Anyone interested in a Wisconsin Tournament???

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by digimonemporer, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. digimonemporer

    digimonemporer New Member

    Hi everyone! This is Webster from Racine, WI. And yeah, I'm the newbie at this Website. But I'm having various tournament in Tx3, T4, CVS2, and SC2. But there is also gonna be a V4 (evolution) tournament too, if anyone shows up! And that's why I'm posting here at this website, cause I want this tournament to happen. For more info, please look below...

    Tournament(s) at my house:
    Date: September 20th, 2003
    Location: 909 9th st
    Racine, WI 53403
    Time: at 1:00pm til we're all tired and can't play no-more!!!

    Featured games for tournament and entry fees:
    Tekken4 $10
    Tekken Tag $10
    SC2 $10
    CVS2 $5
    MVC2, V4(evolution), Super Smash Bros., MK5 are all optional! And are strongly encouraged!!!

    The tournament will consist of double-elemination.
    And the prize money will be that of the following:
    1st 70%
    2nd 20%
    3rd 10%
    4th gets their money back for entering.

    I don't care who attends this tournament, as long as you can play fairly well. This tournament is meant to better your skills in the games mentioned above, so you will do better at the "major" tournaments!

    If anyone needs more info about the criteria of the tournament, it's location, or even a place to crash for the night before the tournament... call me at 1-262-635-0675 or E-mail me at

    Food and drinks will absolutely be provided during the tournament, but it'll only be junk-food and pizza, and soda, ect. (that goes for you nutitionist out there)!!!

    I really look-forward to see a good amount of people attend. This will be a fun event!

    Thankyou for you time.

    P.S.: T.Vs and console systems will be greatly appriciated if brought along! Thanks.
  2. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'm from the Twin Cities. How close is Racine to it? I have not heard of that town, is it close to Hudson? I may be interested in doing tournaments if its not too far away- since apparently there is not 1 singe person here in MN that plays this game with any dedication or skills. At least not on this website
  3. digimonemporer

    digimonemporer New Member

    Well Racine, WI: is south of Milwaukee, WI and east of Madison,WI. The twin cities is located in MN. So Racine is out of MN, and in Wisconsin, which is about a 5-7 hr. drive. But trust me, this tournament is well worth going to! I understand that there is a possibility that you play SC2. Well there will be alot of SC players at this tournament, as well! So far, there are only 3 extreamly skilled V4 players: Chris N., Antonio C., and myself! There will be a decent # of people at the tournament, so I hope you will be able to show-up!


    For more information, please E-mail me at!
  4. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    I actually hate the Soul Calibur games (love Blade though), I just don't see the point of playing it when there is VF. So I'm not sure I will be going that far, I'm definately interested- I've never had any human competition! Maybe if my friends are interested in going, not sure they would, they pretty much only know how to play the game. I'll let you know, thanks man!
  5. digimonemporer

    digimonemporer New Member

    Well thank you for your concern. I really hope that you and you're friends show-up for this tournament. Cause I'd want all the comp. that I can get out'a V4. And I know that there may be what you're looking for (in terms of competition) in WI. So let's hope for the best!

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