Chanchai vs. Rayblade X: Portland's Classic VF Rivalry Returns!

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Chanchai, Jul 3, 2021.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Portland's Classic VF Rivalry Returns!

    It has been a long, long time since Rayblade X and I fought, since Ray moved to Hawaii a decade ago.

    These matches were originally streamed on Rayblade X's Twitch channel. I am happy to report that the connection on Ultimate Showdown is great and we are able to resume our VF battles! True to our matchups of the past, we like to hard counter each other and Vanessa's 9P sets the tone!

    Rayblade and I go way back to the old Arcade days of the 90's in Beaverton, Oregon! Ray was the Portland legend in the arcade days and he helped many generations of fighting game players and was often the top player in many of them! Our history with VF had moments in VF2, but only a bit.

    Our rivalry and friendship began in 2000 shortly after I went to New York to play VF3tb on Dreamcast. I asked a common friend to connect us and the rest is history!

    Ray tends to be awake and playing around the time that my Graveyard Sessions finish up, so mornings are a great opportunity for us to get sets in. I have been fighting some Defensive Stance Vanessa players in recent times and I am really happy to be able to train and spar with Ray's Vanessa now, too!

    Fighting Vanessa in Defensive Stance is rough and I have to be prepared to lose a lot of exchanges. Even though Lion isn't the most high damage of characters, I still have to make the exchanges I do win count. I've learned that if I focus too much on just hitting Vanessa and not on doing the damage, then I am playing her game and it is often a losing one. That is why you will see me swing more for the fences against a Defensive Stance Vanessa. It is tough!!!

    Originally aired on:
    Original Air Date: Wednesday, June 30th, 2021
    Original Air Tim: 4:00am PST

    Now living in Hawaii, Rayblade X was a legend in the 90's and 2000's arcade scene of Portland, Oregon. Ray was the top competitor in pretty much all available fighting games and also actively organized tournaments, gatherings, and rallied players. Ray also was a regular at the big regional and national events.

    Nowadays, Rayblade X lives in Hawaii where he is still organizing player events and sharing his love of the games, crafting some great crafts, and is actively streaming on Twitch! I highly recommend you check out his stream!


    Competitive Virtua Fighter player from North America with a passion for building and helping gaming communities.

    I am a restaurant professional and have run 7 restaurants and 2 amusement centers. I have also worked at esports events around the world and run local and regional tournaments and gatherings.


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