Antoher short story

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Crazed, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. Crazed

    Crazed Member

    i got this idea from another member on this site, but i forgot his name (he/she'd know if i'm referring to that person), so please don't flame me for doing this /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Vanessa arrived at the construction site at the aquarium, she recieved a letter not to long ago reading that she could get information regarding J6, since she was saved from them, her memory about it was a blur.
    As she waited for about 5 minutes 2 men walked toward her, there was one, rather short guy, and another wich face seemed very familiar.
    As the short guy pulled out a camera, the other started to speak...
    "Hello, you Vanessa Lewis?"
    "Yes, who asks?"
    "My name...Goh Hinogami, excuse me for my bad english."
    And that's when Vanessa remembered where he saw this face before, he saw him training once at J6.
    "You...said you had infromation about J6?"said Vanessa
    "Yes, i will tell you, if you prove worthy in battle" said Goh
    "Ok, by what rules?"
    "We shall have one fight, no rules"
    "And i hope you don't have a problem with my friend here, i like to film my fights"
    "No problem" said Vanessa

    Vanessa told Goh to "Come on!!"
    "Sukoshii dake asonde yaru ka" said Goh
    Vanessa thought Goh didn't look to strong so she immediatly went in an all out offensive.
    She gave him a Gaurd crush tornado wich hit him straight in the face.
    Goh, sounded strangly happy after this hit.
    Vanessa felt she couldn't lose to someone who let himself get hit so easily so she proceeded with an uppercut.
    But Goh simply swept that punch away and swiftly grabbed her by the neck, pulled her back and pushed his knee into her body and throwing her backwards.
    Surprised by this sudden change of events, Vanessa went into defensive.
    Vanessa tried a back charge kick, but Goh performed a quick tettsui and Vanessa hunched over from pain, Goh used this situation to grab her by the neck, pull her to the ground and break her ribs with his legs.
    As Vanessa layed there, unable to move, Goh approached her.
    "I'm sorry, but you are not yet worthy of the information i have for you, perhaps we'll meet some other time, i called the hospital to pick you up, goodbye"
    When Goh walked away, Vanessa couldn't do nothing but lay there, wondering what it was that Goh had to say, and why he wanted to tell her anything.
  2. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    it was ok-good, but why would Goh want to give vannessa any info on his organization that he belongs to. another thing, Goh is in the tournament to kill everyone or as the book sayes"send them into a dark oblivion", i dont think he'd want to talk before a battle let alone have a little man film his battles. but besides that, it was good.
  3. Crazed

    Crazed Member

    well, i thought i'd be possible that Goh would be betraying J6, being interested in his own plans maybe....i don't know....ehmn.....hey look, something shiney!
  4. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    And what's with giving the names of all the moves? It kinda ruins the story a bit, because I play Vanessa exclusively and even I dont know which move her guard crush tornado is.

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