Anyone else think Aoi's dodge attack is crap?

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by GaijinPunch, Jul 16, 2002.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I've just come to realize I rarely connect with this thing, and many times it puts me behind the opponent, at which point they wreck me.

    I won't post a poll, but I'll list the ones I find the most vicious. The * will note characters I use.


    Sarah's doesn't seem so bad. Akira's I think is good b/c it's so damn fast, and it's a sholder. (No reversal or inashi).

    The ones thnk are crap are Lion's & Aoi's. Lei Fei's doesn't seem incredibly hot, although I wouldn't say he needs it -- he's got plenty of other good moves.

    On the note of Lion though -- while it does guarantee a pounce, I find it harder to connect than pretty much everyone elses as it's high. I think it's high b/c he also has [1][P]+[K] which is sort of a dodge attack, but that's gone in EVO.

  2. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    i think im in the lower denominator of people who like lions DA. hit with it and get [P][4][6][P][K][P][P]....kinda nice.....
  3. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    i dont know about lion, but Aoi and Lei Fei's dodge attack sure is odd, for my Aoi to have a better chance at a dodge attack i do it with a fair amount of distance ( 3-4 steps away from an opponent trying to attack, so its like i dodge exactly the same time he tries to attack, this is only in my case dont know if it works for anyone else, just to make that clear, anyways the dodge in YY stance is better for Aoi), well for Lei for me i think his dodge doesn't go as far as some characters (jacky/kage) which is opposed to Aoi which i think goes farther than most.

    i find kage's and jacky's evade attack to be very useful, for sarah and pai i use the same distance as when i'm using Aoi's dodge attacks coz they seem to move forward a bit when executing their dodge attacks
  4. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    I think Lions DA is decent. The thing that sucks is its very hard to connect cuz as GP pointed out its high and its also really slow. Most of the time it seems like I get hit before the DA connects. It has its upside 0 disadvantage on block and guaranteed combo or pounce on hit.
  5. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I guess I'm just jealous of Kage's. I rank him in the top three. While it doesn't guaranteed a pounce like Lion's, it staggers when ducked, and seems to have a high success ratio.

    I'd say Jacky has the best edge when his DA hits -- even more than Vanessa, even though both of them leave their poor victims standing. Basically, there are two very different, but effective follows up to this, and both hurt.
    One is [P]+[K][P][P] which destroys you when you're duck. Or if you block high, he'll come in w/ [3][3][P]+[G].

    If I use Vanessa, [2][K][P][P] is good, but only if you get a counter hit.

    I really think it would even out the game for both of them (Vanessa & Jacky) if they knocked down their opponent w/ their DA. It seems (physically) that if Aoi's weak ass elbow does, then Jacky or Vaness'a kick to the balls would definitely knock you down.
  6. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    i agree at one point about jacky's and vane's DA that they should also fall from the hit, but another part of me really likes following up on jacky's DA, on further note jacky's and Vane's DA looks like a toe kick to the stomach, and is sure to hurt, so its kinda odd that an opponent hit by these characters DA doesn't fall or at least have a stomach crumble.
  7. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Kage's dodge attack is demon, and by far the best. Lei-Fei's float. So lots of nasty combos can come out of this. But personally my fav's are laus and kage's.
  8. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but Lei Fei's only floats on counter. Comparitvely to his other stuff, it's not as good as some of his other combos, but it's still pretty good.
  9. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    [me too mode]

    I'm glad that Vanessa's dodge attack doesn't knock down. It forces a guessing game between throw and attack ([3]+[K] or [6]+[P]) that you wouldn't get if it knocked down. Gotta love that frame advantage on MC. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
    [/me too mode]
  10. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    jeffry has an odd DA as well, just to note like Lei Fei's he doesn't go to the side as much when trying to DA unlike Jacky, Vane, and Kage, also the way i see it jeff's DA tend to move a step forward similar to Pai and Sarah. (just by the way i see it thought, correct me if i'm wrong) /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  11. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    It also depends on the AI's footing and the direction your stepping too do the dodge attack, If you pay attention to that, im sure it will it. /versus/images/icons/cool.gif
  12. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    i assume this is for Aoi's dodge attack, so for the A.I.'s footing yes, for example Lau [P][P][P][K] combo if Aoi does a DA she goes behind Lau, coz Lau moves forward during the combo, but which side you go to is really not what make Aoi's dodge miss, if it was then the other characters would have the same problem for example Jacky's DA if it was due to where you dodge then this would have a problem connecting as well which it doesn't no matter which side you decide to dodge on, the only way Jacky's DA would miss are distance factors too far from opponent or something, other wise where he chooses to go during the dodge doesn't matter /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  13. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    Dodge? I think the whole goddamn ass-wiping charater is crap!
  14. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    What do you expect from a kage though?
  15. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    and to think you've only fought a CPU Aoi, what more if it was a human opponent, i'm an Aoi user and i find reversing the rising attacks (attacking while getting up) pretty useful, plus i can effectively use her other reversal, her high damaging throws and confuse the hell out of my friends with her attacks,( i'm not even that good yet ) so imagine the frustration with a human opponent using Aoi with 100x more skill than me, there's a lot of them too, so unless you stop whining about Aoi and start figuring out the disadvantage of her style/technique then you'll always be her slave, she'll always own you, LOL peace /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yes, and she now has an edge on Wolf & Akira she didn't have before -- she can reverse shoulders, backs, & double-fisted attacks!
  17. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    thats awesome, that will bring out more edge in Aoi's game, with that added she can reverse almost all the moves then, don't yah think? hoo boy can't wait til Evo. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  18. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    The way I see it, the only thing she won't be able to reverse is Jeff's head but, and maybe Kage's [3][K][G]. I'm still unclear on Akira's rising attack where he uses both feet, as I don't think that one is reversable.
  19. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    nonetheless its great news for Aoi, i'm sure you're just as hyped as i am with these developments, although your luckier as you are currently able to use these great changes, man i envy you /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
    oh yeah i forgot to mention although you prolly have read it already, Myke theory about Aoi's down attack reversal works on a few character's throws, but off course its still not useful enough.
  20. Desbastard

    Desbastard Member

    Yeah I think Aoi's DA is trash. However, to compensate for this, I use different strategies to replace her elbow DA.
    After I evade, I would either go to one of these moves:
    - [4][6][P] then [P]+[G]: does GREAT damage, and the one I use most often.
    - [4][6][P]+[K]: crumples, so you can go for a low-throw. Effective only against opponent who still blindly attacks even after you evade them. Also, the opponent will float if you hit them from the back with this move.
    - [2][K]+[G] sweep: to trip opponents who likes to go for a high [P] or [K] turn-around after you evade them.
    - [8][K]+[G]: to step on opponents head if they're trying to use a low attack turn-around after you evade them. (also the most surprising and unexpected one to use)
    - side throw, or back throw is better if you could.

    So far, these strategies work like wonder to me. (Who knows what all of you thinkin')
    But , if I have to choose a real DA, I think I'd go for Pai's full crescent DA. Also, I often could catch them with an added [1][K]+[G] or [2][K][K] after they're hit. Plus, the range I think is the best compared to other chars DA. Hers is right up there with Kage's, IMO.

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