Brook Fighting Board Troubleshooting

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by akai, Jun 6, 2021.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I modded a Madcatz PS3 Arcade Fightstick VS Version with the PS4+ Audio Fighting Board to allow my PS3 stick to be used on PS4 / PC....cheaper option than buying a new stick. Got to test it out on VF5US this weekend, but there appears to be a disconnect issue.

    After adding the board and updating its firmware, I tested it out on PS3 until it was working without any issues. Then a quick test of PS4 Street Fighter V, Samurai Shodown, and VF5 Ultimate Showdown and it looks to have been working. However, trying out offline versus and arcade mode, about once every round, the controller disconnects. Usually, a quick press on the PS button and it works again. A couple times it goes haywire and it is spamming left, right, or down.

    What I have seen on the internet so far is if someone had disconnect issues it seems to be firmware or the USB Cable. I have the latest firmware and I am getting a new USB cable for the stick (temporarily using the printer cable for it) to see if that is the issue. Not sure how many people have used the Brook Fighting Boards but hoping to get some help or see if other are having issues with VF5US as I have spent more hours working with the board than I would have liked!
  2. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    I've had some issues with cables before and they were mostly disconnect issues. I've also had issues where I wasn't able to update the Brook board with certain USB cables.

    I think it's just a cable issue, but we will see.
    akai likes this.
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Noticed the connection from breakpoint to the fighting board was not very tight. It looks like you have to push quite firmly to get a solid connection. Still strange that the stick seems to work on the PS3, but not the PS4.

    Changed out the USB cable and plug it directly into the Fighting Board instead of the breakpoint. So far no issues after 30 minutes on the Playstation 4. So hopefully that was the only issue!
    DomAug likes this.

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