Are there any games that let you create your own….?

Discussion in 'General' started by hotsurkit, Mar 16, 2003.

  1. hotsurkit

    hotsurkit New Member

    What kind of games are out there that let you actually come up with your own gadgets or inventions? I don’t mean, like building a roller coaster. I mean, like weapons or vehicles or robots or monsters that you can actually design, build and then send into battle and control them in the fight. Are there any games out there that let you do this? If not, there definitely should be, wouldn’t you agree?
  2. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: Are there any games that let you create your own….?

    robotrek for the snes. You are a kid inventor out to search for your missing/kidnapped father. As you start out, you take a garbage can and build a simple robot. Along the way, you learn how to build weapons and stuff for your robot. It's quite fun. If you like rpgs.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Are there any games that let you create your own….?

    I assume you don't mean in real life :p

    There are lots of games that sort of let you customize your battle thingies from scratch, for example in the front mission series you purchase and manually combine your mechs (arms, legs, etc) and get to allocate points towards activating certain special characteristics (like stronger offense, better armor, etc).

    I can see how it could get more detailed - you could have raw materials and create your own ideal arm, legs, and body and customize the shape, color, and alignment of everything. It'd be pretty fun, but maybe a longer and more tedious process than shopping for parts.
  4. Ura_Bahn

    Ura_Bahn Well-Known Member

    Re: Are there any games that let you create your own….?

    You did not say for which format, if you got a godly PC then try Mech Warrior 4 Mercs. You just purchase a chasis and load up with weapons, set armor plating, tune up engine, install heat sinks and blast other mechs and salvage there broken stuff.
    You can also try RAD game tools to create your own full 3D games, there was this tank game some guy made where you shoot alien UFOs, he gave away the source code so people could edit collision detection and other stuff. I cant remember the name of the site but i do remember searching in Yahoo for "3D Game Tools" and "3D Game Engines".
  5. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    One game I can think of that I'm playing right now is Dark Cloud 2. Though it is tough to invent some of the stuff, because you have look for ideas and take a lot of photos. Still for my money you can find no better action/rpg on PS2. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: Are there any games that let you create your own….?

    hey there...

    the closest game at the top of my head i can think of to suit your match is the "Armoured Core" series (not that i care much for as apposed to the Virtual On series)

    it basically lets you build your own mecha completely from scratch adding parts, paint jobs, proportions etc you wish, then use them to fight in battle using the moves & wepons you have given it (as far as my knowlege goes) though i don't really know much about part 2 & 3 on the PS2, i was'nt much of a great fan of part 1 on the PSX... it was a nice concept, but the frame rate with poor aliasing and textures kindda spoilt it abit..

    any who, what you describe happens all the time in japan, they have completely customizable games of different genres such as RPG maker (PSX, and sequel was on the dreamcast) and even fighting game maker (PSX, sequel is on PS2 in full 3D) which lets you construct as much as possible you own game in that genre with tools and templates to follow ^^

    research in abit more, i'm sure you'll hit the jackpot sooner or later.
  7. hotsurkit

    hotsurkit New Member

    Re: Are there any games that let you create your own….?

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:

    I assume you don't mean in real life :p

    There are lots of games that sort of let you customize your battle thingies from scratch, for example in the front mission series you purchase and manually combine your mechs (arms, legs, etc) and get to allocate points towards activating certain special characteristics (like stronger offense, better armor, etc).

    I can see how it could get more detailed - you could have raw materials and create your own ideal arm, legs, and body and customize the shape, color, and alignment of everything. It'd be pretty fun, but maybe a longer and more tedious process than shopping for parts.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    First of all, thanks everyone for the suggestions. Very cool. Cree, no not real life. PC. I know most games let you customize your settings but I meant something more like building bots or machines from scratch. Virtual. I found three that seem cool. Mech Warrior, Robot Arena 2 and Roboforge. Have any of you played any of these?
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Are there any games that let you create your own….?

    Mech Warrior, Robot Arena 2 and Roboforge. Have any of you played any of these?

    The closest I came to playing these was my friend's house with mechwarrior. It was ok.

    I really enjoyed armored core 2, thanks to whoever mentioned that. And actually figuring out the ideal build to beat matthias (was that the name?) was tough, as was the actual process of doing it without cheating.
  9. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Re: Are there any games that let you create your own….?

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:

    And actually figuring out the ideal build to beat matthias (was that the name?) was tough, as was the actual process of doing it without cheating.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The two easiest ways to do this, I found, are as follows (beware, however, as both of these methods are extremely cheap/cheesy. ALso, however, bear in mind that Mathias had a core that was well over-wieght, and was thus cheating himself).
    The first method was the make a core, and give it the parts which gave it the most armour points possible. Then, equip a vertical missile launcher on either shoulder, or a vert missle launcher, and an additional (ballistic) ammunition tank. Challenge Mathais, and select 'Abandoned Highway' as the battlground. At the very start of the match, DO NOT MOVE!!! Stay on top of the building, and wait for Mathais to over-boost into range. As he circles the building beneath you (he will very seldom fly up to take a few pot shots), simply aim down and open up with the vert missiles. You should be able to slowly whittle away his AP without him being able to do any real damage to you. Simply be sure to stock up on ammunition, and be aware that this can be a painfully long process.
    The second, and even cheesier, method, requires far less effort on your part. With a core configured however you desire, challange Mathais, and again select the 'Abandoned Highway' arena. This time, at the very beginning of the match, jump off of the roof, and move near the edge of the level, so that the boundary warning flashes yellow (get as near to the edge as you can without actually stepping out of bounds). Now wait. Mathais will come speeding in at full over-boost, wait until the last second, and either use normal boost, or over-boost to move laterally out of his flight path, then turn around to watch him fly right out of the arena. You win without having to fire a shot /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Are there any games that let you create your own….?

    haha that stuff is cheap, that's the easiest way to beat everyone up to matthias. (well, flying up to the top of the platforms in the space base stage and launching missiles as the opponent circles the platform base is the cheapo method). I found that matthias could actually handle the "hang out on the platform and fire missiles" trick pretty decently, so I looked for a legit way to beat him.

    My build is the average core, the dual grenade launcher arms, one grenade launcher on the back, and matthias' quad legs (killer blend of weight, power use, and mobility).

    You have only 15 shots to kill him with, and they have no homing ability...once you're out of ammo, that's it. But if I remember you only need 3-5 shots with the dual grenades to kill him. So just circle strafe constantly and use circle+short hop method to get a bead on him (otherwise you both circle indefinitely since you have the same leg speed). Fire and pray. Don't get hit. This is all in the batle dome, so he has nowhere to hide. That's it.
  11. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Re: Are there any games that let you create your own….?

    Try Dark Cloud 2
  12. hotsurkit

    hotsurkit New Member

    Re: Are there any games that let you create your own….?

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:

    Mech Warrior, Robot Arena 2 and Roboforge. Have any of you played any of these?

    The closest I came to playing these was my friend's house with mechwarrior. It was ok.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm, ok that ones out. You don't seem very excited about it. I found a great review on my gamer ( for Robot Arena 2. I guess you can do a lot of cool stuff with this. I'll probably get that one. Anyone else here play it yet?

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