character strategies over the years. It's written in a way that reminds me what to do against things that I find annoying or hard to remember. Even has some things about specific players who use that character, what they like to do, and what moves I can use to stop them. All along the way, there are explanations about why I'd want to choose one option over another. It's been a multi-year process and I'm still nowhere close to done. It's honestly quite overwhelming with the amount of information that needs to be explained.

    p.s. some folks have seen me whip it out at tournaments. I normally write in it on my way to an event or on my way back home. Great use of subway time.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Lol, I always thought of this as dumb, small-minded mentality. Whats the point of holding 'secrets' for your character? To beat some other western guy? A neighbor down the street? To win some twenty dollar tournament? Whooptie-friggin-doo. *finger twirl*

    There is no way anyone would ever win against Japan (the really good guys) like this, and also, this mentality only succeeds in making the player himself worse AND making his community worse. Ive seen people brag about things like this and it just makes me want to smack them in the back of the head when I see it

    (This isnt directed towards anyone in particular, just speaking my mind)
    Tricky and jimi Claymore like this.
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I always thought that we don't get as many of those types of guides as each character has such a massive toolbox (even Eileen lol) and how each player uses those is really what's going to form the basis of the matchup and how each player can win.

    It's more that it boils down to how to deal with individual tools and those are questions that I've seen asked and dealt with plenty in my time here.

    It's a good idea to highlight strong/key tools some characters have in a kind of bullet point fashion so newer players have an idea of what the might have available to use or even have deal with from an opponent. Do the character wikis have this in some way across all characters?
    Tricky likes this.
  5. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Good to point out faults in our scene, but I also think that even if you remotely play, love, or talk more than an hour about vf than search for a solution.

    Having said that, here is what I propose as a educational experience to improve vf knowledge for all as a whole.

    1.Host a weekly show where you have one star player guest who is efficient in their character.
    This person acts as the dojo master and follows a format that can be Easily understood by all.

    2.Then there is the host and maybe one other personality to add a lighthearted appeal to bounce off one another.

    3. Next is everyone else who is the students who can follow along at home in dojo mode. The format will cover a solid and decent amount of information that can be applied to set a standard.

    4. Time could be utilized effectively until the end and leave that for q&a.

    Hardest part is getting the show to stay focused w/o going to deep off the course.

    If that would work we could set up some extra shows based on core fundamentals.

    Whatcha think??
    DK and Technocrow like this.
  6. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    I've seen something similar done in Japan. You get 1 "expert" and have them teach the character to someone who has no idea how to use him. I think the VOD isn't available anymore, but from what I remember, Jaga the goh player was teaching some guy and he ran through minor advantage, major advantage, low moves uses and properties, stances (tsukami and tsukamagaeshi) then defense during stances (buffering throw break during tsukami input) then I think it was setups and combos. As Tim mentioned we can have everyone follow at home and have 1 host 1 student, and 1 comedy relief guy.

    I'll try and find the goh video and link it later or as an edit
    Stl_Tim likes this.
  7. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Great as a concept but Tim sucks ass as a teacher....
  8. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    The point is to get people out of the "I know everything" mentality. Through the first run of the characters, the information may be redundant as it will be "beginner" stuff. After that, they can go into really specific stuff such has combo ender -> specific meaty, stance dependent wall soft stuns, "false" disadvantage moves (aka moves with large pushback) sideturn setups and side lock and so on and so on. All we need is a few people who are willing to host, people who want to share information rather than hoard it, and a receptive audience. So whether Tim is a good or bad teacher, it's not really relevant. If he has complete knowledge of the character and is able to demonstrate it in a way that people can understand, that's all that's necessary.
  9. Blitzball Champ

    Blitzball Champ Well-Known Member

    Blitzball Champ
    Hey @Stl_Tim , this is pretty much what you messaged me about not long ago right? If so, not a bad idea to be honest. Would be interesting to actually see what that would look like, I feel like the only potential issue is getting in touch with the appropriate specialists based on availability.
    Stl_Tim likes this.
  10. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Possible people to beta test this with could be:

    Kagemaru-Jami San
    Co host-Hayato, Blackstar, or Shinybrentford if he is alive?!

    Anyone interested please pm or contact blitz.

    Thanks for your interest!
    Blitzball Champ likes this.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'd do one for Eileen.
    MarlyJay likes this.
  12. JSM

    JSM Active Member

    @erdraug I am "entry level players" aka a bloody noob.
    When I signed up for VFDC in May that was exactly my thought about the forum,
    the only thing missing was a VERSUS section inside each character's section, instead of scattered all over.

    @Stl_Tim : Nobel price for tim, great idea (no sarcasm)
    Tricky likes this.
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Since you're the kind of person I'd liked to reach, what specifically would you want in a versus thread?
  14. JSM

    JSM Active Member

    The problem a versus-section solves for entry level players is time.
    The number offensive/defensive options for all matchUps/situations in this game is a VERY large number.
    Most things can be found scattered around the forum (or other resources), everything can be figured out in the Dojo, but it would take forever.
    Just learning moves, frames, strings, is natural combos or not, evadable in what direction etc for the cast is a big enough task & I'm nowhere near knowing matchups
    [ ..& in the meantime I will probably be doing some unintentional attacking from disadvantage, yolo non text book stuff :) ]

    Whats in it for character specialists / veteran players?
    I understand that when playing noobs a lot of the meta games are lost, it's a small community, level up some noobs on matchups ("versus") & there will be more semi-decent players to play.
    More "verus" knowledge against your character should make you improve & depending on how you're wired should make the game more fun.

    yea, not exactly sure what should go in a versus thread, but some random things that come to mind

    General stuff: dos/donts, what to watch out for, common setups, should emphasise breaking X-direction-throws against character Y. etc etc.

    Special properties (aka things that break the rules of the game). Veteran players probably know most of them, entry level players don't.
    For Example: Turns out Lion's 2K is immune to Ex_High, I had no idea until super recently & thought Ex_High was a valid option.

    Situational (where defensive options aren't super obvious):
    Example: El Blaze cartwheel followup mixup (mid or high full circular guard break) can be fuzzied & punished. Other options appears to leave you caught up in the mixup, and in these type of situations that's where entry level players like me will be, due to not yet having figured out how to deal with it.
    Stl_Tim and Tricky like this.
  15. Technocrow

    Technocrow Well-Known Member

    Wow! This is actually happening? I am impressed. As someone who is the living definition of a noob, these videos will be a goldmine of info for me when they come out!
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Super useful. I can think of a few things to point out based on your tips.
    JSM likes this.

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