Anybody in Nebraska who plays VF?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Gamegenie222, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Gamegenie222

    Gamegenie222 Member

    Like the title says anybody in Nebraska who plays this game and who are willing to learn or what?
  2. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    We are few, but present. I just started, but there are some old VF4 players in Omaha.

    This reply is late, but please don't give up on us.
  3. Gamegenie222

    Gamegenie222 Member

    Aww OK then we can try to get some stuff popping for the 3d scene here cause all I play right now is SCV and P4A and all the interest for SCV is in Lincoln. If your down to get dat VF5FS stuff cracking let's try to make it happen.
  4. Gamegenie222

    Gamegenie222 Member

    Also there's a tournament in Cedar Rapids called MOK2 in October and they have VF5FS, SCV5,TTT2,KOF13,SSF4E2012 and UMVC3 there if you and maybe others are interested in those games.
  5. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    It all depends of when everybody gathers for games again. VF doesn't have a set gathering or location. If Simon or Yulai are hosting games this weekend, there will probably be one set up there.

    As for the CR tournament; there is some interest. If nothing goes wrong, at least two of us will be going.

    FYI if you, or anyone else reading this thread, are interested in the CR tourney, Xiang hasn't gotten much response for the VF tournament. If you are planning on attending, you should go to the Iowa thread in the SRK regional matchmaking and express your interest. I know it is still a bit early ro make a commitment, but it would be unfortunate if it gets canceled without really giving the game a fair shot in the region.
  6. Gamegenie222

    Gamegenie222 Member

    If I do go to MOK2 VF would of been a game I would of played but not my main interest like SCV and TTT2 TBH but Xiang is most likely switching out VF5FS for P4A if folks don't speak up and show support and I like P4A and kinda wanna play that as well but choices choices.

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