Boston Tournament April 24th -- Battle Royale: I

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by tbuxton, Mar 9, 2004.

  1. tbuxton

    tbuxton Member

    Battle Royale Boston ? Umass and MIT Unified!

    The MIT Electronic Gaming Club sponsoring a comeback tournament. MIT EGC is partly responsible for the creation of the UMass EGC and is the original host of the Best of Massachusetts series(last one was number 9 hosted @ Umass).
    This one?s going to be on a slightly different scale than BoM mainly because we are finally officially combining 2D and 3D. So for this reason we figured we?d change the name of the tournament.

    April 24, 2004
    Signups begin @ 11am

    77 Massachusetts Ave.
    Cambridge, MA 02139

    here is a map for the building:
    looking at this map you?ll want to enter where it says 77 Massachusetts Ave.

    Right now we have room 4-237 reserved and we will have a second room also.

    Tournament Breakdown
    All games Double Elimination
    All games Console (PS2 & DC)

    2D games (Run by MIT EGC)
    Guilty Gear XX
    Capcom vs SNK 2
    MvC2 - DC

    3D games (Run by UMASS EGC)
    Tekken4 ? this could be your last chance before tekken5 to show you not a noob
    Soul Calibur2
    Tekken Tag
    Virtua Fighter 4 Evo

    General Rules
    Double Elim.
    Almost anything goes
    Button Mapping ALLOWED
    If you hit start during match you forfeit the ROUND(as long as other player calls you on it)
    plz BYOC!

    Entry Fees
    All 2D games - $7
    SC2 - $10
    T4 - $10
    TTT - $5
    VF4 - $5? will raise depending on how much interest.

    I really need some volunteers to help with extra consoles,tvs,games so if anyone can help out please let me know. I also might need some volunteers to help run brackets. Even though I?ve run a bunch of these I?ve never bothered to learn how to do that well cause somebody else always does it LOL.
    I hope everyone can make it even if you say you don?t play anymore(who really does?) please come out just for the ownage and to have a good time. We are hoping to have some food/drinks this time(no promises I?ll try). NY,NJ,RI,CT,PA hopefully you guys can make it out for this one too. If VA and Atl make it I?m not gonna complain either :)

    Contacts: (plz send me a pm and not email)
  2. Dobi

    Dobi Well-Known Member

    Cool beans! I know Me, IronJunkie, Kenny will be there. Hopefully Shang, Jerky and Siyko will go too. They'll probably don't wanna go cause they don't wanna get owned by me like usual. : )

    p. s. I was just playing.... I suck at this game
  3. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    i'm in... be nice to meet some other players in the area
  4. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Vith is go go going. I'll proably take a bus down there or if a whole bunch of peeps from NYC and Nj come maybe I'll volunteer to drive there. Holla at me NYC peeps
  5. IronJUNKIE

    IronJUNKIE Well-Known Member

    It'll be nice if some outta state peepz would come down
  6. sykage

    sykage New Member

    I can't wait to be there to play some strong massachusetts vfers again. I hope some peeps from my old umass amherst days show up too for some strong matches, and I can' wait to get a chance to play some cats from my hometown nyc again

    I hope this becomes a tradition for VFers to get together and show east coast skills

  7. Hyun_

    Hyun_ Well-Known Member

    As there hasn't been a new post to this thread for a while, I just wanted to add one more post to this thread saying that I will most likely be there for this tourney. (All coming out of retirement, I guess.) I just wanted to add one more post encouraging all lurkers to come.

    I might be able to get a projector. (But not a screen) Can this event use one?
  8. tbuxton

    tbuxton Member

    ya it seems not too many post on here but i've been getting some good feedback in general and it looks like the turnout will be pretty good.
    we have 2 rooms for this event and each room has a projector i've been told. i don't know if we could use a third or not but i'll confirm that shortly. thanks for your help!

    *vcrs,tvs,systems,games always in need /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  9. IronJUNKIE

    IronJUNKIE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    tbuxton said:

    ya it seems not too many post on here but i've been getting some good feedback in general and it looks like the turnout will be pretty good.
    we have 2 rooms for this event and each room has a projector i've been told. i don't know if we could use a third or not but i'll confirm that shortly. thanks for your help!

    *vcrs,tvs,systems,games always in need /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that sounds good! i hope there will be enuff people for VF...How many of u Amherst VFers are comin down? how big are the rooms btw?
  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    just want to add to the people who are planning to show up:
    Vith-dos (NYC)
    Smurfu (NYC)
    Cruzlink (NYC)
    Raziel666 (NYC)
    Myke (VFDC Admin)

    please feel free to add yourself to the list if you plan or would like to come. thanks.
  11. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Richard, William & I are making plans for this...none of us have ever cruised the mean streets of Boston & Richard apparently has something for a certain tricky ninja. Any info on cheap places to stay near the venue or in proximity of potential gathering type locales would be most hot.
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I am gunna plan on trying to attend this event.
  13. Dobi

    Dobi Well-Known Member

    Cool, are you going as well? I know you dont want some of my akira owning you.
  14. ghetto-SHUN

    ghetto-SHUN Well-Known Member

    Konjou and I were considering attending this tourney.
    I'll know for sure by next week. If we go could u help us out with lodging if needed shang/jerky?
  15. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Depends on how school goes, but as of now I should be able to go.
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Boston Gathering Please Read

    Hello folks. First of all, thanks to everyone who has expressed interests in coming to Boston on this weekend. Jerky, myself, and the rest of the Boston Vfers will do our best to host everyone coming from out of town. It is the least we can do to show our gratitude for the effort of people traveling all the way to play/gather with us.
    A couple things:
    On the tournament:
    This tournament is held by people from Umass and MIT. While I do know a couple of guys from Umass, I am not involved in hosting the tournament. The person who started this thread is the tourney host. I don’t know the quality of this thing, but jerky, siyko, hyun and myself would be happy to get involved if asked. Among other things, I know Jerky is planning to donate tickets at Museum of Science Boston as prize. Hyun has offered to film and produce this gathering on some sort of media (I won’t say it’ll be a DVD cuz we all been there before. BUT it could be). I am thinking of donating a new ipod mini as the 1st place prize. If things go well, Boston Vfers would love to donate our time/money/energy to make it even better… anyways, this is what I’m hoping will happen. and we are willing help, not to bait and switch on anyone or anything.

    On the gathering:
    The gathering on the same weekend is for the Vfers coming into Boston for this tournament. We are going hangout, play vf, get to know some of names online, and maybe some folks will try to beat me up?… I know quite a few folks are coming from NY, folks from western mass, josh from MD, Myke from Montreal etc. The plan is to receive players on Friday afteroon play vf, Go to MIT tournament on Saturday, VF untile whenever and what not. If anyone wants to see the city I can take some time to show it around etc. We’ll are making hotel arrangements around Boston. It’ll be as affordable as possible. If anyone is interested in coming but has real issues with the housing cost… get in contact with jerky, or me we’ll be able to take care of you. As long as you can get yourself into Boston we'll be able to make sure you don't stave or freeze or something (no srider i'm not paying 1/2 for your ticket) So overall, it will be a fun time, a great chance to meet people. I’m not going to promise you’ll be a better player when you leave, but you’ll have a great time for sure.

    So in the mean time, feel free to pm/email jerky about the gathering or let us know when you are arriving Boston, or jump to irc #vfhome. More information will come soon.
    If you are confirmed to come and haven't let us know, Please make a post and let us know~

  17. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    This sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun...

  18. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Hey Andrew 3000, if you and KJ are seriously going. I'll force VithDos to drive a rental Van and all the NYC peeps will share in the travel expensive if that's ok with them. PLZ respond ASAP so we can sort out this b.s. out and just look forward to a kick ass weekend.
  19. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    If there's still room for one guy, can I join?
  20. siLEpai

    siLEpai Well-Known Member

    Kudos to your MIT crew and the UMass gang for organizing a venue to encourage VF interest at MIT and gather a great group together for amazing competition and fun. They used to have the blocky VF1 characters in the Student Center arcade, but there was never much interest or a following except outside at Jillians and sometimes at Good Times.

    MIT had great Street Fighter players back in the day at B2 winning 4 out of the top 5 spots. Cheers to you and the next generation of Virtua Fighters to take over the reigns to carry the new torch. Good luck with the tournament and have fun siLE! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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