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An assasin trained in ... Judo!!??

Discussion in 'General' started by wombatvvv, Sep 22, 2002.

  1. wombatvvv

    wombatvvv Member

    Regarding Goh from VF4: Evo.

    Judo (literally translated as "The gentle way") is the modern variety of the feudal Japanese martial art, Jujutsu. Judo was founded by Dr. Jigoro Kano in the late 1800s. Judo is an olympic sport, and - in it's modern form - isn't really considered a fatal matial art.

    "Judo is the modern scientific application of selected jujutsu techniques that may be practiced for self-development, physical education and sport. Jujutsu retains more dangerous self defense techniques, while Judo can generally be practiced with full force and complete safety." - www.judoinfo.com

    I could understand if he was trained in ancient Jujutsu, but modern Judo is hardly an assassins technique. The two are very different martial arts.

    I think he should be either a Jujutsu fighter, or even more appropriate, Okinawan karate! This is a very dangerous style that would be truly suited to a Japanese assasin.

    I'm not trying to be overly critical on these boards, sorry if it seems that way. It's only a game, and even if it's a bit funny that the assasin does Judo, at least it will be interesting! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    yeah this was mentioned before.

    <font color="red">Maybe</font color> sega's gonna change it and redo all his moves!

    Or, maybe you are sort of pointlessly bitching about things that have no impact on the gameplay and aren't going to be changed... I'll have to remember that trick - bitch with lots of smileys and disclaimers, that way you can call it an observation rather than criticism. /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif
  3. wombatvvv

    wombatvvv Member

    Whoooa! Ease up there, dude.

    It is a critisism. Plain and simple, I'm not pretending it's anything else. But I also realise it's not very important.

    You seem to think VF4 is perfect, and any comment that suggests - however nicely - that there are some things not perfect you take to heart as a personal attack! Trust me, SEGA don't need you to defend them. And nor do you need to, as I'm not attacking them.

    I like to use my imagination and think of ways to improve stuff. I'm not being malicous, so don't take it personally. Is there something wrong with that?
  4. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    actually i have a feeling that am2 did this on purpose. considering judo is japanese and written with the characters "yawarakai" - soft and "michi" - way, it would ridiculous if this were an oversight on their part.

    however, even though judo is called the "gentle way" as you may put it, it's actually quite vicious and suits goh's personality and background pretty well. i find it hard to believe that you think he is not vicious enough for an assasin - as he plays like quite a badass.
  5. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    what's wrong with Judo, sure its considered the "gentle way as stated, but none the less its still a martial art, and any, absolutely any martial art can be deadly, just a thought.
  6. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    Good point.
    Judo is actually, simply put, the sport/non-lethal form of Jujitsu. Kano eliminated or adapted alot of the joint breaking techniques of jujitsu and turned it into what is today judo. So technically, jujitsu is better suited for an assasin than judo.

    but then again, since when was VF ever too deep in the plot department? Its not like Goh's(or anyone elses') background has anything to do with the way u play him. He's just a character with judo skills, so just play...
  7. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Ugh. Y'know, when one starts to think about the game's story, it just suddenly makes the game look really really dumb. It's a fighting game. Not a soap opera. Why there even is a story line, I have no idea.

    So, just play the game. Give up on the story.

  8. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Actually, there are a lot of very dangerous techniques in judo, they're just not allowed in the sports' form of this martial art.
  9. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Yes Judo was supposed to be a very effective martial at the time of it's creation.
    Diving headfirst to the concrete is as sure a way to die then getting your neck snapped, don't you think?
    Anyway when you see Goh's throws you can't doubt their effectiveness.
  10. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    If a 140lb Judo player threw you on the concrete you definitely wouldnt want to get up...unless it were to run away.
  11. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Give up on the story? Personally I like the drama, but the story
    needs more stuff like, say, Aoi and Kage engaged in a match to decide
    whether she'll become Kage's concubine, which Kage wins because, you know, Aoi
    wants him to win really, and then right when they're about to consummate it is
    revealed by Lau, who has all the dirt on everybody from his J6 days, that Aoi is
    Kage's DAUGHTER. See then there's this whole STAR WARS Luke/ Leia incest
    angle that would fire people's imaginations.
  12. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    LOL, lau_fists. That's some funny shyte.

    Anyway, my 2 cents is that, well, Aoi does aiki-j already, and Kage supposedly does some fantasy jujitsu, so they had to use some other art. Personally, I think they should have used hwarangdo or something, but ehh. Plus, I guess they didn't want a male Taki. (ugh, shudders at the thought)
  13. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I like to use my imagination and think of ways to improve stuff. I'm not being malicous, so don't take it personally. Is there something wrong with that?

    I don't take it personally, and I hope you don't do the same. My wording was harsher than it absolutely had to be, but that's because this particular type of post offends me.

    If you care to know why -

    1. We know the game's already done or near enough, so this criticism isn't constructive. Nothing will be done. Nothing will change. Goh won't suddenly stop being judoka for Evo version B, or VF5, unless sega breaks years and years of precedent. It's spilled milk.

    2. None of the styles presented in VF are like the art they claim to represent. Sega did a great job and put a lot of work into making fantasy styles with a large sprinkling of attacks or throws that real martial arts practitioners might appreciate. The game in no way pretends to be realistic (we seem to keep butting up against that)... by complaining that Goh doesn't do real judo, you might as well complain that jeffry has kicks. Or that aoi attacks at all rather than reverses all day. Or that Kage doesn't kill you while you're not looking with a rifle, explosive, throwing star, or sword. There's absolutely no point in pointing out that Goh's judo isn't real judo or violates the spirit of real judo ...because it's blindingly obvious. Seeing someone say "hey! This video game character doesn't move/behave like people in real life!" makes thousands of people across the nation go "DUUUUurRRrrr". Did you really have expectations of anything else?

    3. I don't think the game is perfect, but Sega is a company with limited time and resources. I want those resources to go towards making the game better. None of your suggestions would make the game better in any fundamental way. You'd simply make the game different. In all likelihood, you'd make it WORSE. So why should sega bother? Every minute and every dollar Sega puts into storyline, air hit animations, and other assorted garbage is precious time and money that could have been spent on new moves, testing existing moves, improving character design, or tweaking overall gameplay.

    5. Did I mention that complaining, when it isn't constructive and has absolutely no chance of changing anything, is an absolute pisstake? Ever work with someone who does that? Or have to listen to one go on in a restaurant or bar? It's stupid. It doesn't help, but it does make those around you irritable or miserable. That fact that you can grin while you gripe makes absolutely no difference. You admit it's a criticism but hide behind "I'm just trying to make things better by using my creativity!" ... well, I could spend hours making up some creative comments about your mother's wardrobe or something, but would that be USEFUL? Would it be JUSTIFIED if you mother dressed fine already? Would it be HELPFUL if she had no intention of listening to me or changing what she wears?

    PS: No offense to your mother of course, I just wanted a clearcut example /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  14. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member


    but doesnt excessive negativity also make the others around you irritated and miserable? if you applied your logic to yourself, shouldnt you simply ignore posts that annoy you and allow people to have their own fun (even if it means that they are wasting their energy?)?

    i actually feel like the post that you wrote that im responding to is extremely enlightening. it is enlightening to the extent that i feel obligated to point out the hypocrisy.

    vfdc has a reputation for being snobby. it turns off newbies and other people that might have something relevant or interesting to add. and to the extent that you or any one contributes to this reputation seems like a bad thing to me.
  15. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    but doesnt excessive negativity also make the others around you irritated and miserable? if you applied your logic to yourself, shouldnt you simply ignore posts that annoy you and allow people to have their own fun (even if it means that they are wasting their energy?)?

    Again, this negativity is (maybe) a fluke. This particular kind of post annoys me. The posts asking for help on gameplay, even though they've been answered 100 times before, do not. See my recent responses to posts about "does jacky have any powerful moves" or "what's the deal with stance". I don't even necessarily bash non-gameplay related issues (I posted images for all of lion's new evo items recently in response to someone's request for lion item info).

    It'd be easy to ignore wombat's post - but that's actively harmful to this board and to the people who read it. It's harmful because it passively encourages pointless posts and distracts people's focus from the important issues like gameplay. Ignoring the post encourages needless bitching and whining about things that don't deserve it.

    I don't think sega will read VFDC and decide how to make the next game based on the posts here. But if god forbid they DID, I wouldn't want the first thing they see is a wombat-like post criticising Sega over piddly little things. The amount of work that went into VF4 is mindboggling and it needs to be appreciated for what it is, not disparaged for what it isn't.

    Anyway if I scare away any newbies from making posts or from seeming snobby, they probably didn't do their homework and don't deserve the benefit of anyone's help. It only takes a few minutes of reading to see that for every flame or criticism I make 10 or 100 posts that help or answer questions . If someone gives up on VFDC without putting in those few minutes of searching in Versus City, or if they go straight to the message boards without making use of any the resources on the home page... that's no loss as far as I'm concerned. Those people aren't cut out for VF and probably are only here to use junky's jungle as a place to showcase their writing or dump their opinions.
  16. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    You'd be surprised though--those lazy people could turn out to be very skilled players. There are a lot of adept gamers who are not used to doing research on the 'Net for their games.
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to think of someone who once spammed the board with useless junk and then turned out to be a competent, halfway well-known player in the US or canada or elsewhere. I'm coming up dry. Still, if wombat turns out to be a good player despite the adversity of grumpy old men, more power to him.

    Back to lazy posters specifically as opposed to spammers - I don't mind people asking questions (rather than looking up information for themselves) so much. You may feel differently. But it bothers me when, for example, someone comes on the board, makes six posts right away, and five of those six posts are uninformed opinions about non-gameplay related issues. The one question - "is VF5 or 2000 out?" ..could have been saved by simply clicking the topic header of the respective VF5 and VF2000 posts.

    Easier to find respect for a newbie who comes onto the board and their first ten posts are gameplay questions vs. someone who comes on looking to dump their opinions on everyone.
  18. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Creed, your spending waay to much time writing mini disertations about this...go and play the game
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I actually have been playing a lot, too bad it's practice mode. Gonna put up the combo faq pretty soon.

    Bring me your competition, you can play version C shun for a change.
  20. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I know, I know, just because I am that amazing with Shun in B, sega had to tone him down in C...don't worry, I'll still bring it :-D

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