'An error has occurred.' - Online play = f*cked?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Caseh, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Caseh

    Caseh Member

    Figured I would pick up VF5:FS after Namco raped SC5 of any skill requirements encouraging the rise of the noob.

    Anyway, after spending 2 hours in tutorial mode (might I add, what an awesome mode) I decide to try my hand at the online mode.

    When attempting to join any type of game mode the game will sometimes throw a 'An error has occurred' message. This happens at any point really. When selecting a game mode you get the 'Accessing...' for about 15 secs then the error.

    Happens before you even select a character at times. I've just tried to get a game about 15 times in a row and selecting my char each time then not even getting a match is seriously beginning to boil my p*ss.

    My interwebs connection is fine, no packets dropping, consistent ping and im wired into the router. Can't see it being an issue with ports on the router either as I can sometimes connect (albeit 10% of the time) and when I eventually get a match its solid, no lag.

    No one else getting this problem?
  2. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    Can't say that I have.
  3. Hououin_Kyouma

    Hououin_Kyouma Active Member

    Happens to me here and there, I just quit online mode and try again when it happens.
  4. MasteringAkir

    MasteringAkir Member

    I have experienced it too but my situation seems to be different. I got a problem with corrupt hard disk or something (VERY sure VF is causing it ).
  5. Shinzu921

    Shinzu921 Active Member

    this happened to me just once.
  6. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    The only thing I've had happen is a major lag spike during a match in a player room. The action froze but we could still talk. After a few seconds it pops up saying "disconnected from game" and kicks me back to the lobby. My opponent got the same message, but it didn't remove either of us from the lobby. We even kept our priority in the room. After that, there was less lag than before. Strange.
  7. Morikage

    Morikage Member

    Today I had even worse problem. After one of the disconnects from the game, I lost my 6kyu rank and both battle counter and battle points returned to "0". I am really pissed - the good thing is that I've just started playing online, but it wouldn't be cool to loose 1st dan or higher:/
  8. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    lolwut? SC5 is literally the least user-friendly in the SC series. The shift away from Guard Impact to Just Guard instead completely leaves noobs in the dust. Noobs don't know how to Just Guard and can be easily destroyed with Just Guard. ANYWAY....

    I can't say I've had any problems with playing VF5FS online. Even in Lousiana where I would not expect there to be a lot of players nearby, I'm finding good-connection matches really fast everytime when the Search is set to "Same Area".

    My only problem with the entire online experience is that one time my modem crapped out in the middle of ONE fight and then I had the orange face near my name for a while. -_-
  9. Aben

    Aben New Member

    anyone got solution for this problem? i was able to play in previous days (on PS3), but from today i can not play online at all due to many errors and disconnects
  10. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Quick side note, while SCV is considered least user (noob) friendly, strangely enough 8WR has a very large noob population... Talk about irony...

    Caseh, congrats on getting VF5FS!!! No doubt you'll encounter noobs left and right, as well as some great challengers (tons on this site and non-members alike. As far as noobs go, that's just the way the cookie crumbles with all fighters, but that's another story altogether.

    Anyway, this has happened to me once on XBL, not on PSN though. Do you have all of the necessary ports open??? I'm not saying that this is the cause, but you wanna cover your assets is all I'm saying. Also, what's your pingtest and speedtest looking like??? Lastly, if you're not connecting after several attempts, has resetting the router "fixed" the issue perhaps???

    Sorry if I sound like customer service. I'm digging in the IT portion of my brain, and I can't think of any unusual circumstance that would cause you to not connect to anybody for matches...
  11. LunaSlave

    LunaSlave New Member

    I have the same problem, basically. If I try to enter a match with the setting on same region, I get the "An error has occurred" thing. If I try to do the same thing on worldwide region setting, it'll show me an opponent, do the countdown, and then disconnect me before the match starts [​IMG]
  12. Aben

    Aben New Member

    Try to delete and download/install game again. This helped me.
  13. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    You know I've been playing the game online and off since It came out and I've had no problems whatsoever.
  14. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    it happend to me also turn off the machine and wait a while before going online i think it also happens when the connection strength is really low it disconnects and takes a few minutes to kick in again
  15. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I had this same problem about a day or two ago. I was on a VF5 marathon. Then suddenly....an error has occured. I couldn't even get to the online portion of the game.

    I did everything, restarted my router, restarted the game, etc...nothing worked.

    So, I simply shut off the PS3 for about 3 hours, came back. Worked like a charm after that.

    The netcode in this game is kinda janky :meh:, yet it's usually smooth as butter during a match...
  16. LunaSlave

    LunaSlave New Member

    figured out what's going on - for some reason this game doesn't like my router AT ALL. I have the PS3 set to DMZ so it shouldn't be a port forwarding issue, but I've tried connecting to the router both wired and wireless, no go. I tried a reinstall of the game, too, again, no go. Only way this game seems to work for me online is if the PS3's connected directly to the modem, and that's just simply not an option for me. Strange that I've never had this issue with any other games. [​IMG]

    on the bright side, the netcode seems REALLY good.
  17. Tryston

    Tryston Well-Known Member

    Is this only happening to psn players?
  18. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    From my days with Playstation 3 linux and the bluetooth stack dyng straight after a reboot to the game OS, I'm aware that placing the PS3 in standby mode (shutdown) doesn't reset the hypervisor to fix everything.

    So my advice is to place (which ever the) console in standby mode, and then remove the power cord for 2minutes just to bring the console up from cold to rule out a stale network stack in the console.
  19. Caseh

    Caseh Member

    Well i've eventually gotten around this issue by using an old router I had knocking about. Not had the error since hooking it up.

    There must be some setting that VF5 doesn't like as the router I had the issues with hasn't given me problems with any other game.
  20. mfwebdude

    mfwebdude Well-Known Member

    this just happened to me tonight. cant get to any of the online portions of the game. tried the suggestions here, except reinstall (in the middle of that now). i was about to start a ranked match and it froze at the pre-fight screen then disconnected. i noticed the game saved after it kicked me out to the main menu, so i suspect it might be corrupted. i'll post whether my reinstall solves the issue.

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