Can ANYONE do Akira's moves using the PS2 controller?

Discussion in 'Akira' started by MasterMonk, Jul 29, 2002.

  1. MasterMonk

    MasterMonk New Member

    I can do all of Akira's moves reliably on the PS2 controller (I love being able to pull of the DLC whenever I want because I hear so many people complain about the difficulty /versus/images/icons/grin.gif) except for his knee and the SPoD. So, my question is this: is there ANYONE that can do either of these 2 moves reliably on the PS2 controller?!
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    /versus/images/icons/grin.gif I can do The SPoD [P][K][G][4][3][P][G][6][P] all the time.The DLC [K][G][3][6][P][4][6][P][K] is hard to pull off and the knee i can't do
  3. MasterMonk

    MasterMonk New Member

    Wow. That's pretty impressive to me, almost every time I try the SPoD on the PS2 pad I screw it up (I think I just keep pressing [2] or [6] instead of [3] becaue I press the buttons so damn fast =\). Wich control setup do you use? 'Cause I use the default (type A) controls.
  4. Akira_Zero

    Akira_Zero Well-Known Member

    I don't do the knee much. I usually use the m-Shrm for floaters. As far as the SPoD goes, it's a piece of cake for me. It's all a matter of accuracy at first. It just takes practice. The key really is getting the first two hits. You have to get the [4][3][P]+[G] at the same time as the [P]+[K]+[G] hits. Make sure you press [3] and [P]+[G] at the same time. Akira will switch sides after the body check so be aware of the direction. The only thing left is the [6][P]. After the second hit, immediately press [6][P]. Now if u get the SPoD down, the only thing to worry about is setup. Hope that helps.
  5. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Might wanna do a 2/3 SPoD into a sidekick for a backstagger into [6][6][P], [6_][P][[G]], m-shrm/knee, m-dblpalm. Or just go for [4][3][P]+[G] into sidekick and the above mentioned follow-up.

    Also of note ( although most of this is off-topic ) is the [4][6][P], [P], m-dblpalm : I used to do [4][6][P], [P][[G]], m-dblpalm... The double palm would rarely connect, its important to not [G]-cancel your [P] in order to be regular with this combo ( one of the few that actually gives you an advantage if you dont [G]-cancel ).
  6. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    you might want to map one of the default punch buttons to [P]+[K]+[G] for a smoother and less awkward spod motion. That way you're assigning the direction keys to your left hand and the buttons to your right, the way games were meant to be played in the first place! This has helped me a LOT when I'm left with no choice but to use the controller
  7. MasterMonk

    MasterMonk New Member

    Yeah, I just tried doing that a little wile ago, it worked better, but I still end up pressing the directional buttons too innacurately. Almost every time when I try to press [3] I'll accidentally press [2] or [6]. Its strange because when I try doing just the [4],[3]+[P]+[G] throw I can execute it just fine, but not after the [P]+[K]+[G] attack. I think I'll just start trying to press the [P],[K], and [G] buttons seperately rather than the single [P]+[K]+[G] button. Although a three fnger setup might not work too well because the buttons are so close to each other on the PS2 Pad =/.

    Back to free training mode for me.
  8. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    The only moves that I can't do with a pad is the knee and the DLC. Basically everything else I can most of the time including Axe Blade Combo and SPod.
  9. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    woohooo i started using akira yesterday because since the time i got it and tried everybodys movelists it kept pissing me of that i couldnt do some of akira's moves. but finally at around 2 in the moring i was able to pull of the SPoD and DLC perfectly.
  10. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm impressed. How long were you playing and what was the setup you used on the pad?
  11. Tripp

    Tripp Member

    I have this weird problem that I was wondering if anyone else noticed. In training mode I am unable to do the DLC consistantly when the opponent is just standing there but in juggles (like after a [3][3][P]) I have a significantly higher success rate. Do you have a bigger window to do the last hit when the opponent is in the air?

    As for the SPOD, it just takes a lot of practice. Eventually people should be able to do this move consistantly on a controller. The knee I have never done nor do I ever expect to do the move on a consistant basis. I refuse to believe that anyone can do this move consistantly on the PS2 or in the arcade. Sega needs to change the input command because this move is just way too difficult.
  12. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    I tried for about half an hour. Before that i was able to pull of the first 2 steps of the SPoD [P]+[K]+[G] then[4],[3]+[P]+[G] but i could never finish it with the [6]+[P] so i just kept going at it. Finally i did it and it just came easily after that. I also pulled of that knee attack of his but only once. I used the defualt settings. But god damn my thumb was sore after i could do it. I gotta get myself a stick.... /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  13. MasterMonk

    MasterMonk New Member

    After 3 hours in training mode and still not being able to do the SPoD consistently (I ot it a few times), I completely gave up on the attac and I don't botherto use Akira anymore. Now I use Kage and, in short... I rule (current record of 203/4. Yeah, I know it ain't that hard to win against the low ranking people I'm fighting in kumite right now, but I'm pretty sure I'll be gathering some orbs by tomorrow /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif).

    BTW, I can pull off the knee kinda easily now, but is basically pointless to try in an actual fight because it takes two fingers. When you try to do the knee, you just kinda have to brush the edge of the gaurd button, not too bad after you get used to it.
  14. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    I can do the spod a good 5 out of ten times. I can do the dlc about 4 out of 10. But it's delayed. lol. My controller pad set up is as followed...

    p k

    g p+k+g

    All shoulder buttons are turned off. My friend was telling me that the stunner for wolf was hard to do on a pad. I don't think so. It's all about timing. Once you get the timing down, it's all good. I believe that goes with the spod with akira and the dlc. For the knee, I can't get it out. Oh well. Life goes on. :)
  15. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    Do you hold your pad like a stick because without the shoulder buttons and that layout pressing [K]+[G] has to be hard.
  16. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I use my two fingers. Pressing K+G is easy, I use my middle and index finger. The p+k+g is used for tech rolling and low throwbreaking and a few other things. That's about it. It's really easy to transition to an arcade or someone's stick with that config for me that is.
  17. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    I can do SPoD,DLC,AS3,the knee and all of his other moves.
  18. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    You're not the only one. Hehehe.....

    I just started with akira on vf4, took a while for me to get everything out though.
  19. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Big deal, the only reason you can do it is by playing against me, you Wanker. If you don't agree than I'm going to have to kick your ass by practicing more on you.
  20. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member


    After friday, I praticed that new trick you taught me. It works worders. I'll probably try it on you next time. Hehe...

    Btw, a new evo clip w/ akira vs goh is up at baiagu

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