ATL Thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by JasonL, May 9, 2007.

  1. JasonL

    JasonL Member

    Yo. I'm trying to find people who are in the ATL that play VF. ATL reps every other game hard, so there gotta be some people who play VF here
  2. Kasht

    Kasht Member

    ATL is hella good in Tekken!!! Where is the ATL VF5 crew? Does Clint or Killa6 play VF5 at all?

    Anyways, heard you coming to UGS Richmond this weekend. You bringing anybody else with ya?
  3. Kasht

    Kasht Member

    VFDC made me double post! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  4. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I used to play near the ATL with the Athens guys in Tekken and SC, and I've played the ATL crew on quite a few occasions. I hope GA reps VF5 hard, and there will be people to play against when I get back.

    Somebody call RTD on this!
  5. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    ATL Playa right here...I need some serious competition, ATL needs to rep this game hard...
  6. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    yo fellas, the richmond event is probably going to be one of the best turnouts you'll see in a vf tourney. please come and try to support! peace
  7. JasonL

    JasonL Member

    Yo Haven't been on this thread in a while so sorry for the late reply work been heavy. ToyDingo where you at in atlanta together. What your schedule look like? As for anyone else who plays VF I haven't really found people. I'm sure there is but their either casual or they don't post or look on any forum
  8. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Dude I thought you were gonna show up at the Richmond tourney
  9. JasonL

    JasonL Member

    That was before my car Broke down and went to the shop. I just got it back Monday at the cost of 900 dollars
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    hey so guys i'll be down in atlanta for a few days visiting my mom from auguest 16th-(someday I donno when) Any of you guys down with getting some VF5 playing in with pittsburgh's "best"
  11. JasonL

    JasonL Member

    Yeah sure I'm down. Let me know
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    cool I'll hit you up closer to when I'm gonna be in town.
  13. Dom

    Dom Member

    hey, i stay in college park, and I like to play VF, well, I haven't played VF since 4, i've been playin tekken mostly.. but i wouldn't mind gettin back into virtua fighter..... lemme no wussup
  14. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    ATL thread hehe. I live about a hour away from atl.
  15. JasonL

    JasonL Member

    I play SC mostly but I've been trying to get into DR and VF5 mostly. so if you guys interested in gaming then let me know. I'm going to a tourney in Lithonia, GA this weekend for DR and VF5. has more info on it. Check it to see if your interested
  16. Kousotsu

    Kousotsu Well-Known Member


    The Dark Tournament (August 4th &5th)
    Marvel vs Capcom, Tekken, Street Fighter, Virtual Fighter and more

    Web page for more info


    Our Address: 6981 Main St.
    Lithonia, GA 30058

    We can be easily found using MapQuest.

    From Conyers

    1. Take I-20 west to Evans Mill Rd. exit #74
    2. Make a right at the light
    3. Go through the second light (covington hwy.)
    4. We are 1/2 mile on your right (before railroad tracks)

    From Atlanta

    1. Take I-20 east to Evans Mill Rd. exit #74
    2. Make a left at the second light (Evans Mill Rd.)
    3. Cross under overpass.
    4. Go through the second light (covington hwy.)
    5. We are 1/2 mile on your right (before railroad tracks)

    From Stonecrest Mall

    1. Turn left onto Turner Hill Rd.
    2. Turn left onto Covington Hwy (first light after I-20 overpass)
    3. Turn right at second light
    4. We are 1/2 mile on your right (before railroad tracks)

    The Dark Tournament (Aug. 4th and 5th) PS2 & PS3

    General Info-

    Registration starts at 3:00pm, tourneys start at 4:00pm each day, try...deserately try not to be late before it starts please, we will not stall for you.

    GX does NOT, I repeat, NOT rape the pot. The door fee goes to GX of course, and 5% of each seperate pot goes to the organizers. The rest is split in the format listed below to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. This tournament is for the GAMERS in and around the Atlanta area, thus, the money is for you guys.

    Food, snacks, drinks are available.

    None of the following are allowed and will subject yourself to a lifetime ban: whining, crying (although, it would be entertaining), sore losers, annoying fan boys, etc. In the end, we're all here to have a good don't mess it up. (If you have friends that have 1 or more of these character traits, plz keep them in check.)

    We want the outcome to be HUGE, so tell everyone you know about this. Also, bring copies please of any game listed above that you can muster.

    Please bring your copies of any game listed possible, it would be much appreciated.

    Mapquest for those of you driving
    For those of you not driving, GX is located on the bus line. 116, 115, 86L anything going towards Stonecrest/Lithonia area and get off at the Swift St. stop

    Door Fee- $5.00
    Game Entry- $10.00 (Applies to each game)
    Scheduled Times May Vary pending # of entries

    Virtual Fighter 5 - PS3
    Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 - PS2
    Tekken 5 - PS2
    Capcom Vs. SNK 2 - PS2
    Street Fighter 3: Thrid Strike - PS2
    Street Fighter 2 - PS2

    Schedule: Saturday
    (Virtual Fighter 5, Tekken 5, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2)

    3:00pm- Registration
    4:00pm- Start (Virtual Fighter 5)
    5:30pm- End of Virtual Fighter
    6:00pm- Start (Tekken 5)
    8:00pm- End of Tekken 5
    8:30/9:00pm- Start (Marvel Vs. Capcom 2)
    11:00pm-End of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2

    Schedule: Sunday
    (Capcom Vs SNK 2, Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter 3: Thrid Strike)

    3:00pm- Registration
    4:00pm- Start (Capcom VS. SNK 2)
    6:00pm- End of Capcom VS. SNK 2
    6:30pm/7:00pm- Start (Street Fighter 3: Third Strike)
    9:00pm- End of Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
    9:30pm/10:00pm- Start (Street Fighter 2)
    12:00pm- End of Street Fighter 2

    Fighter stuffz-
    Evo Rules
    Additional Rules-
    Click Here
    Specific Game Rules-
    Click Here

    Tournament Prizes-
    This applies to EVERY game-
    1st Place-60%
    2nd Place-25%
    3rd Place-10% or entry fee back (which ever is greater)
    Organizers – 5%

    Everyone come to this, have a good time. Bring all you can, great outcome=more tourneys /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    B there or b square!!!

    Any body who whats to get some practice in come on up today.
  17. jampaileenali

    jampaileenali Member

    I live about an hour and a half south of Atlanta in Griffin. But i go to school in Atlanta, so it's no big deal to play someone there. I really want to play a human opponent that knows what he (she?) is doing. I've learned just about all I can learn from playing Quest mode on hard.

    Also, I'm new to this forum. And this is my first post I think. I've been registered for a week or two, but never posted.

    Hello everyone...although I doubt everyone will read the "ATL Thread" and see this.
  18. jampaileenali

    jampaileenali Member

    An hour which way from Atlanta?

    If it's south, you probably live close to me.
  19. GreatSinister

    GreatSinister Active Member

    toji: my secret base rly isnt beneath the ocean its in columbus, ga... & not so secret anymore ;o
    anyway, ocean notwithstanding my roomie has 360 & i purchased vf5 for it... maybe i could provide u w/a supplementary location for your veefin!

    so whats up fellow ga ppl? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
    any of u aound back in the vf2 days ever make it to columbus... diamond jims arcade to be specific?

    & jampaileenali, i have a friend who lives in griffin that plays... & while being fairly new to vf she destroyed me in my first matches over live bc i play like a ½wit now lol

    so yeah, hit me up!
    xblgt: greatsinister
  20. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Good to know there's someone else in Columbus who plays VF. We had VF4 at the arcade I used to work at (Hollywood Connection aka, the last and shittiest arcade in C-town) and it got played once every three months. I'm free whenever, so shoot me a msg. Right now though, I got no transportation.

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