Blast from the past!

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Myke, Jan 20, 2002.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    <a target="_blank" href=>Ken's recollection of the Sydney Java Tea tournament</a> reminded me that I had a couple of 'test' captures sitting on my HDD which were never released to the public -- until now!

    This trip down memory lane is merely a tribute to Kurita's awesome Taka-Arashi. Watch me choke against him, and then watch him totally destroy Kiu-Wai aka 'that taiwanese guy' /versus/images/icons/smile.gif Probably the most perfect display of Taka skill seen in any one match (or maybe I'm biased).

    You can download the movies from CreeD's ftp server for now. Here are some direct links:

    <ul type="square">[*]Sydney Java Tea, Kurita vs Myke (17.9 MB, MPG) >>

    Remember, these were captured when I was first getting to grips with the whole capture process, so forgive the size/quality and especially the sound. So crank the volume up extra high, you'll like the crowd's cheering and reactions!
  2. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Geez...the match between you and Kurita really came close. I was wondering where your PPHelix-K guaranteed combo was, but again, it was in wild, tense, tournament environment.

    I feel your pain though....
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    was wondering where your PPHelix-K guaranteed combo was, but again, it was in wild, tense, tournament environment.

    heh, would you believe that I hadn't known about that until much later? In a way, I'm glad, because it wouldn't have looked good if I had to resort to using it just to beat him.

    I feel your pain though....

    Thanks. Though my friends (the guys you hear in the background) didn't let me live it down for the longest time! But it's all good though. Great times. Great memories!
  4. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Actually the Infinity Brothers still have a pretty good VF4 game nowadays. I played him the other day and he got owned by my Lei Fei about 7-3 considering he usually beats me 10-6. He quit after he lost 5 straight hehe...

    He's got a nice Akira... lots of Charge attacks and dodge PKG.

    He didn't do the "standing double palm and deep check" combo though. But generally he didn't know what the hell my Lei was doing. His DLC and SPoD execution are really accurate but generally he relies on MC d+p, throw and dodge PKG.

    Its a pretty solid Akira with some no nonsense style and constant attacking. But its still pretty fun to play against. Something I thought I'd never hear myself say!

    Have/Should we broken/break the ice with the Infinity Brothers?!?!
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    How recently did you play them? I haven't seen them for the longest time and was beginning to think they either gave up playing or were out of the country.

    As for breaking the ice -- yes definitely! Actually, I'm on pretty good terms with the taller 'brother' I think. When we play, we always compliment each other's good moves, but we've hardly exchange more than hi and bye outside of a match.

    BTW, how sure are you that they're brothers? I've always thought they were just friends.
  6. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Last Thursday arvo...2-4 ish..

    It was well mannered in general compliments on both ends. Games are more tense with the shorter one (he's in some of my uni classes). When I challenged him(tall one) he was happy to oblige and it was actually quite enjoyable.

    I don't know who came up with Infinity Brothers but I think its the perfect name. When I heard Tai and Johnny first use the name I had a pretty good idea who it was. Generally there is no confusion when we refer to the Infinity Brothers cause we all know who it is being referred to.

    They may/may not be brothers be its not really that important. They've already set their nickname in stone for the ages. 8 or so years of tradition is pretty hard to change!
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    haha, ok, last post before I hit the sack.

    Their nickname originated for their use of infinite combos in games. At the time, the first version of SF3 was out, and Ibuki had the (close) HK, slightly walk forward and repeat, infinite combo, and they'd actually have no qualms about using this in versus play. And hence everyone's dislike for them grew, and the nickname stuck.

    That was a long time ago, and things are different now. Challenging the taller one is always a blast, but the shorter one always makes it feel like a chore.

    But I'm glad you've seen them recently. Try to encourage them to appear on Friday nights more often if they can.

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