Brad: Final Tuned

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Myke, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    The VF4FT No.1 Ultra Tune up

    The moves from each stance have been strengthened, and the hit throw neck grapple have been drastically improved. Dig into the important points to aim for in this new Muay Tai battler's techniques.

    Stengthening the strings from each stance

    What may become the key to the new Brad, his whipping body (slipping right or left [P]+[K]) and if done one after the other it will stuff any move with less than 15 frames after getting guarded. Also, the whipping body -> smash hook (slipping right [P]) if used will stuff all standing attacks, and if the whipping body is a CH it will naturally combo. Either can be stopped by a crouching guard, but in that case change to ducking ([6][P]+[K]+[G]), and use the Hell trap (ducking [P]+[K]) to Gazelle upper (ducking [P]+[K][P]), if it sabaki's aim for a punch.

    This can be focused on, but the Rajadamunan combination (sway back [P]+[K][P][K] on guard or hit [3][K]) can be delayed on the third hit, so after having the first two hits guarded lets you use a strong mix up. On guard it's not counterable, so you can just use all four hits every time.

    The chances to use the neck-grapple has increased a huge amount. This was introduced in the previous issue, on CH the [3][K] can link into the neck-grapple (except when hitting with the tip) The other properties of the move haven't changed so it's definitely a good option in ni-taku.

    Also, the hunting middle kick (slipping right [K]) will guarantee neck-grapple on just hit (again, except when hitting with the tip) so use it at long range, and also focus on it in okizeme.

    About the Change Moves

    Of note is the chopping blow (slipping left [P][P]). The first hits execution has increased and if used after [4][P][K] or [6][K] are guarded it will beat out any 14 frame attack (its execution is 13 frames, but for it to win cleanly the opposition's move must be 14). It's also strong as the second hit can be delayed and charged.

    Also, about the A move set, the execution of A1 has changed from 15 to 16 frames, so take note of this.


    - If the rajadamnan combination's third hit connects, always carry on to the 4th hit. The opponent will be hit to the side and unable to techroll. A large pounce from here is difficult to avoid.
    - The chopping blow, if charged to maximum will give advantage on block, so it is a powerful move.
    - The advantage of the chopping blow is such that on CH it will guarantee [6][P] and on hit will give a standing punch.


    When aiming for the Hell trap into Gazelle upper, input up until the punch each time. With this move, it only comes out if the hell trap sabaki's something and if nothing is sabaki'ed, nothing will come out. Also, the combos that can be connected after the Gazelle upper are pretty much the same as those after the [6][6][K]. It can only be used from stance, so the pay-off is very large.

    Source: Arcadia Issue 52
    Translated by: noodalls
  2. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Thanks alot for the article, lots of news. I love that they named his 2p sabakipunch gazelle upper. Dempseyroll, flickerjab and gazelle punch makes him really straight out of the Hajime no Ippo anime.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The chances to use the neck-grapple has increased a huge amount. This was introduced in the previous issue, on CH the [3][K] can link into the neck-grapple (except when hitting with the tip) The other properties of the move haven't changed so it's definitely a good option in ni-taku.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    'sup? This is the second time I've read of this as a new thing and I don't really understand it (can someone explain). He can link from his [3][K] to catch in Evo aswell on a CH. Can you or anybody ellaborate on this Myke?
  3. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    'sup? This is the second time I've read of this as a new thing and I don't really understand it (can someone explain). He can link from his [3][K] to catch in Evo aswell on a CH. Can you or anybody ellaborate on this Myke?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The transition to the neck catch has been changed, it is very fast now and looks a whole lot better. I think they're trying to imply that because of this the neck catch has become more useful since it won't "miss" nearly as much.

    On another note: those without VF.Net machines (like TO) can't try out the rising elbow or flicker jab and they are not the default moves /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    Also I had a hell of a time geting the 4th hit out of the sway back combo.

  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member


    So is the neck catch more garanteed in situations / less counterable now that it's faster confirmed (I mean attackwise)? The catch itself doesn't have any new options / harder to get out of right? Btw is it just me or does his [3][K] seem to have longer reach now?

    Thanks alot for the info Kbcat, sucks pretty hard you guys can't use changemoves - Brads changemoves seem to be very intresting (not to mention things like bringing back the knee to wolf and all of the other fun).

    Don't forget to have fun with chargeable knee from ducking against those who QR's anyways /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

  5. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: Thanks.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    Don't forget to have fun with chargeable knee from ducking against those who QR's anyways /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Brad's charge knee can lead to some extremely damaging combos. Against Llan's Pai I landed:

    (ducking)[charge][K] - [4]+[P][K] - (ducking)[P][P]

    for huge damage. Brad has defintely been tuned for the better -- even without being able to choose A2/B2 for his change moves.

    kbcat -- Lion has been tuned up as well. Its nice when sega improves the two characters that I play /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  6. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member


    [4][6][K] style combos of chargeknee???! 95dmg is yesthx. Was it fully charged / MC or what??

    Edit: Fuck this, I'm going back to playing Brad.

  7. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: Blimey

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    [4][6][K] style combos of chargeknee???! 95dmg is yesthx. Was it fully charged / MC or what??

    Edit: Fuck this, I'm going back to playing Brad.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was a fully charged YC against Pai (I believe Llan mistimed the inashi attempt). Think big damage on RC+ /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

  8. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sway back P+KPK df+K

    I was messing with the sway back 4 hit move. The timing isn't nearly has hard as Kage's upper of course, but the timing for the last kick is kinda tricky.

    You can delay each attack ('cept for the last one) for a good amount of time. It seems you need to input df+K a little bit after the 1st kick connects. If you do it using the same timing as the hit throw->neck grab, then you're doing it too fast.

    Brad is definitely better than before. I found him hard to control initially in FT. The new stuff seems to make him crazier. Took me a little while to get used to him.

    db+P is a pretty cool move too. It causes leg crumple on big counter. Haven't found out if there are any big damage followups, but b, f K+G and D,b + K connect w/o any problems. Seems like you're too far away to get a D+p after the crumple though.

    I've also been using A2 and B2. They seem to be really good moves. When A2 knocks the opponent on their ass, you can run up and pressure with throw or middle attack. Most of the time people tend to struggle out and fuzzy guard. However, if the opponent doesn't struggle (for whatever reason) then a second A2 will float them pretty high.

    Still experimenting with B2. Not sure when to use it. Once people realize that you have it set, then they tend to D+p you when you sway to the side. I guess that's more of a reason to mix it up with sway->knee and sway->middle kick since with B2 the opponent knows he doesn't have to worry about the quick mid punch to the gut.

    Well, that's it for now.
  9. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Re: sway back P+KPK df+K

    Has Brad's swaying motion been sped up at all and what hit effect is it now when he gets hit while swaying?
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: sway back P+KPK df+K

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shoju said:

    Has Brad's swaying motion been sped up at all and what hit effect is it now when he gets hit while swaying?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Slip/sway/duck motion is still the same in terms of speed, and the hit during is still the same as Evo (minor counter hit).

    But I want to mention that in the few games I played with him, it feels like the evasiveness properties have been improved slightly (or I was just imagining things). I'll try to experiment a little more with this next time.

    Only having played FT for one night so far, I was just going to concentrate on Kage the whole time, but after Eddie and DrunkenCat were doing all this crazy shit with Brad, I just had to pick him up again. He really felt like a totally new character, and I was losing pretty badly to these guys the first few times. Some of the new things with Brad that deserve mention:

    - [P]+[G] against a wall produces a heavy wall stagger (yes!). This provides a much needed boost to his throw game, and the damage potential afterwards seems very good. When this hit me for the first time I was mentally broken /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    - Worth re-mentioning is the lightning speed of the neck catch. In fact, I don't think it even has any obvious animation! Apart from that, everything else about the neck catch remains the same as far as I can tell (attacks, escaping, etc). My only hope is that he gets something guaranteed after a change and through.

    - The motion for the middlekick is new, and it does appear to have increased range. On counter hit, the neck catch is guaranteed and it's as if he grabs you before his leg touches the ground (scary). Did I mention the neck catch is fast yet? /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    - The [2_][4][K] has a new motion too, increased range, but still hits pretty low which is good. The old animation looked looked like it was circular but was really linear, so I guess this new animation is less deceiving.
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    FT Brad questions regarding the recent movelist / combo guide!

    Oki, first of all. What does it say /mean in the last thing decribed for Brad in the comboguide (page 31 in the .pdf document)? I mean the three images that end with a stagger.

    Second; the [P][P][P][K] (just noticed the K was semicircular = nice) combo is decribed as an option on [6][P]+[K] knockdowns as a combo (option 4). Is the against certain weights / has good RO potenial / what's the damage like / will it cause the opponent to fall facedown on wallhit?

    Third; since the [3][K] CH catch etc is now basicly a hitthrow (right?) and you can do [K]+[G] at once to get the third hit... well in Evo if you go HC for the [K] as you're performing the catch it's very hard (if even possible) to avoid getting hit by the first knee so can do the [K]+[G] at once going in the same way (and get a knockdown with a oki situation)?

    Fourth; is it possible to use the [1][P] as Oki? A true low which would punish someone offensive + semicircular. If you don't do the recommended [3][P]+[K],[P] followup on LC+ (and instead do something like [6][6][K]) do they fall face down then (backstagger etc setup)? That is does the [3][P]+[K],[P] followup change them midair?

    Btw; Has someone experimented in using the rising elbow [2_][3][P] from stepping? I've thought about doing / abusing that alot and on paper it looks so good with the reach/speed/advantage on all hits and only -4 on gaurd /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    KKthx for help and sorry for hassling ._.

  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: FT Brad questions regarding the recent movelist / combo guide!

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    Oki, first of all. What does it say /mean in the last thing decribed for Brad in the comboguide (page 31 in the .pdf document)? I mean the three images that end with a stagger.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The section is for "other combos". It describes the kind of combos you can do after a max charge ducking knee upper, which gives you the same height as a [6][6][K] ch.

    If they guard the max charge knee upper, they will be staggered, and it's difficult (not impossible) to struggle to avoid the [6][P]+[K], so it's worth going for. Followup up with your standard combo. In fact, just tonight, I had the same guy eat and guard the [6][P]+[K] after the stagger.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Second; the [P][P][P][K] (just noticed the K was semicircular = nice) combo is decribed as an option on [6][P]+[K] knockdowns as a combo (option 4). Is the against certain weights / has good RO potenial / what's the damage like / will it cause the opponent to fall facedown on wallhit?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Says something about Jeffry in Closed stance, and it requires the third hit to be delayed for the entire combo to connect. Not sure what it says about other mid/heavy weights.

    All air combos against the wall usually cause the opponent to fall facedown when perpedicular, making the fall unrecoverable. Free down attack of choice afterwards.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Third; since the [3][K] CH catch etc is now basicly a hitthrow (right?) and you can do [K]+[G] at once to get the third hit... well in Evo if you go HC for the [K] as you're performing the catch it's very hard (if even possible) to avoid getting hit by the first knee so can do the [K]+[G] at once going in the same way (and get a knockdown with a oki situation)?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not sure what you're asking, but yes, you can go for the [K]+[G] right away for less chance of it being guarded, and allows you to apply pressure. It sets up the same oki situation as after the [4][6][P]+[G].

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fourth; is it possible to use the [1][P] as Oki? A true low which would punish someone offensive + semicircular. If you don't do the recommended [3][P]+[K],[P] followup on LC+ (and instead do something like [6][6][K]) do they fall face down then (backstagger etc setup)? That is does the [3][P]+[K],[P] followup change them midair?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, you can use anything as oki but the payoff from the [1][P] isn't the best. It only crumbles on HC (not LC, MC). The position after the bounce combo should follow the same rules as any other foot crumble followup. FWIW, I've yet to score a HC with it yet.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Btw; Has someone experimented in using the rising elbow [2_][3][P] from stepping? I've thought about doing / abusing that alot and on paper it looks so good with the reach/speed/advantage on all hits and only -4 on gaurd /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't have change move access yet, so I can't help you there.
  13. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    A few more questions regarding Brad.

    Thanks alot for the answers. I can't wait to play with FT Brad. Had totally missed that the [1][P] only crumbles on HC! (Ouch) >_< -14 on gaurd for a lowattack like that is actually very nice though - just have trouble visualising it as a HC.

    About the sabaki. It seems very unpunishable on failure (since the gazelle upper doesn't come out) - is it?

    I just noticed in the movelist that [4][P][K] now is -2 on LC (!) while still +1 on normalhit. Wtf's the deal with making it -2 on LC??? Doesn't bode well and might lead to alot of 2p as soon as [4][P] is gaurded or am I interpeting wrong? Any thoughts (I take it you can't slip the 2p at -3 when the [4][P] is gaurded even though the slips seem better)? Is it to force more mixups (ducking > sabaki etc) with not doing the knee or something that's the thought?

  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: A few more questions regarding Brad.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    Thanks alot for the answers. I can't wait to play with FT Brad. Had totally missed that the [1][P] only crumbles on HC! (Ouch) >_< -14 on gaurd for a lowattack like that is actually very nice though - just have trouble visualising it as a HC.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's a pretty nice move actually, which I try to squeeze into my flowcharts every now and then. Since it's -6 on NH though, I'm still trying to figure out some good options from the crouch position. Definitely not abusable. Another neat thing is that it ducks under high attacks, so it's like a weaker version of Akira's [3][P]+[K].

    [ QUOTE ]
    About the sabaki. It seems very unpunishable on failure (since the gazelle upper doesn't come out) - is it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's about as punishable as Wolf's low punch cut. That is, if you anticipate it then you can hurt him bad, but if you try to react to it after it has occurred, it's usually too late to do anything.Yes it's fast, and the gazelle upper doesn't come out if it doesn't sabaki, so always enter it as [P]+[K][P].

    [ QUOTE ]
    I just noticed in the movelist that [4][P][K] now is -2 on LC (!) while still +1 on normalhit. Wtf's the deal with making it -2 on LC??? Doesn't bode well and might lead to alot of 2p as soon as [4][P] is gaurded or am I interpeting wrong? Any thoughts (I take it you can't slip the 2p at -3 when the [4][P] is gaurded even though the slips seem better)? Is it to force more mixups (ducking > sabaki etc) with not doing the knee or something that's the thought?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Be carefull when reading the frame difference. The -2 on LC is only if he stops and doesn't continue into anything. I know it sounds weird that he's more disadvantaged on LC than NH, but if you continue into a slipping attack I'm pretty sure you'll beat anything they try. Maybe it was designed that way to suggest to you that you should play the slip guessing game after a counter hit, and not stop the flow? shrug.

    Anyway, I double checked the guide to be sure I didn't make a typo and it's correct. The other possibility is that there's a typo in the guide, but for now I don't think it's cause to freak out just yet.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: FT Brad questions regarding the recent movelist / combo guide!

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    Second; the [P][P][P][K] (just noticed the K was semicircular = nice) combo is decribed as an option on [6][P]+[K] knockdowns as a combo (option 4). Is the against certain weights / has good RO potenial / what's the damage like / will it cause the opponent to fall facedown on wallhit?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just to correct myself on the requirements. You need closed stance, and against Jeffry you don't need to delay. However to get it to hit against other characters you need to delay the timing of the 3rd hit.

    However, of all the four combos listed it does the least damage, but it looks flashy.
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    <font color="white"> Brad Burns </font>

    <font color="white">Overview</font>

    During VF4EVO, Brad was a character with tricky movements and good strike attack damage potential; but his throw game was weak, he lacked moves from crouching, and it was easy to stop his special movements with a low punch. With these weaknesses, matches often become difficult battles. In Final Tuned, those weaknesses have mostly been addressed. Among the changes, a low punch sabaki from his special movements of which can be followed up with a combo has vastly strengthened Brad. On top of that, a charge move and new from crouch move have been added, thus making Brad a character with an easier offense compared to before.

    <font color="white">Change moves</font>

    A1 Rising Upper [2_][3][P]

    A mid attack with middle kick class execution, floats the opponent on counter hit. Throw counterable on guard. The main use is to punish the opponent’s attempt to interrupt at +4, its value is its ability to float the opponent for combo.

    A2 Rising Elbow [2_][3][P]

    The main use of this move is a follow up after a lp hit. In this case, the move is uncounterable on guard, and if you counter hit, you can stagger the opponent. Against an opponent who struggles, you can go for [6][P]+[K]; against someone who doesn’t struggle, you can go for [3][P]+[K][P].

    B1 Body Break (Slipping Left) [P]

    Mid attack that crumples on normal hit, uncounterable on guard, and can beat an evade attempt when you are at advantage. You should use this move when spaced apart from you opponent.

    B2 Flicker Jab ~ Chopping Blow (Slipping Left) [P][P]

    A high mid series where the second hit can be charged. If the second hit is executed immediately, the series is a true combo, and it leaves Brad at advantage. On guard it is mid weight [P] counterable. If maximum charged second hit is guarded, it puts Brad at about +3, from which you can attack.


    <font color="white">New Moves and Key Changes</font>

    [P][P][P][K] - Last [K] is two mid knee hits, if the first knee hits, second one is guaranteed and knocks down. On guard, it is middle kick counterable.

    [1][P] - Low attack at opponent’s feet. This move is elbow counterable on guard, and on normal hit Brad is at -6. There are some uses for this move because Brad is considered ducking at execution. On heavy counter it causes a foot crumble from which you can combo.

    [6][6][K] - On guard it is elbow counterable, otherwise same as before.

    [2_][4][K] - Motion for this move has been renewed, it now causes stagger on a crouching opponent. When this happens, Brad has a very good opportunity for BT [P][K].

    [3][K] (on counter) [P]+[G] - The motion for the middle kick is changed, and the catch throw after is now changed into a hit throw. This makes the catch much more reliable compared to before, the effect of the catch itself remains the same as before.

    [6][K] - This move does not float on light counter, only medium counter or higher.

    (slipping right or left) [P]+[K] - Mid level hook attack that goes to slipping right, so you can do this move over and over again.

    (sway back) [P]+[K][P][K] (on hit or guard) [3][K] - With the fastest input, first two high hits are a true combo. On the third mid kick, you can go for the fourth mid kick if it hits or is guarded. Since the third hit is throw counterable, you should always go for the fourth hit, which is uncounterable.

    (sway back) [K]+[G] - A low kick attack from sway back. On counter hit it causes a foot crumple, but since Brad will do a pose, you can not do any follow up attacks.

    (ducking) [K] (max charge) - When this move hits, it will cause Brad’s highest float, so you should go for the biggest combo possible. On guard, it causes a stagger from which [6][P]+[K] is guaranteed. Since it can be hard to hit check this move for hit or stagger, it’s a good idea to always go for [6][P]+[K] and combo from there.

    (ducking) [P]+[K] - Brad’s new low punch sabaki. On successful sabaki, you can go for the [P] follow up. Furthermore, since Brad has a very large advantage on successful sabaki, you can even do a forward dash into [6][6][K]. When you failed to do the [P] follow up, that is something you can do instead.

    (ducking) [P]+[K] (on successful sabaki) [P] - Floater after successful low punch sabaki.

    [4][6][P]+[G] - The animation when the opponent escapes this throw has been changed so that Brad is a little further away from the opponent. This makes defensive tech a bit easier and less risk of a throw from the opponent.

    [1][P]+[G] - If the opponent is thrown into a wall, now they take 22 damage.

    Other Notes: [4][P][K] on crouching opponent now leaves Brad at even. From his neck catch, you can now do [K]+[G] at anytime; this is the same move as the third [K] from neck catch, which can now be TR’ed for less damage.


    <font color="white">Execution Frames for Key Moves</font>

    [P] 12
    [6][P] 14
    [6][P]+[K] 14
    [4][P] 15
    [2_][3][P] (A2) 15
    [2_][3][P] (A1) 16
    [3][K] 16
    [2][P]+[K] 16
    [3][P]+[K] 16
    [6][K] 17
    [6][6][K] 17
    [2_][4][K] 17
    [4][6][K]+[G] 17
    [2][K]+[G] 18
    [1][P] 21

    <font color="white">Counter Table</font>

    [P][K] -12 (Can only hit standing opponent)
    [6][P][K] -14
    [6][P]+[K] -14 (Can only hit standing opponent)
    [3][P]+[K][P] -16
    [2][P]+[K][6][P] -16
    [6][6][K] -17
    [4][6][K] -23

    Source: Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned Master Guide
  17. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Brad Combo Maniacs
    Orange Mook
    Text - Kurita
    Translation - Noodalls

    Ducking [K] maximum charge or [4][6][K] or [6][6][K] or Ducking [P][P] counter hit/first crouching hit or Ducking [P]+[K] sabaki [P] or [2_][3][P] or [6][K] medium counter or [1][K][K] counter hit

    1. [4][P][K] slipping left[P][P] (B2)
    2. [4][P][K] ducking [P][P]
    3. [4][P][K] slipping left [K]
    4. [K][P] ducking[P][P]
    5. [P] [6][P]+[K] [4][6][K]+[G]
    6. [P] [K][P][K]
    7. [P] [P] [3][P]+[K][P]
    8. [P] [6][P][K]
    9. [P] [4][6][K]+[G]

    The combos from each of Brad's floats are his main damage source. Looks at the combo list, and then choose your big damage option. Essentially, the combo starters are listed in terms of heigh, and the combo followups are listed in terms of damage. About the followups, there are three things that you must remember. Firstly, in situations like the [6][6][K] hitting on counter hit, 1 connects on light weights. The last hit is a slam hit, so if the opponent fails to tech roll, a ground attack will connect, making it big damage that is hard to avoid. The next thing to remember is when the [6][6][K] hits on normal hit 5 will connect on light weights. It will also connect on middle weights on counter hit, and also for light weights floated by [2_][3][P]. One more thing, taking a [P] from combo 7. This is something done often when [6][6][K] connects on normal hit against middle weights. Against heavy weights, you take off one [P] and swap the [3][P]+[K][P] for [4][6][K]+[G].

    [6][K][6] medium counter or greater
    10. ducking [K] [3][2][3][P] (A1) [4][6][K]+[G]
    11. ducking [K] [P] [3][P]+[K][P]
    12. ducking [P][P] [4][6][K]+[G]
    13. ducking [K] [4][6][K]+[G]
    14. slipping left [P][P] (B2)

    If you go into ducking following the [6][K] you can go for stronger combos than you could otherwise. Specifically, against light weights if you connect combo 10 (in either foot stance) you get about 80 damage. The next biggest damage combo 11, will connect up to middleweight class if in closed stance after the hit. If in open stance you can go for [6][6][K] instead of [3][P]+[K][P], so determine which one to go for after the [P]. But, in that case the damage is less than that of 12, which connects up to middle weights, so be careful. Against heavy weights, for whom combo 12 won't connect, use combo 13. Combo 14 is in itself small damage, but ends with a slam hit, so you can try for a large pounce. If the [6][K][6] is guarded, you can go into slipping right and use strings, which is special.

    [2][P]+[K][6][P] or [6][P]+[K] or [3][P][P] counter hit
    15. [P] [4][P][K]
    16. [P] [6][P][K]
    17. [P] [3][P]+[K][P]
    17. [P] [4][6][K]+[G]

    With many chances to combo from a slam hit, go for combo 15 in open stance and 16 in closed stance. But, combo 16 won't connect on heavy weights, and also, after the [6][P]+[K] you need to delay the [P] a little for it to connect. In that case, although the damage drops a little, 17 is easier to connec,t so maybe it would be better not to try too hard and use this instead. Finally, combo 18 is for where combo 17 won't connect: against heavy weights in closed stance.

    Slipping right [P]
    19. [K][P] ducking [K]
    20. [K][P][K]
    21. slipping left [P][P] (B2)

    After getting the head crumple from slipping right [P], the basic combo to use against everyone is 20. 19 is a combo to use in open stance between Sarah and Jacky. But, even though there's the need to check footstance, there isn't much change in damage. If you're bad at checking footstance, go for combo 20. Combo 21 has a slam hit, so you can try for the large pounce.

    BT [P]+[K]
    22. BT [P][K]

    Slipping left [P] (B1)
    23. [2][P] [3][P]+[K][P]
    24. [6][6][K]

    After stomach crumple from Slipping left [P] (B1), 23 is the biggest damage available. However, connecting the [2][P] requires very tight timing, so 24 is a lot easy to connect.
    Also, against heavy weights you can swap the [2][P] for a [P]. Against Jeffrey, [P] [6][P][K] is possible.

    [1][P] Large counter
    25. [3][P]+[K][P]

    Slipping left [K]
    26. [3][P]+[K][P]

    When foot crumple from [1][P] occurs, or vital point crumple from Slipping left [K], inputting [3][P]+[K][P] asap leads to the biggest combo.

    Slipping right [K] counter hit
    27. [P][K]
    28. [6][P]+[K] ~various combos.

    When slipping right [K] hits on counter hit, the stun is long enough to allow for 27 to connect on the ground. Further, on heavy counter, combo 28 connects, which is very scary destructive power.

    Slipping left [P][P] (B2) maximum charge
    29. [P][K]
    30. [6][P][K]

    In the same way slipping left [P][P] (B2) maximum charge provides ground combos. Because the execution is very slow, combo 29 can be used on normal hit. The final combo 30 is for counter hits only.


    Whew, that was a lot of combo starters.
  18. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Is there any way to cancel the pose/taunt after
    (sway back)[K]+[G] CH?
  19. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It can't be cancelled as far as I know.
  20. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    damn yall, new Brad is tight as hell, there are very few things that I could see them giving Brad without them maybe a bit overpowering him, such as different throw stuff, but they did strengthen his throw game significantly with the new escape animation on [4][6][P]+[G] and the 22 damage on the change which makes it something your opponent has to worry about more so now then ever. The addition of [1][P] I think is invaluable as it gives him a secondary tech crouching move (other than just [2][P] and his ducking stuff which at times can still get hit high), it is half circular the opposite direction of [4][P] which gives him some niceness to it, and all of his new ducking shite is great, save maybe his new inasshi which I wasn't sure was necessary considering Brad had a ton of ways to beat low P before, it's just now he can beat those non frame guaranteed situations as well. Ah well, my 2 cents for right now.... :p

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