Awww! The lil A.I. that wouldn't stop whiffing...

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by CrYingCHoCoBo, Apr 8, 2002.

  1. CrYingCHoCoBo

    CrYingCHoCoBo Well-Known Member

    ha, it's 5:33am, and as usual, im sphere hunting, and treasure searching, when i should be studying for my psy test at 11:00am...

    anywho, im basically just starting a kumite round, and if i don't get someone with something i want, like a treasure, a sphere, or a victory point (possible), then i'll just end, and start again, cause i really don't feel like bothering with Lion's pokes, and Lau's endless punch rush assults, or Sarah's stupid flamingo strategies, or Vanessa's stupid tree trunk legs staggering me...
    so, here i am searching for another Vanquisher so i can get a victory point...when along comes some jeffrey subjugator...jeffrey always did piss me off when i first started, now he's fun to play around with...
    one thing i started doing 4 fun with him, i would flip kick i think it's u/b+k+g...everytime he'd run in...

    then i noticed, the computer always rushes in, but it starts with a whiffed attack in preparation, which any fighting gamer knows is a big no-no. so i did the flip kick, and what'dya know, he ran into it blindly everytime, refusing to wait until he GOT TO ME, to start his combo, or whatever...

    i did the same with a lau...who wouldn't stop whiffing the first part of his punch rushes...

    is this a habit for all the a.i. fighters? i couldn't imagine an akira a.i falling for it since akira is so sudden and quick, with no rushes, but single powerful attacks...

    try it out.

    correction, akira is really bad with it, too many times he would start his two hit punch combo from 2-3 character lengths away...
  2. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Yeah, this is another glaring weakness in the AI. If you dash back (run away) they tend to start attacking out of range... whiffing... and leaving themselves easy to punish. Blame it on the Japanese insistance that you must fight toe-to-toe to be honorable.
  3. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Yeah, this is another glaring weakness in the AI. If you dash back (run away) they tend to start attacking out of range... whiffing... and leaving themselves easy to punish. Blame it on the Japanese insistance that you must fight toe-to-toe to be honorable. Yupa, can we dial up the AI to offer a better fight?
  4. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    You can adjust the difficulty from very easy to very hard in the options menu, but I don't know if this affects kumite opponents... I haven't adjusted it myself to compare.
  5. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    You should make your own AI to fight.

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