Brad Juggle Vid

Discussion in 'Brad' started by BradBurn5, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. BradBurn5

    BradBurn5 Member

    This is a Vid i made, is a short vid but it has good Juggles including a Maximun Damage one(94 Damage w/o counter /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif ) Soon im making a Part 2, and Hopefully is longer lol

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Hey, BB5, wasup.
    Just wanted to help you out and let you know that a lot of those combos are techable, meaning that your opponent can avoid the last few hits of it by tech-rolling.
    In order to test if your combos are techable just go to dojo mode and in the CPU options there is going to be another option at the bottom for details. You can set the computer to tech to either the foreground or background or in place.

    The dojo options are limited compared to VF4 Evo but there are a few good things that you can do to have your computer opponent react more like a human would.
    You can even go to details and put all of the CPU's actions to random, that should give you a more human-like reaction to your attacks and combos.
  3. BradBurn5

    BradBurn5 Member

    oh yea lol i know especially the 94 damage one, and the one i do the grab but just wanted to show a vid just incase someone is fighting a noob at techrolling lol.

    I'll try that with the cpu, would help if i know what moves are techable when im fighting people.
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Reply I'm going with:

    Bradburns5; Look at

    Learn real combos. These will probably help your own gameplay a lot. Nobody really cares about escapable 'juggles'/'combos' in VF since they're not really combos to begin with and won't work in higher level play either. They really don't. Now if you could put up a combovid with the blackbookcombos that would probably be benefical for the community. It's cool that you're active nontheless. Keep posting and playing Brad ^____^

  5. BradBurn5

    BradBurn5 Member

    lol theres only 2 combos out 7 that can be techrolled, the others can be perfectly done in a fight. i put 3 from the blackbookcombos if u havent noticed it.

    and i know i cant use those combos on a fight either, i dont lol, its just a vid to show some combos, i never said use them. Only 3 from the vid are useful in a fight, that are in BlackBookCombos and u can say that i use them alot.
  6. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Ok, hate to be an ass but I'm not sure you get this. These are not "good juggles" (in VF called combos) cause 3 of them aren't combos even and the other 4 aren't maxcombos - some very far from it and give poor okizeme after. I can honestly say that I wouldn't recommend any of them in Brad vs Brad (middleweight).

    Many newcomers to the site might believe these are combos / good (cause you say they are) etc while the first thing they should focus on imo is learning to techroll and what's escapable and guaranteed etc. As such this video might actually hurt their understanding of the game.

    From the top then;

    First combo - you do realize you'll never get a 46k+g stagger into a 24f launcher (46k) on anybody right? There are better combos out of 46k as it's his best launcher also. Look in the blackbook.

    Third combo; once again - your so called 94damage combo isn't a combo. A combo in VF is something unescapable. You won't get a 46k+g into a 46k while someone is staggered. The only reason it's counted as a combo is cause you've put down the staggerrecovery to none. From your initial post this is the one that you're proud of - it's not a combo at all.

    7th combo - can be techrolled. If people don't techroll or QR you can do insane amounts of damage, more then this actually.

    Don't give up your enthusiasm though.

    Regards / KiwE
  7. BradBurn5

    BradBurn5 Member

    yo did u read what i put b4 ur post? i just explain about most of the shit u said. lol i just said these juggles arent to do on a fight, theres only 3 there that are really useful, im just f'n putting vids up cause thats what people keep saying, to put up vids of ur character and shit.
  8. Azyndevil

    Azyndevil New Member

    I liked the video if that counts for anything. I like brad, and i just use a simple combo finisher to most of his launchers which is the PPPK (I know I'm a newb but it works).
  9. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    2 haters and 2 nobodies - body count is rising in here man..

    keep posting cool vids man, if i could i would.. and im sure 'nobody' /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif would care either..

    i prefer the 300 soundtrack, much better flamewar theme music..

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