Behold the glory of my mighty tool

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by Andramelech, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member


    I got a Brawl Stick shipped from Game Shark for just under $31, a Seimitsu LS-58-01 shipped from First Attack for $22, and 3 Samwa 30mm OSBF buttons form some guy in Diamond Bar shipped for about $14, off Ebay. All this stuff is on the way. Hope I dun good..

    Anyway. I found this Template, saved what I wanted, and made this conceptual jpeg to see what it'll look like.
    Can I send someone on here the PSD and $5, and they send me a sticker? I know I'm a cheap, and lazy bastard. If I go into Pip, (cause there's no kinkos around), what do I ask for? Also should I bring them a PSD file on a flash drive? It will need to be idiot proof..

    If it's a hassle, I'll likely just paint it black, but I'd like to use the Simon Bisley art.
  2. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Ended up changing the design a bit. Going for that crowded Japanese add look.


    I ended up going to staples, and brought a pdf with me. It turned out okay.

    Picture 003.jpg

    Picture 017.jpg

    This cost me around $70 all new. Brawl Stick, green red blue buttons, Seimitsu LS-58-01.

    The Seimitsu is awesome. I've never tried a Sanwa stick, but I can't imagine it being better than this one. The short travel makes it feel like it was made for VF. This was probably the easiest "Mod" I've ever done for anything. Anybody want to buy a shitty EX2?
    EvenPit likes this.
  3. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    it's very nice. what i like about the WWE Brawl Stick is that it's 1. still a Madcatz stick to its core, and 2. it's a modder's dream stick. it's so cheap and easy to mod. my only issue is that it's about $80 brand new in certain shops online. if i didn't own a Fusion already i might have considered a Brawl Stick along with Sanwa/Seimitsu part swaps and removing the gay WWE art.

    (not that WWE is gay, just the WWE All-Stars art)
  4. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    MSRP is $80, but Amazon goes up and down in price. Presently they are $30 shipped, but a couple of days ago they were $55. I feel like I beat the system by buying this for $30 lol. I don't have a lot of experience with different sticks, but my last one was a hori ex2. This feels so big and solid. I see empty cases being sold for $75, but I can't imagine they'd be that much better. I'm getting another one when I can..
  5. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Finally got my 2p setup. Now I can open my own arcade! :confused:
    I took away the phallic imagery and just painted them. Ahh the touch of cold cruel steel.. Sorry for the cell pick. The little weld holes on these were filled with bondo and sanded. The flat clear over flat black/white looked best to me. I added some ankle weights to the bottom left, and right bottom sides to balance them better.. just have to replace the last two black buttons on each stick (now that I got street fighter). I'm pretty much done. I won't bug you guys with my stick pics anymore :p
    DomAug likes this.
  6. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    LOL Brawlsticks should come with a removable decal so people don't struggle with the inevitable removal of it later on. i don't even think it would be very appealing for girls or gay people to stare at a picture of roided-out circus apes on their fight stick.
    Andramelech likes this.
  7. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Wow this is really cool you even got your name on it! Ima have to make one too even-thought I have no Idea how to use one!
  8. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    They have to know this by now.. with even a crappy more tasteful design, they could have sold 10x as many to non modders. maybe they made millions of them right off the bat with that artwork, and future models might be different.. If there ever are future models. They can't be pleased that a smart consumer can can make these better than SF4 SE sticks for cheaper.
  9. capt_catalina

    capt_catalina Well-Known Member

    The charm for the SE/BrawlStick is the fact they made the upgrade process as painless as possible. Plus it doesn't hurt being a more compact stick to boot.

    The hardcore modder can even find replacement metal panels for them for a Hitbox conversion, or even the Sega Astro City layouts. At the least I would plug the last two button holes, as 6 buttons is more than enough for my taste.
    Andramelech likes this.

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