Canadian Backbreaker

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by OneTooMany, Oct 29, 2003.

  1. OneTooMany

    OneTooMany Well-Known Member

    Canadian Backbreaker

    Dont know if this is the right place for this topic but can someone tell me why they got the Canadian Backbreaker out of Wolf's move list.
  2. vfbum

    vfbum Well-Known Member

    Re: Canadian Backbreaker

    what is the Canadian Backbreaker?
  3. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Re: Canadian Backbreaker

    Maybe the move was stupid looking or it wasn't real (Or is it?). Or maybe they replaced it.
  4. OneTooMany

    OneTooMany Well-Known Member

    Re: Canadian Backbreaker

    The Canadian Backbreaker was that move u did by pressing [P][G] after the [6][P][G] catch.He would get the opponents back on his shoulder and give a jerk to crack his back and drop him on the ground.I thought it was cool looking and a canadian doing the canadian backbreaker made sense to me.Dont know if they called it like that but every other fighting games(mostly wrestling) that has that move called it like that.
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Re: Canadian Backbreaker

    it's gone dog. I liked that one too.
  6. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Re: Canadian Backbreaker

    aka Thunder Fire Powerbomb; and it was much cooler than it's replacement in Evo...
  7. OneTooMany

    OneTooMany Well-Known Member

    Re: Canadian Backbreaker

    U know what whould be cool if they put it back.Make it that if ure it close range of a wall u slam them against it like when they do it in wrestling match with the turnbuckle
  8. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Canadian Backbreaker

    [ QUOTE ]
    OneTooMany said:

    U know what whould be cool if they put it back.Make it that if ure it close range of a wall u slam them against it like when they do it in wrestling match with the turnbuckle

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wolf has a wall throw similar to what you speak of. More like the Oklahoma Stampede ala Steve Williams/Dr. Death stylee.

    [3][P]+[G] when your opponent has their back to a wall.
  9. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Re: Canadian Backbreaker


    That is a sweet wall throw; he's had that since VF3. Although it does look similar, I think OneTooMany was referring to the move that the Steiner brothers invented many moons ago. Only off of the wall (obviously /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif)instead of the turnbuckle.
  10. GreatSinister

    GreatSinister Active Member

    Re: Canadian Backbreaker

    yeah but whats really dumb is that they replaced the ghostbuster(aka steiner screwdriver aka [3][3][P]+[G]) with a rather weak-looking brainbuster... i mean, it is a game and at no risk to anyones health he could drop them a little more vertically on the skull /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    and i could do without all the emulation of the rock. wolf doing the peoples elbow... thats just shot out. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

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