ATTN: ice-9 -->

Discussion in 'General' started by Guest, Feb 20, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hello, ice. I'm basing this on the previous conversation in the thread in which we were still trying to understand your reasonings behind this recent... activity from you. I posted it here so that it might find it's way to you sooner.

    I thank you for taking the time to read this.

    This is addressed to everyone, all parties, but especially ice-9, for obvious reasons.

    I dont know any of you here, on this board, which is still standing.... but so far you're all idiots, my opinion, of course.

    I actually dont have much to say, other than ice-9 has truely betrayed the ideals that he seems to believe he worked so hard for. The only ideal i'm seeing is the "i've got a bigger dick than you" argument.

    Which is simple enough, ice felt he had lost "power" of the cities, so he sought revenge upon the people who truely made the community in to what it was, and thanks to our resourses, will continue to be.

    Ice-9 has even admitted that it is the people who create the community, he goes on to say that he is the one who 'constructed' the house in which we lived for a few years. And that WE are the one's responsible for creating what Rumble City was and still is. And that his responsibility was to keep the place moving, so Rumblers, members, old and new will be welcome and find an interesting place to speak their minds, both on Nintendo and other matters, be them personal or humerous.

    So during the absense of RC, we found a place to hang out until it reopened, once it did, one of the first posts made was from ice himself telling of why he is going to shut it down. He says he did not reach this decision until the absense, which was strange because would have opened much sooner, but was delayed for some reason... I dont believe you, ice. I'm sorry... but I dont believe you... you had already chosen to take down the cities long before, in fact there is evidence persuading me to reach this conclusion... I am calling you liar, I know. And i've called you worse in the past, however this is serious.

    You had already, and please correct me i'm wrong... abondoned the cities many many months ago... I was told this by people who work closely with you, people that respected you greatly up until this last stunt you pulled - but they had told me of this long before... they were worried about you, wondering what you're doing and where you are...

    No one has betrayed any spirit, except for you, ice-9. It may be diffecult for you to understand (a few years ago, it would have been impossible for me to understand) but I was in fact able to create real lasting friendship on RC with a tightly woven community consisting of colorful individuals, more so than any internet community I have seen, including this one, thus far. And the truth is, most of the people who were a part of RC, and the cities in general, follow this ideal... an ideal we all thought you were proud of...

    We are hurt by your actions, you should be able to understand that... to us, you have abondoned us, but not before you kicked us out, and tried to drag our names in the mud...

    I am angry at you, and I am also hurt by your choices and your words... we really did look up to you, although we did not blindly worship you, like many other members of certain boards do.

    We are Rumblers, and furthermore we are Nintendo fans, if there's one thing we have learned, it is that we can not judge on first impressions, we expect you to show us your dignity in this matter. Please do so...

    I wish you well in your future investments.

    However, and as a business man, I believe you should re-evaluate your business practises if you hope to be succesful in the long run...

    Please reply to this, as I am giving you this chance to explain yourself. If it is the bigger dick argument and you did this simply to be spiteful, then please admit to doing so, you do owe us a explanation, at least.

    To piccolo, let me introduce myself, my name is Sean, I am 22 years old, 6 feet 4 inches tall, or more, depending on the weather. ;) I am also a trained boxer and I am widely infuenced by many martial arts academies. I do hope that you are not threatening any of my friends, if you threaten them, you are threatening me. I do not care what a member of Tendo City has said to you, as far as I am concerned you can go sit on your thumbs. But if you would like to schedual an appointment with me, please send me an email. I can be anywhere within the continintal US within 24 hours on short notice. This is not a threat, I am simply stating that I am fully capable of backing up any claims or statements I have made. And what's wrong with using spell check systems? if you have a diffecult time using the english language I would expect you to use a spell checker so that your opinion can be understood, however - your opinions are meaningless to me, as you have only instagated and whined in the small portions of this board I have read.

    Good day to you.

    ps. Again, ice-9, i'm asking you to please reply to this and shed some light on this entire issue so we dont have to leave it in such a mess...

  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I had previously decided that I would no longer address this issue and my every intention was to ignore responding to this thread, but then I remember how persistent and troublesome you were when you created trouble at Rumble City. And so now I am going to respond one last time, but I beseech you to read what I have to say very carefully because I am *sick* of this issue.

    - I did not decide to close NURB until late January. Whatever "evidence" you have is bullshit. Please get it through your brain. Whoever told you this "evidence" is spouting bullshit. Are we clear? Do I need to repeat this again? Do I have to use more creative profanity before people will pay attention and stop bringing this up? As most of my friends here at Versus City (and the other Cities) will ascertain, I had not surfaced onto the Internet until very recently in late January when Sega announced they were going to go software-only. It was around this time I made my decision. If you don't believe me then that's just too bad and I fail to see the point in your posting here today.

    - It's true that I was no longer involved in the day to day moderation of the Cities since the summer of 2000, but that is no secret. Then again, I have not been involved in the day to day administration of this particular site either for over a year (GE, Myke, KBCat and the rest of the crew do; please give them a word of thanks sometime guys). My decision not to be so closely involved in the Cities was a personal one and largely derived from a lack of time, but frankly speaking, it's none of your god damn business. I spend time my own time as I see fit.

    - Rumble City was reopened *on time* on February 1 for me to announce my decision and to allow everyone to say goodbye to each other and find some continuouity afterwards (i.e. agree on a place to go to after RC closes). I think I was more than fair on this issue. I could have never reopened the place and left it at that, but I didn't. So please shut up about about all this bullshit of trying to kill the community.

    - How I conduct my "business" is also none of your concern. Moreover, I never regarded NURB (or VFDC for that matter) as a "business." And don't even think about bringing up ethics; the only thing I can say is to look around you.

    - I am using a stronger tone in my choice of words because I am sick and tired of this bitching and moaning. lazyfatbum you are 22 years old for God's sake--where is your sense of perspective? Why are you arguing over an issue that you know is not going to change? The Cities will never come back; it is gone forever in form and in spirit. All the sites that sprung off the Cities should stop trying to emulate the Cities and to find its own identity.

    - Bigger dick argument? I think "bigger brain" would be a more accurate description. There are a lot of people out there with heads stuck in the mud; pull it out and think for yourself.

    This bullshit cannot continue. I do not have the patience or the time to clarify myself any further, and I especially don't feel I need to. Even if you are not satisfied with what I have already said, I strongly suggest you move on with your life. This is most definitely my last post to this topic.

  3. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    anonymous's hired bully said:

    "To piccolo, let me introduce myself, my name is Sean, I am 22 years old, 6 feet 4 inches tall, or more, depending on the weather. ;) I am also a trained boxer and I am widely infuenced by many martial arts academies. I do hope that you are not threatening any of my friends, if you threaten them, you are threatening me. I do not care what a member of Tendo City has said to you, as far as I am concerned you can go sit on your thumbs. But if you would like to schedual an appointment with me, please send me an email. I can be anywhere within the continintal US within 24 hours on short notice. This is not a threat, I am simply stating that I am fully capable of backing up any claims or statements I have made. And what's wrong with using spell check systems? if you have a diffecult time using the english language I would expect you to use a spell checker so that your opinion can be understood, however - your opinions are meaningless to me, as you have only instagated and whined in the small portions of this board I have read."

    ok, first things first. you are actually trying to scare me by saying how tall you are, what you do to keep in shape, and your age!!?. wth is that all about? what was that all about? what if I just said; "hi, im 26, ex member of DDP (dominican gang in higher manhattan), I have nice collection of guns and i have a nice aim" then what? to fuck somebody up means anyway i can, if it takes a bullet to beat you then so be it. did I say I wanted a boxing match!? if someone says "fuck you" on the street, what do u do, fuck em up no matter how, thats what.
    second point, why on earth would you risk a beating or death by someone you dont know just because I "threaten" some friend that YOU DONT EVEN KNOW IF ITS YOUR FRIEND!! how retarded is that? what are you trying to prove?. the point is the beef is NOT WITH YOU!, am trying to make annonymous aware that cursing me online is cowardish, and i'm willing to bet he wont tell me to fuck off in front of me, he attack me first as you can see, I was pointing the patheticness of those blast city members and then he told me to fuck, that was not necessary so i challenged him to say that to me personally and gave him the result of what might of happen if he did ever met me and insulted me. are you clear on this now? so tell that friend-that-you-dont-even-know-its-your friend to apologize and all will be forgotten.
    another point, you said "this is not a threat", then what the hell do you call it then, you are willing to defend someone you might not even know to a fight, thats like some stranger telling me on the street to fight him for no reason at all. you also said that you are capable of backing up you statements, then good for you, you are not a coward. annonymous on the other hand can't. so its good to know that you can but THE BEEF ITS NOT WITH YOU!

    and finally, the spelling thingy, thats anybody's choice, i choose not to spell check anything i write to a msg as i see it as a waste of time. as long as you understand what am saying, its fine. im not trying to make an essay everytime i post something on the web, specially for some game related site. we are not in a fucking school, spell checking should be done when the situation demands it. what part of my post was so wrongly written that mr.demon coulnt understand?
    oh and btw, if annonymous called you for help cause he cant stand for himself, then that guy is truly a pussy!

    hope we are clear on this, and if still want to defend some nobody then fine, come over here and if you wanna try to beat me up i'll do whatever means nesessary, it's your funeral. and think about it while sitting on your thumbs. (hey you did say that to me too :p )

    damm that was fucking long, never again :)

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>
  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Okay, listen. Listen. listen

    at the very worst, you know what Ice did? He picked
    up his ball and went home. From what I've gathered
    there are at least two people with what they claim
    are better balls and yet no one is playing, what
    they are doing is wishing they were playing ball.
    That's psychotic. Get out of the past, move on or

    I have to admit, the bullshit about you being a
    trained boxer (what does that even mean, anyone
    can be trained in boxing) and influenced by
    many martial arts academies (what, you watched
    some Kung Fu movies? Maybe you practice kicking
    the ass of invisible opponents while making
    the requisite noises and the odd "karate yell")
    was very funny. Reminds me of being in grade
    school when the smelly and dumb guy would always
    try to pick on the guy with brains and more

    The reality of this whole issue is that Ice provided
    a service and then withdrew that service. This
    service was provided free of charge, no one paid for
    a subscription fee or signed a contract. There is
    nothing owed to you here that you can't find at one
    of the new sites that have sprung up.

    For the record. If Ice closed VF.Com most everyone would
    move on to another board or migrate back to the newsgroups.
    I doubt we'd all spend as much time moping and picking at
    the past as you and your friends have done.

    buncha babies!

  5. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Hello, ice. I'm basing this on the previous conversation in the thread in which we were still trying to understand your reasonings behind this recent... activity from you. I posted it here so that it might find it's way to you sooner.

    here's another thing I don't understand. you guys keep
    asking the same question again and again and each time
    Ice gives you his answer. The fact that this answer
    does not satisfy you is irrelevant. You have been
    answered, time and time again. How many times can he
    re-phrase the same sentence? Ice has taken your
    argument and broken it up into nice, bite-sized chunks
    and addressed each point.

    And you are still here. So, now my question to you!
    What is it you really want? An apology? Ice to
    offer the boards back so you can refuse to use them?
    I mean, what are you really trying to accomplish?
    the only thing I can figure you are really trying to
    do is piss people off because you're pissed off.
    Well, that doesn't really accomplish anything.

    Anyway, this thread has been kinda fun but more
    stupid than anything. The fact that you people
    keep dressing up your conversations, pretending
    to be honestly seeking information and then not
    listening, dredging up the same stuff again and
    again says a lot about you. I hope you all get
    better and become productive in life.

  6. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    We are hurt by your actions, you should be able to understand that... to us, you have abondoned us, but not before you kicked us out, and tried to drag our names in the mud...

    Haha...this is what Piccolo was referring to, eh? A FUCKING message board.

    We are Rumblers, and furthermore we are Nintendo fans, if there's one thing we have learned, it is that we can not judge on first impressions, we expect you to show us your dignity in this matter.

    OK, English question, what does being a Nintendo fan have anything to do with learning not to judge someone on first impressions? Make them into separate sentences if you didn't mean two things to be related.

    However, and as a business man, I believe you should re-evaluate your business practises if you hope to be succesful in the long run...

    Since when did Ice-9 run BC as a profit-making-business?

    To piccolo, let me introduce myself, my name is Sean, I am 22 years old, 6 feet 4 inches tall, or more, depending on the weather. ;)

    Hi Sean, my name is Steve, and I'm 24 years old and 6 feet 5 inches tall. And my dick is approx. 20-ins, which I'm sure powerful enough to satisfy your eager needs. I also have been known as a famed champ of....

    Yes, GodEater, this does bring me back lots of grade school memories.

    And what's wrong with using spell check systems? if you have a diffecult time using the english language

    So...the spell checker had you spell the word "diffecult", eh? Geez...I hate those who spell "definitely" as "defanately" too.
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Everyone has said what i wanted to say

    Since u came here with a rude tone...the proper attitude deserves a proper response

    Go fuck a dog.

    It's a msg board...get on with ur fucking life.
    I am sick of this shit.

    If the neighbourhood cafe closes because the boss wants a change, are the customers supposed to bitch and lobby against the decision?

    Like I've stated b4, unlike blastcity, I DARE SAY IF THIS SITE CLOSES, WE ALL MOVE ON TO OTHERS!!!!!!!

    If u so desperately wanna have a board, OPEN ONE URSELF...

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'

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