Can You gain ranks through VS mode?

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by DarkSparda, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    I just did over 20 matches with my friend, and we still havent gotten any ranking matchs for either of us, can you even get them in VS, and if you can, can you get to champion this way?
  2. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    You can gain ranks in VS mode. In order to gain rank you must beat someone the same rank as you. So if you and your friend aren't the same rank, you cannot gain rank (unless you're below first dan which you gain rank after so many matches) Getting to Champion this way would require you to have two characters. The first would go through quest mode and get to say 1st degree. Then go into vs with your other character (also 1st degree) and beat the 1st character until you go up in rank with him/her and down in rank with the other. Then go back into quest with your first character (now 10 kyu) and get to 2nd degree. Then repeat going into vs and going up one / down one and back into quest and get up two. As you can see, this is unlikely to be something you want to do.
  3. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    thanks, not that we'd like to, but its always a plus to be wuping each others ass AND gaining rans at the same time.

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