Anyone selling a fight stick?

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by PRIMAL, Apr 20, 2010.


    PRIMAL Member

    I have been looking to buy a fightstick for a while now and i was wondering if anyone on vfdc has one they wanted to sell?

    it will have to be for the xbox 360 and payment will be through paypal. I will not tell how much i am willing to spend yet i just want to see if anyone has a good stick to sell [​IMG]
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

  3. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    TE sticks are $99 at Amazon right now. If you want to get a stick the get it NOW. There is no telling how many sticks will go flying off of shelves when SSFIV comes out. Every retailer was sold out for sticks for a nearly a two month period when SFIV came out. And private arcade stick builders like Arcade In A Box were backed up for months. Even LizardLick was sold out of sticks and buttons for weeks at a time.

    PRIMAL Member

    wow things are so cheap over in the US O_O... Those TE sticks cost about £140 here in the UK -_-

    And Shag i have now joined that site It looks ace

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