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Back to the Old Skool

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by PPPK, Aug 20, 2002.

  1. PPPK

    PPPK Active Member

    Hey Y'all,

    Following a heavy stint on VF4 (during which I managed to create a host of new expletives) - I thought I'd give the earlier games in the series a re-run. What a blast! VF1 & VF2 on the Saturn.....haven't dug out VF3 yet. I know you guys play other fighting games (I've seen previous forums) - but how many have tried earlier VF's lately? Oh things seemed so much simpler then.....



    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    As it happens I was playing VF3tb on my Dreamcast last night, right after a session of VF4.

    To tell you the truth I still prefer VF3 to 4. The fights seem to flow far better and the evade button just adds that extra level of freedom and expression that seems lost in VF4. I also miss the environments in VF3 - they're absolutely beautiful. Nothing in VF4 can come close to the tranquility of Aio's snowy level or Jefffery's island. You just never seem to tire of VF3's stages no matter how many times you play in them.

    Yu Suzuki was spot on when he said VF4 was a sequel to VF2...that's just what we got. Not that that's a bad thing...far from it, the game is incredible...but I'm still in waiting for a true sequel to VF3!
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    As far as I am concerned a sequal should be to the most recent game...Fuck a sequal to 2.
  4. PPPK

    PPPK Active Member

    Ah - it's been so long since I flipkicked someone into the Subway....

    Bugger - I'm not going to get any work done now. Thanks a lot. ^_^


    PPPK :)
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    It was a sequel to 3. This "sequel to VF2" crap was just some PR spin somebody made up. The game's still 90% VF3.

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