Any VF players in Sweden?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Demonstormlord, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Demonstormlord

    Demonstormlord Active Member

    Hey all!

    Myself and a bunch of guys have started a little FGC of our own in northern Sweden (Umeå). If any of you guys are Swedish and in the Umeå area, look up Ume Gaming Dojo, and feel free to drop by our Saturday sessions at "Hamnmagasinet" We are also on facebook.
    Our group is quite new and we don't have a lot of material yet, such as consoles and games, but if more VF players join, it should be a breeze to approve a joint purchase of VF5 FS.

    If you are reading this, but you are not in the UmeÃ¥ region, hit me up on PSN and we can play online! [​IMG]

    Kom igen Sverige, visa att vi också kan få grejer att hända i fightingspelsvärlden!
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

  3. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

  4. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Hey, great with other swedish players. too bad we're so far away (I live in Örebro) and too bad you're on psn... [​IMG]
  5. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    I'm in Stockholm. Our players are so spread out =(. I'd love to go play with people though. If people can get to Dreamhack maybe we could have some sort of get together there?
  6. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Me not swedish either, but add me in psn if you like, all online matches against swedish have so far been good. (finland is close)

    I guess I should add my swedish sucks. ;-)
  7. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Stockholm => Get in touch with Jeneric and maybe Xzi etc make something offline happen. Would also be nice if you replied to friendrequests Daydream ;O
    Edit: Bob will also prob be back soon in sthlm and there you go.

    Umeå; Get in touch with Madarab (I think) who is a veteran. I think he'd love some offline.
  8. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Neonmide: I sort of passed the ball to Manji to take care of and find the finish peeps and make them join the online tourney and so on; hasn't worked to well so far ;/

    What's your psn / xbl so I can add you? Feel free to stop by on qnet or something evenings there usually are peeps playing.
  9. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Called on Xint also now he will probably be here shortly
  10. Xint

    Xint Member


    Pretty sure I played with you on PSN Demon. Recognize your name. Anyway, like KiwE said, me and MadArab play FS quite regularly in Umeå. How many at Ume Gaming Dojo are interested in VF? We'll most likely drop by if there are like-minded people there ^^
  11. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    KiwE, my psn nick is Neonomide. I guess i need to add it below my name too. I'll try qnet too.

    Yea finnish vf scene needs some combostarters. ;-) Tekken & SF seems all the rage all the time. Manji has/had a VF blog, perhaps I should start one too. (if I make any sense, almost skipped vanilla after 4 Evo)
  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    You know, part of the problem is that we have plenty of Finnish people to play amongst ourselves, plus theres been lots of weekend events overlapping your salty sundays.. For example, possible offline meet at my place next sunday AGAIN. You know as well as I that offline overrides online. [​IMG]

    Ive been asking for a bit on the finnish irc channel about this but theres not really been much interest so far.. If you want to be more active with this be my quest. [​IMG]
  13. Lethro

    Lethro New Member

    Gothenburg here.

    Kiwe might remember me from the VF4Evo time with all our sessions in gbg and sthlm with Wuff and Schmolz [​IMG]

    Only on xbox360 thou
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

  15. Lethro

    Lethro New Member

    Nah sorry, Im black [​IMG]
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Ooooh right, well this time my memory failed me. Here with Wuff and Shmolz then?

    I guess I mixed you with Fsvo who played Pai also.

    ps. I got some of the VF4evo vids in my youtube.

    Sorry about offtopic [​IMG]
  17. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    PSN? I'm not on very often, I thought I was gonna get FS on both consoles but PS3 haven't happened yet.

    I don't know about all you OG players but from what I've heard vanilla used to have a scene in Stockholm. Why not make that ahppen again (with FS ofc)? All of you guys interested in making something happen can count me in.
  18. Lethro

    Lethro New Member

    Hahah thats me [​IMG] Damn my haircut was epic. That was some good times. Remember u finnish people dominate the nordic scene.

    Right now Im grinding my pai and learning matchups and char specific combos. 9th dan with around 600-700 points i think so not good but still not terribad [​IMG]
  19. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I remember Pexis antics like hitting the kids playground (you swedish guys didnt get to see that) and falling asleep on Jenerics parents' bed lol (I actually have a photo of that).

    Good times, hope there can be another big offline tourney once we have gotten better with FS. [​IMG]
  20. Demonstormlord

    Demonstormlord Active Member

    Right now, it's just me and another guy, but if you guys show up, then it's all good. [​IMG] We haven't made a group purchase of FS yet, but until we do, I can bring my console. Not gonna be able to this saturday, though. We are at hamnmagasinet, saturdays from 17:30, usually. You can ask for Eliot, that's my real name. [​IMG] Just remember we won't have FS THIS saturday, because I can't bring my PS3 right now.

    I'm pretty sure I played you too, Xint. You used Lion, right? Kicked my ass? [​IMG]

    Now, regarding bitterharmony and quakenet, I should mention that I don't have a PC right now, so my online presence is kind of small. When I get that fixed, I'll check that out. In the meantime, I'm trying to concentrate on building up UGD. [​IMG] Thanks for all the replies everyone!

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