Broken sticks story thread

Discussion in 'Console' started by maddy, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Let's share some stories involving shitty sticks that broke down on its own. (That's right. It's the shitty ass sticks thread)

    I had 6 broken infamous Pelican sticks($19.99 at best buy..also some are being sold in K-mart).

    4 of them are for button(s) and the rest two are for the stick. One of them was even broken from the beginning. (P button didn't work). I can't believe these stick is still being sold in the market.

    Along with that, I had 3 broken VF4 Evo sticks. All of them are for buttons. Stick itself on it seems ok. It tends to get loose after some use of it, but I've never had a broken stick problem. BUT, buttons on it have no durability.

    That's my story so far. Being an Akira player doesn't really help in prolonging stick's life, so if you are an Akira player, stay away from the sticks above.

    Let's share some stories. I believe there's gotta be someone who can top me in this category.

  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I have a "Pelican stick gone bad" story myself.

    I bought a Pelican Universal after my Topmax Dominator died out due to a short at the base of the stick. The Topmax lasted me 2 years and wasn't to upset about it not working because I never really liked it to begin with.

    It was a choice between the Pelican or a Hori Real Arcade Pro. I bought a Pelican Universal (PU) cause I wanted a stick to work with multi platforms. I intended to get an Xbox and wanted a stick to play various games on it. Also, I heard that it was is easy to custom modify it with better equipment. Plus the price for a P.U. was $55, a Hori RAP was selling at this store for $115. I listened to the scrooge in me and got the Pelican.

    The P.U. stick lasted less than four sessions with it. It broke done mid-game playing somebody as it failed to move toward the right at all. I could say I used it no more than 12 hours.

    I'm still going to try to mod it but I was just shocked to see it die out so soon.

    P.S. I tested a Hori RAP and its GREAT! I'm considering buying it.
  3. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Maddy just replace your evo stick buttons with some sanwa parts.

    A sanwa modified stick can endure the rage of maddy even in the most harshest conditions as proven at evo 2k4.
  4. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Hey one time I broke my stick wait no I didn't cause it's a [​IMG]

    btw feel free to remove this if you (think it's too vulgar) CANT HANDLE THE HUGE AMERICAN PENIS STICK
  5. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Oh god I forgot you played on that battleship of a joystick. Still holding up eh?

    MAS -1

    VF4evo/Pelican - 0
  6. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    how come you have the text around the stick, is it in case you forget that left and right will move? because that seems unneccesary

    and some people dont like gripping a penis when they want to hang around with friends and play games, but to each his own (zing?)
  7. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    I can fix those Evo sticks of yours Maddy. I can replace them with Sanwa parts. Ive modded many Hori sticks such as the Namco stick, the SC2, the Tekken 4, as well as many other Horis. I also build custom Sanwa sticks. Ill post some pics when i get the chance.

    If your interested, email me back at
  8. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    Here are pics of 1 modded Namco ive done. Sorry about the shitty pics. I took pics of the internal wiring to show off how clean the install was but for some reason they arent uploading. Ill try to figure out the problem ASAP.

    Ive modded alot more Horis like the SC2, VF, VF Evo, Namco, Tekken 4, etc. but i needa upload the pics. Im just being lazy.

    Anyways, this particular Namco stick has a Sanwa 360 Optical stick (no microswitches so no clicking when rotated) with a swappable Octagon and Square gate and a stick shaft cover protector. The buttons are blue Sanwa buttons. (Obvious. =P)

    Dandy - MAS sticks are some of the most faulty consumer sticks on the market.
  9. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

  10. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    Arrrgh. My X-Arcade stick broke. I'm not too technical of a player, so I don't know what parts it was made with...or if they were "good" in the larger scheme of things...but I really liked the X-Arcade! It was a good size for me, and most of all, it was comfortable.

    I had a few intermittant problems with the stick - it would...well, STICK - but only sometimes when I'd turn the game on. Usually, I'd just rotate the stick, reset the game (which I guess didn't really do anything) and it'd be all good. But one day I was all rarin' to go and couldn't register a move to the left. In fact, when I'd move the stick in any direction, it'd click as usual, but wouldn't click to the left - so I'm assuming it's the little left trigger in there at the base of the stick.

    I play VF4Evo, MvC2, GGX2, SC2 and others...and I was stoked about having a nice heavy stick that felt like I had an arcade cabinet in my lap. Worst thing is that since the stick was a gift, I don't have the receipt and thus, can't take advantage of the company's lifetime guarantee.

    So, to make a long story short - if any of you are in the LA area, I might be calling on you to fix my stick /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I actually tried to open the guy up to see if it was just something I could WD40. But alas, I just wanted to play MvC2, so I put off opening the unit up. So, it's basically collecting dust. Dang.
  11. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    I have still yet to break a pad. Opps.. wrong thread.
  12. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    My beloved Akira VF4 stick broke a couple years ago. I ordered an Evo Stick and played with it for a long time. I kept the Akira stick in the original Japanese box. I almost threw it out. One day my Evo stick got a little twitchy, so I busted out the Akira stick and sent it to Conspiracy. He replaced all the Hori parts with Sanwa parts and now its better than new. The End.

    P.S. American-style, floppy dildo sticks are worth less than dogshit.
  13. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Way back when Mrs. Right started getting on my case to buy a stick I went out and bought a Pelican Real Arcade Universal stick. It was pretty and black, and it worked on Gamecube, Xbox, and PS2; or at least it was supposed to. It worked on my Xbox, but it wouldn't work on my Playstation. I figured it was broken so I took it back and got another one. Got home, plugged it up, the second one didn't work on my PS2 either. It also worked on my Xbox but not my PS2. So I took it back to the store plugged it up to the PS2 there and it worked fine. That is what I get for being hard-headed. They (everyone on this site) told me, avoid all things Pelican. I wouldn't listen. I learned the hard way.
  14. Neko

    Neko Well-Known Member

    Aight, here is mine, not much ... but a little funny I guess.

    hori vf4 evo stick. 7-8 months young. You can guess what is wrong with it.

    I'm sittin there chillin with kage working the timin for the knee in training mode and all of sudden kage just busts out the jumonji stance! Now...I know I am not crazy and I did not press [G]+[P]+[K], so I pretended nothing happened and got up to go get some water.

    So I get back and am lookin at the screen and kage (now back to regular) busts a [K]+[P] -> jumonji -> [G]+[P]!! lol. So I'm sippin my water watching Kage beat the shit out of the guy and I'm thinking "damn, I'm gonna have to learn how to solder."

    I got some circuit boards to practice on and I'll be ordering the buttons soon.

  15. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    5 PS2 pads & 1 stick smashed into big pieces & another one coming soon. Since I get frustrated easily w/ sticks :p
  16. Toodles

    Toodles New Member

    If anyone has any busted VF hori sticks they dont want (VF4 or Evo version, doesnt matter), send me a PM and Ill buy it off of you. I can fix it up and finally have a stick strictly for VF.
  17. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    wow you're like a super tramp.


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