Arizona Virtua Fighter!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Synthesis, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. Synthesis

    Synthesis New Member

    Just posting to see if we have any VF5 players here in Arizona. It would be nice to get some competition and a community going.
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    There's a player with the XBL tag of RAZ0RFIST - he's in Phoenix. Also look for PinesTree - he's in Yuma (and here on VFDC as PineTree).
  3. PineTree

    PineTree Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm in the Yuma area, where are you located Synthesis? If you're close enough we can definitely start something, let me know.
  4. Synthesis

    Synthesis New Member

    I live in Tucson actually right next to the UA campus. I haven't really played the game at all but I want to play it because it looks extremely challenging and deep. I even have a main picked out. >:3 I just wanted to know if ANYONE else here played it to see if it was a community worth getting into or if I should just play it for fun by myself every once in a while.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a car so I can't travel. =/ I could always take a bus if housing for a night that way the $34 some odd amount for the greyhound won't be for say, a 5 hour long visit.
  5. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I'm in Aurora, Colorado. If you don't mind a 900 mile (15 hour) bus trip... [​IMG]
  6. Synthesis

    Synthesis New Member

    That might be hell, but if you guys play other things other than VF and I have the time to spare, I don't think it would be too bad.
  7. PineTree

    PineTree Well-Known Member

    Tucson is over 3 hours away so you'd have to really like this game to make a trip. You say you haven't played the game so I recommend doing that first. Get a feel for it, and decide if the game is for you and something you really want to get deep into. I don't know what console you have but I recommend getting the xbox 360 version as it has the 'newer' version compared to the PS3 one. Also, a fight stick to play with instead of the regular controller to play the game is highly recommended.

    I can tell you from playing off and on for at least a couple years that the game is very rewarding and I've yet to master the game or my main character. I never get bored of it and it's a joy to play with others. If you have the xbox 360 version and play online add me (PinesTree) so we can get some games going.
  8. Synthesis

    Synthesis New Member

    Well, I've played it on my own and done some practice mode stuff, but I haven't actually played with anyone is what I meant. I've decided I plan on playing Aoi if I do get into this game.

    I'm not new to fighting games at all. I play Blazblue, Melty Blood, Guilty Gear, Arcana Heart etc... This is just my first 3D one that I'm actually interested in.

    Also, I don't have an xbox360 and I just have a PS3. I was very upset when I found out the PS3 version didn't have network play.

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