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America-land of the lawsuit.....

Discussion in 'General' started by stompoutloud, Jul 27, 2002.

  1. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    This I got from Yahoo news:

    Obesity Cited in Fast Food Suit
    Fri Jul 26,12:09 PM ET

    NEW YORK (AP) - A man sued four leading fast food chains, claiming he became
    obese and suffered from other serious health problems from eating their
    fatty cuisine.

    Caesar Barber, 56, filed a lawsuit Wednesday in Bronx Supreme Court, naming
    McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken.

    "They said `100 percent beef.' I thought that meant it was good for you,"
    Barber told Newsday. "I thought the food was OK."

    "Those people in the advertisements don't really tell you what's in the
    food," he said. "It's all fat, fat and more fat. Now I'm obese."

    Barber, a 5-foot-10 maintenance worker who weighs 272 pounds, had heart
    attacks in 1996 and 1999 and has diabetes, high blood pressure and high
    cholesterol. He said he ate fast food for decades, believing it was good for
    him until his doctor cautioned him otherwise.

    "The fast food industry has wrecked my life," Barber told the New York Post.

    Barber said there is no history of heart disease or diabetes in his family.
    He said he started eating fast food in the 1950s because it was cheap and

    His lawyer, Samuel Hirsch, said the restaurants should list ingredients on
    their menus.

    "There is direct deception when someone omits telling people food digested
    is detrimental to their health," Hirsch said.

    The four chains have been providing nutritional information, including
    carlorie and fat content, of their meals for many years.

    Steven Anderson, chief executive and president of the National Restaurant
    Association, called Barbers claim "senseless and baseless."

    "Obviously the lawsuit is a blatant attempt to capitalize on the recent
    publicity and news stories on the growing rates of obesity," he said
  2. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    wow, geez, you are right, lawsuits popping up everywhere, nobody takes the blame for themselves anymore.

    do you really think that fried food is good for you? who gave him THAT idea? oh yeah, 100% beef, THAT'S healthy!

    comparably even more stupid is the lawyer who supported him. cares even more about money than sensibility.

    but then, this has been going on for quite a while, i'm sure you heard about the lawsuit where some woman sued MickeyD's because she spilled the coffee over her hand and stated that it was too hot.
  3. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Well the lawyer is taking the case in the hopes of getting known. For him, it's free advertisement.

    Anyway, this guy might have genuinely believed that it was good gor his health and that's the worst of this story...
  4. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    here's another one.......

    Is it any surprise?

    Woman sues Delta over sex toy incident
    CLEARWATER, Florida (AP) -- A woman who says she was pulled off an airplane
    and asked to take a sex toy out of her luggage after it started vibrating is
    suing Delta Air Lines, saying she was publicly humiliated.

    Renee Koutsouradis, 36, said she was with her husband awaiting takeoff from
    Dallas in February when her name was called over the loudspeaker.

    She said she was met by a Delta security agent who told her something was
    vibrating in one of her bags. She said she explained it was an adult toy
    that she and her husband had just bought on a trip to Las Vegas.

    She said the agent took her to the bag on the tarmac and made her remove the
    toy and hold it up, according to the lawsuit filed Wednesday. Some
    passengers on the plane saw everything, and three male Delta employees
    "began laughing hysterically" and made "obnoxious and sexually harassing

    Koutsouradis was allowed to repack and return to her seat.

    A spokeswoman for Delta would not comment on the specifics of the lawsuit.

    "We have an obligation to protect the safety and security of passengers,"
    said spokeswoman Katie Connell. "If there's anything questionable about a
    bag, we have a responsibility to investigate."

    The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages, accusing Delta of negligence,
    intentional infliction of distress and gender discrimination.

    Koutsouradis' lawyer, Brad Tobin, said Delta agents should have escorted her
    to a private area.

    "She was pretty horrified by the treatment," he said. "She never contended
    that Delta doesn't have the right to investigate a security issue. It was
    their total lack of professionalism."
  5. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: here's another one.......

    <font color="pink"> LOL...Drew Carey Show featured just such an incident! Life immitating TV. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif Removal of batteries before packing will be on my to do list for flight prep. /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
    My favorite species law suit was the recent story about a woman filing suit because she fell off the toilet after experience of bidet wash applied vigorously to tender private parts caused an explosive orgasm that made her teeth chatter and she hit her head on floor after the shudders subsided. /versus/images/icons/blush.gif </font color> [4][6][8][2][4][6][8][2][6][4][8][2][8][7][3][9][1]
  6. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: here's another one.......

    Whoa, what a law suit. lol. Funny as heck. How do they come up with the charges? lol. Who knows.

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