Aoi Questions...

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by cheeseball, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. cheeseball

    cheeseball Member

    First question is what is the frame adv. from her Hiki Chigai throw into a wall? Next question is why don't high level players use Yin Yang Stance more? I can understand maybe against characters who have a larger arsenal of moves that this can't counter like Jeffry and Akira but characters like Shun don't have enough attacks to get by it seems. Yin Yang will counter like 80-90 percent of the attacks in the game and you can easily buffer 2 throw breaks with it and timing issues are reduced greatly. If someone does use certain moves and/or throws to get around it then Aoi can always switch up her fighting. She can be more offensive or whatever. Just wondering.
  2. Brandestoc

    Brandestoc New Member

    very good question. I was wondering the same thing about Aoi's Y-Y stance.
    To me (newb) it seems to be one of the most effective parrying moves in the game. Yet in match vids, the experts dont' seem to use it very often, so it must have it's weaknesses in high level of play.
  3. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    Y-Y Stance is very useful, but I think Experts don't use it because they can get off the stagger easily!
  4. Nybec

    Nybec Well-Known Member

    You always got guaranteed [6]+[P],[P] after the YY inashis (exceptions from knee parry because it pushes them away to far). After some kicks you also have [4][4][P]+[K] guaranteed. Good to know when playing against Kage.

    Nuki used YY alot in early Evo if I remember correctly. Then players got used to delay attacks and throws to catch the Aoi's in their YY evades where they can't guard. That's probably why we don't see it so often nowadays.

    For me it's still very useful in VS matches.
  5. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    YY stance can't inashi stuff like doublehanded attacks (byakko), shldrm's / fully circular attacks etc. Out of this it seems logical to use it more against certain characters then others (like alot against Sarah and a little against Aki).

    Other than that it's free to throw the Aoi (although it's quite easy for the aoi to do TE's when she's sideways) and / or use lowattacks (which will CH her). All Aoi's defensive tools must be applied in order for her to be effective (and in that I even mean backdash etc) as if you're to predictable you will get punished (like with all characters).

  6. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    Very true kiwe.

    I find that I use YY most against sarah, especially when she is in flamingo.
  7. Shaolin_Hopper

    Shaolin_Hopper Well-Known Member

    Aoi shines when you can make your opponent predictable and stay unpredictable yourself. YY stance missing makes you somewhat predictable - you stance up, you spin off. Any predictable action is bad in a fighting game, and relying on YY stance is going to make people start aborting chains to bait you into using it. Also, as KiWe pointed out, YY stance is wide open to various forms of attack, such as double hand attacks and low attacks. If your opponent knows you've got a good chance of going to YY, you're going to be eating some heavy damage sooner or later. What I'm really surprised people don't use more often is her reversals, although the RvR isn't so hot for those and the timing is pretty strict.
  8. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    There are some instances where reversals are great. I tend to use them more than most people I would say. There are all sorts of ways that you can bait people into doing what you want them to so that you can reverse. One of the more obvious applications is when Sarah is in flamingo and does her string of kicks which may be High, High, Mid or High, High, Low. The second high kick is quite easy to reverse if you have the presence of mind to do it. There are plenty of other times when a reversal will work with minimal risk too.

  9. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

    When an opponent is on the ground it is pretty easy to reverse their rising attacks . Just use [2][P]+[K] for low rev and [1][P]+[K] for mid rev. I do this all the time with Aoi. I don't think there is another character who can reverse rising mid and low kicks. another great time to use her reversals is when she is on the ground fighting someone like lau who likes to stomp on you. Aoi now has reversals for this situation. Just press [P]+[K] as the attack lands. And when playing against Akira, Jacky, Sarah, or Jeffry you can rejoice since they attack so consistintly mid and high giving you a 50/50 chance of pulling off a reversal (especially akira, it's almost unfair how easy it is to reverse his attacks).
  10. MadAoi

    MadAoi Member

    About the ground reversals: They are really dangerous to do. And they are certianly not smart to do VS Lau. If Lau see the reversal comming, he can just wait for the wiffed motion and actually float Aoi off the ground into a combo or he can do a heavy down attack. I would say that the ground reversal is not worth the risk unless you can get a ring out (in this case, if Lau predicts the reversal, Aoi may be comboed out of the ring, so it is still not a really good option).
  11. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    If you get hit in YY, it's a counter hit as well -- more damage. Worth noting I think.
  12. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    I use sometimes YY stance->dodge+[P] against Akira's semi-circular rising attack (dodge to his lead leg)
    so the ryusen [P] crumble him on mC,for a combo
    But one day,this set up works against a low risng attack which was full circular...(so any characters except Akira) I was surprised so I get to the practice mode and test some possibilities of this evade YY stance to dodge full circular low rising attacks

    My observations:

    _After Aoi's [4][6][P]-[P]+[G] hit them,If he side rolls(to the screen or out of the screen) and do a low rising attack,Your YY stance,[8](to the opposite direction of his lead leg) will avoid completely his sweep!a low throw is garanteed
    It works too if Aoi is on the side of a face down opponent ((for example after some Aoi's ground throw))who try a low rising attack after a side roll

    _face up feet toward opponent
    if he does a low rising attack ,a YY stance->dodge(to the opposite direction of his lead leg) doesn't avoid his full circular attack but if you do [P] just after the YY stance dodge,the dodge avoid the sweep and the ryusen [P] crumbles him on mC......
    Same for a face down /head toward opponent who try a low rising attack:a YY stance doge doesn't avoird his sweep but the YY stance dodge+[P] do it and crumble him....(Aoi must dodge to his lead leg)

    I don't know why

    Maybe I should post some video which shows you this traps because I know my english is bad
    Can somebody try my tips and tell me his opinions,thank you /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Use it if you are sure and only for fun and style! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
    It doesn't apply on Akira because all his rising attack are semi circular(I think)
    Of course,it doesn't work if your opponent delays his rising attack
  13. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    In what situations is Aoi's 46+P hit throw guaranteed after a YY inashi? I see this in Japanses match videos a lot, and I was wondering where it has to be done (I no longer have siad videos, so I can't check).

    Is it guaranteed at all?
  14. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    In the type of inashi you get when which keeps the enemy really close to you -- usually, a kick.
  15. Nybec

    Nybec Well-Known Member

    Actually. I [4][4][P]+[K] in this (inashi those kicks) situation, it's guaranteed. Ofcourse the [4][6][P] hitthrow work. But the [4][4][P]+[K] gives more damage.

    When I block a low sweep I make a combo with [4][6][P]+[K]. Guaranteed ofcourse.

    And the rest (except knee parry) [6]+[P],[P] guaranteed.

    [4][6][P] hitthrow is a bit unstable. I think the opponent has to attack to get the throw part and you got to react pretty fast.

    I've noticed that in FT the opponent isn't staggered when being deflected. I guess it's because Aoi's almost always do the guaranteed stuff.
  16. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    im not sure but doesn't the tutorial state that if you get a successful sabaki (or inashi whatever it's all the same to me :p) on [6][4][P], then [4][6][P] hit throw is guaranteed? On the other hand, im sure there are better options, since that move really doesn't seem to do a lot of damage, while [4][4][P]+[K] has good options.
  17. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    Yes,[4][6]+[P]+[G] is free after a elbow/punch YY stance parry,but you have to buffer the [4][6] and it's very hard because the camera angle can turn(switch position during the inashi) or not ,so you don't know idf you must buffer [4][6] or [6][4].......maybe it's possible on reflexe,but me I can't! /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
    Yes,I prefer [4][4][P]+[K] after a kick inashi
    For side kick,I do [6][P],[P] (garanteed)but sometimes,I use [P]->(back throw) if you opponent doesn't move or [P] followed byan elbow if he tries to low punch/turn/croush after he get hit by the [P] on the back
  18. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    IamthePope said:

    When an opponent is on the ground it is pretty easy to reverse their rising attacks . Just use [2][P]+[K] for low rev and [1][P]+[K] for mid rev. I do this all the time with Aoi. I don't think there is another character who can reverse rising mid and low kicks. another great time to use her reversals is when she is on the ground fighting someone like lau who likes to stomp on you. Aoi now has reversals for this situation. Just press [P]+[K] as the attack lands. And when playing against Akira, Jacky, Sarah, or Jeffry you can rejoice since they attack so consistintly mid and high giving you a 50/50 chance of pulling off a reversal (especially akira, it's almost unfair how easy it is to reverse his attacks).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What can be done from Aoi´s rising attack reversals? Anything guaranteed?
  19. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

    I was wondering about the [4][6][P] attack. [4][6][P] causes the opponent to stumble backwards but it also has a rather long cooldown time. Is there any way to capitalize on your opponents stumbling or is the cooldown time too long?
  20. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    for most:

    b,f+p+k is guaranteed after reversing the low rising attack

    b,f+p hit throw is guarateed after the mid.

    they are just treated as normal attacks -i.e. crescents, and for non-crescents (e.g., Akira's), the reversal is again as if they were normal attacks.

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