Aoi's Frame Advantage, Disadvantages, & Punishing

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by Tiripsem, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Due to a request (Don't get used to it >:p) and for personal knowledge gain. Reluctant to post since you can just organize the command list on the site for this and going by this is essentially me telling you how you should play but hey, it simplifies things for some people.

    What should I do when...


    After these moves, fuzzy guarding is possible;

    [P][P][2] or [8][P]
    [3] or [9][P]+[K]
    ~Sundome [P]
    ~Sundome [K]

    After these moves, fuzzy guard will no longer be able to duck under throws. For the following moves use ETEG (Evade Throw Escape Guard) for the best defensive option.

    [3] or [9][P]+[K][P]
    [P][P][2] or [8][P][P]
    [P]+[K]+[G][4],[8], [2], or [6] options

    On The Offensive
    The general rule of thumb for an efficient offense is to use moves that will beat out an opponent's move. The fastest executing attack in Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is the standard 11 frame jab ([P])(*DEPENDS ON THE CHARACTER, for example, Aoi's jab is 12F). *Note, At (Insert Frame Advantage) you can use that set of moves plus the earlier sets as you have sufficient advantage (Ex: At +3 you can use [P], [2][P], [6][P], [6][P]+[K], or [4][3][P].)

    At +2, Aoi can beat out the fastest executing jab. You can use...
    [2][P] (Possible at neutral (0) due to avoiding high attacks.)
    [6][P] (Generic 14F elbows will beat out [2][P] but will not beat standing jab)

    At +3

    At +4

    At +5

    At +6

    At +7

    At +8
    [6][6][K] (Should be buffered)
    [3][3][P]+[K] (Should be buffered)

    At +9

    Past +10 would be a little redundant posting them as there are guaranteed options.

    Punishing Opponents

    At +10 & +11
    All throws are guaranteed at ten frame advantage. Aoi does not have an 11F [P] so you should use throws here too.

    At +12
    [P][K] is guaranteed at twelve frame advantage.

    At +13
    [6][P]+[K][P] is guaranteed.

    At +14
    [K][P] is guaranteed.

    At +15
    [6][4][P]+[K][P] is guaranteed.

    At +16
    [3][K]+[G], [4][K] is guaranteed.

    At +17
    [4][6][P]~>[P]+[G] is guaranteed.

    At +18
    [6][6][K] (Should be buffered)
    [3][3][P]+[K] (Should be buffered)
    [2_][3][P]~>[P]+[G] (Only when low sweep is guarded)

    Point out mistakes or add to your hearts content.
    btrm and Lord_Hollow like this.
  2. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    [P]+[K] is on the first list twice.

    Rest of it looks good at a glance.
  3. Madone

    Madone Well-Known Member

    Good thread!

    There are a lot of situations where [​IMG][3]+[P] [P]+[G] is useful as a punisher:
    * canned series that ends with a high move
    * after a whole range of moves that hit low, not just sweeps. Especially against Lion, where he has similar moves that are difficult to confirm or where nothing else is guaranteed.
    But it executes in 16 frames from ducking right?

    I also suggest that you add how to get to each advantage. For example that you get +2 when you [P] is guarded and so on.
  4. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    You do know punishers are attacks that are guaranteed. Not all lows give you a +16 upon block. Otherwise, yes, against highs, [2_][3][P] will win.

    Isn't it self explanatory? [P] gives you +2, no other move gives advantage for Aoi on block. For appropriate frame knowledge you would have to know your opponent's character's frame data and you're sorely mistaken if you think I'm going working on putting every VF character's moves and a corresponding move to use against it. The command lists on the site are here for a reason.

    Also, I forgot...

    Crouch Dash Fuzzy
    [P][P][6][P] (On Normal hit)
    [P][P][P] (On Counter Hit)
  5. Madone

    Madone Well-Known Member

    Tripisem: Yes, I know. I just wanted to add that there are moves other than sweeps that are -16 on block.

    And, no. I did not mean for you to list all frame data, simply to add some common situations for Aoi to help beginners (P normal hit, counter hit, guard, and d+P normal hit and counter hit for example).
  6. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    If I have the time between writing up other threads for Aoi, I'll post it.
  7. TRI Mike

    TRI Mike Member

    Excellent, this will be very helpful. I need to practice more.

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