Best tactics against players that use low punches?

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by dslgunstar, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. dslgunstar

    dslgunstar New Member

    Im more than competent with Sarah, but I always feel a little lost and defenseless against opponents that are proficient with low punch combos. What moves or tactics would you recommend against such players, or even players that simply mash d+p?
  2. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Her little leg-waggle move from flamingo does nice stuff to low punchers if you catch it right.
  3. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    You can also DM P+K or (if the lag isn't horrendous) block the 2P and then elbow -- if they try it again, you'll crouch stagger 'em.

    There's probably more specific Sarah advice, but the above is a good general solution for those pesky 2p abusers.
  4. MysticBoudha

    MysticBoudha Well-Known Member

    people that spam 2P are precdictable because..... well thay spam 2P.

    Just get a feel for those 2P. Get the timing right and react accordingly. Elbow is a top choice like sweep the leg said. If you can sabaki or counter them go for it or you can use some low crushing moves, DM P+K and a lot more .

    The idea is to get the feel for the timing and the pattern in which they use it. Mashers have obvious patterns, use em to your advantage and fight a cheap efficient fight that will get them to throw their game on the wall out of frustration.
  5. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Well Sarah is probably the best anti low punch character out there.

    To Jump over the low punch:
    (if you are in flamingo) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif

    If you enter flamingo at advantage (+2 at least) you can use FL /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif

    Even if you at disadvantage both FL /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif and FL /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif will jump over the low punch.

    Even if you are STUPID disadvnatage FL /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif will sabaki the low punch and give you +30-+60 frames and you can do FL /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif or /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif cancel to /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif

    You can also backdash the low punch since it has such crappy range. Like:

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif- /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif:df/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif (only if you backdash at advantage)
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif- /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif - /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif (the /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif is so you don't get the backturned kick, this is like the best option ever)
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif- /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif (if you need something to come out quick)

    So many things Sarah can do....
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Best tactics against players that use low punc

    Don't forget /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. appear

    appear New Member


    dont forget to try 6k+g
    thr first kick will jump over the poor 2p
  8. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member


    The end.
  9. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    Expect the low attack and u can do Up K+G, or Back P+K(that may be too slow though. U K+G is a very good option as on counter hit you can combo if u expect the low punch correctly.
    Forward punch as the person above me said. Alot of options you can do. Sidestep. Back dash and punish. Although unsafe dan said everything I said and better.
  10. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    Jeneric wins. 6P but i also like to use 8K.
  11. SUGATA

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    "The ultimate weapon" 2P-is Special Low move, so you can guard this also by STANDING GUARD with +5 advg... i use then (especially if enemy repeated 2P) OM,P(better to the enemy's back)->Heavy Crouch stagger->Guaranteed combo starter(may need buffering this in OM,P).
    P.S. This not working at 2 small chars(Eileen, El Blaze)-they hit your OM! WHY???
  12. WhiteAngel50000

    WhiteAngel50000 Well-Known Member

    I mainly use /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif to sabaki the low punches. It work for me. Many players use low punches to interupt for offense.
  13. Aria

    Aria Member

    hui!thank you so much guys =) i hope it helps...i hate that down punch players -.-...

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