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Arcade Stick Input Lag

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jul 10, 2014.

By Myke on Jul 10, 2014 at 8:02 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Check out this great article on Arcade Stick Input Lag Testing on the XBOX 360 and PS3. The first page is an overview of what "input lag" means, along with the a detailed description of the testing procedure used. The second page summarises the results of all the sticks tested, ranked accordingly into tiers, and the final page contains the raw test data. Interestingly, you'll see cases of the same stick model exhibit more lag on the PS3 than it does on the XBOX 360! Where does your stick rank? Thanks to @Unicorn for the tip!


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jul 10, 2014.

    1. cobratron
      Why are some pcb's like ChimpSMD only have test results for PS3 and not 360. Anyway it looks like I need to get hold of a pcb from a black Qanba Q4RAF.
      Tricky likes this.
    2. Pai~Chun
      Wow, looks like the HRAP I use for Xbox is lagless, but the PS3 ones are ranked lower tier, fascinating. Wonder if this will affect the supply/prices much?
    3. IcKY99
      Wow Hori fighting edge is Laggy! !! No wonder @steelbaz is so free! !!
      Modelah, BeastEG and Pai~Chun like this.
    4. cobratron
      fuck it just ordered one from amazon.
    5. Jide
      I've read the Razer Arcade stick for 360 is lagless as well. There was a youtube video with the test.
    6. Kruza
      lol @ "M tier."
    7. Jacky22
      Arcadestick modded with PS1/2 Pad + lagfree USB-adapter=best option on PS3

      Im rocking a VF5 High Grade Stick modded with a PS2-Pad, works great.

      The VF5 Arcade-stick never gets any attention in those Stick-comparision, the VF5 Stick and the VF5 Game have this in common:(
    8. Airegin
      Don't rush out and trash all your sticks just yet, this is not exactly the gospel.

      Take a peek at the actual SRK post: http://forums.shoryuken.com/discussion/191312/how-much-does-your-arcade-stick-lag-arcade-stick-input-lag-testing-results-thread

      Several legitimate members of the community step up and raise questions about Teyah's findings. Personally, I see a lot of issues with his test. I think this takes away from some serious complaints about pcbs, notably the huge amount ps360+ lags on ps3 when you play Capcom games.

      The sample size is once again too small and the science is much too soft to really be taken seriously. Too many variables aren't addressed.
      GIBBSDATDOOD, EvenPit and cobratron like this.
    9. cobratron
    10. steelbaz
      Haha you're free to onenida offline, please level up before December so I can have real matches n00b! :eek:

      The stick is fine imo, you can check it out and all these new stuffz I got if you come back up here this year ^_^
      IcKY99 likes this.
    11. IcKY99
      Then how come you can't top me in Alpha, da stick lag makes you free!
      steelbaz likes this.
    12. steelbaz
      ROFL I destroy you in alpha 3 last time, but got blown up badly in Alpha 2 >_<
      IcKY99 likes this.
    13. Tricky
      SO I need a better stick. Damn.
      steelbaz likes this.
    14. Unicorn
      You do NOT have ANY stick.

      No monkey tricks this time!! :p
    15. MAtteoJHDY
      I used to stress about this, as well as using a flatscreen TV and being connected wirelessly online,

      But fuck it. I keep a CRT TV upstairs and it's like 900 kilos, just in case I feel the need to play lagless matches. I also play single player now. The input lag I can tolerate, as it's not competitive enough to care.

      IMO this is more of a problem at tournaments, as that is were one frame difference really matters. For everyday situations, it's not something to stress about, as it can become a bit of an obsession....it's like housewives being obsessed about germs, as if you could hope to get rid of all germs altogether. It's not realistic really, a bit if lag is acceptable, until we find a way to plug our brains directly onto the internet at least.

      I would be the fucking first person on the line to get matrix-style cerebral implants.
      cobratron likes this.
    16. SUGATA
      Why? You ended with Hitbox?

      What about Hitbox lag input , does it mean to check PS360+ results?
    17. cobratron
      No still using it but I don't have the PS360+ version that hitbox.com sells. I put a chimpSMD in it.

      But luckily when I ordered the qanba, amazon said my credit card wasn't up to date and it didn't go through so I cancelled. I read the newest black q4raf's have the same chip as most of their other current sticks and there's no way to tell you're getting the original pcb or not without opening it up. I have pictures of both pcb's.

      Anyway I would wait til there's a more accurately done test before changing anything up atm. This one has too many variables to be considered end all be all.
    18. SUGATA
      What is better for Hitbox: PS360+ or chimpSMD?

      And tell me please why are you interesting in Arcade stick when you have Hitbox - what benefits?
    19. cobratron
      If going by this test ps360+ is inferior but I think its probably not a big difference at all.

      Also I just wanted that stick so I could use the parts to make a custom hitbox. I've been wanting another one for quite some time. Some of these inspire me:


      SUGATA likes this.

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