Arcade-In-A-Box Xbox 360 solo

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by Synesthesia, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. Synesthesia

    Synesthesia Member

    Seems to be the only solution for gamers who don't want to mod their own, but need a better build than the DOA/VF5 Hori. Yes, you can upgrade the stick.


    Looking at £100 inc shipping tho'.
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    That works if you like bat stick with round gate and concave buttons arranged the wrong way.

    Or, maybe you're sold on the artwork.

    I'm messing with you more than anything. That setup is awesome for SF and not-so-great for VF.

    Still - change the face plate and swap out the parts and you've got a good controller (since all the circuity works). There are also people (like 001) right here on this board that can mod an HG stick to work for 360.
  3. Farpenoodle

    Farpenoodle Well-Known Member

    I believe arcade-in-a-box custom makes all their joysticks and you can request to have all Japanese parts in them.
  4. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    That's for me (and basically, the parts are what I have in my stick) although that button layout would be killing my forearm in less than 3 games... ouch.

    Looks nice and HEAVY.
  5. Crowza

    Crowza Member

    I was interested, because the build of the stick looks so good and heavy that I sent an email to Ed (the owner of Arcade-in-a-Box) and asked whether they could duplicate a Japanese stick's layout. He asked me to send him some examples and once I did - he had the templates and Japanese options on his site in less than a day.

    Needless to say, I was so impressed by his attention to detail and wonderful response times (he seems to be addicted to his Blackberry, which is a great thing for customer service) that I ordered a custom job on the spot.

    I even designed it (colors, overlay, etc.) to look somewhat similar to the VFHG stick.

    It's been about a week since I placed my order. But, if you go to his site now, you'll notice you can now place your order with a Japanese layout design for the buttons. Once I receive the final product I'll post a review complete with photos.

    In the meantime, I'll keep using my EX2 sticks.
  6. Gooombay

    Gooombay Active Member

    I am going to be ordering one of these, hopefully by Friday. Still working on my custom art design. Ed is awesome, he has answered a bunch of my questions very promptly. Awesome guy to deal with, can't wait to place my order.
  7. anbujustin

    anbujustin Active Member

    hey im interested in these sticks! should i get these right away or should i go with the ex2 for now? what do you guys think?

    hey crowza can you give us a review and pics of your sticks?

  8. Gooombay

    Gooombay Active Member

    If you are going to spend the money on one, I would skip the EX 2 and put the money towards the nicer one. It takes about 2-3 weeks to get it once you order it he told me. I ordered mine friday, and will gladly post pics and a review once I get it.
  9. anbujustin

    anbujustin Active Member

    cool! i bought the ex2 since i found a doa4 one brand new for the retail price in my area hahah the gamestop had it in the back but i asked and he said they had one left. so i got it for now. but i will get the high grade ones soon i have the money for it but i intend to wait a bit to see if i might buy other things. i cant wait for your pics and review man!

  10. Gooombay

    Gooombay Active Member

    There is a thread a few down from this one that has a link to the artwork I am using, if you are interested.
  11. Crowza

    Crowza Member

    Sorry it took me so long to post the pics, guys! I designed the artwork to somewhat resemble the VF High Grade PS3 stick. It was created from the guys at Arcade-in-a-Box. It's sitting next to the Hori 360 stick for size comparisons.




    I can say without doubt that the build quality, and the sticks/buttons (Sanwa parts) are top notch. HUGE difference over the stock Hori 360 stick.

    If you don't want to build your own, I'd say Ed over at Arcade-in-a-Box is very responsive, nice and knows excatly what he is doing. It may seem a bit pricey, but it was worth every penny. Especially great for you if you don't have the time or inclination to build one yourself.
  12. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    loks crazy nice but I perfet a stick that I get hold in my lap
  13. driftsilencer

    driftsilencer Well-Known Member

    Looks friggin' awesome man! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  14. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    I don't see any problem to hold this stick on your lap.
    Just a little bit higher.

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