Amazing Feats in Single Player Mode

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Okay, I know online is where a lot of yall spend your time, but... I'm on PS3, so when there's no other players around for VS mode, I spend time in the Dojo, or Quest mode.

    I wish there was a replay feature for single player [​IMG] Last night I pulled off two consecutive time outs against a Shun Di
    with no hits landed by anybody [​IMG] While that's not that hard to do playing VS or Online because both players could just stay in their corners, Its pretty challenging to not get hit by the CPU not once in two consecutive rounds, and also refrain from hitting the CPU in those rounds with game on hard.

    Is it possible to get a draw against CPU in a 3 round match? Has anyone done it? I guess I got to see if I can get 3 rounds
    time up with no hits landed [​IMG]

    Does anybody know if there will be a replay feature for single player in VF5FS? I know there was one in VF4 and VF4EVO [​IMG]
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I've had 3 draws and a sudden death draw against the CPU on expert.

    It was only vs a 6th Dan though
  3. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    That reminds me of some of the crazy "missions" that you'd have to do in VF4: Evo's Quest mode. Things like not letting your opponent hit you or getting hit by them, winning in under 10 seconds 5 times in a row, and many other little scenarios that changed from arcade to arcade, and always challenged the player to get outside of his gaming comfort zone to improve his overall skill.

    If they took the Quest mode from VF4:Evo and just threw it on VF5, without any alterations whatsoever in that particular aspect of design, I would be playing it more often. The fact that after you did it with your main, you could do it with other characters that you were just picking up further reinforced what you learned, and the advanced AI that played differently depending on the character you were using certainly forced you to step up your game even further.

    Here's hoping VF5:FS on console has even a shadow of the greatness that was VF4:Evo. Kudos to you Po for experimenting with the game and trying new things.

    Just... don't write some long, rambling psuedo-philosophical response to this; that's all I ask [​IMG]
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

  5. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    this thread is ubber gay
  6. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Oh my god, this one time right, I BEAT THE COMPUTER!

    It was a really good match aswell! It had really good mindgames going on such as LOW PUNCH!!!

    Does anyone wish to watch this master level match? I recorded it with a 1.0megapixel phone camera whilst I was trembling with excitement.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @Chief_Flash LOL

    Your current location is Cybertron[/size] and you're designating this thread ubber gay [​IMG] Cybertron is the planet that the Transformers are from right? [​IMG] How do you think Bumble Bee and Optimus would feel if they got word back on
    Cybertron that you were calling this thread ubber gay? [​IMG] What about Megatron, starscream and the boys, they would probably be a little upset too.

    Screen name Chief_Flash [​IMG] current LOC is Cybertron [​IMG]
    and you're pointing to ubber gayness[/size] somewhere else [​IMG]

    B.T.W. Chief_Flash Have you ever done anything really Amazing in VF, like performed some Amazing Feat in Single Player mode, and wanted to tell somebody about it? [​IMG]

    Now here's your chance [​IMG]
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    1)Last WCG USA VF Champ to be fair.

    2)This sounds slightly contradictory, Like beating yourself at checkers. The CPU isn't exactly Deep blue, is it?
  9. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    I won.
  10. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Game, set, match.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    I know guys and gals that my posts are usually long, so most people either scan them or don't bother to read them at all. I understand no harm, no foul. But if you don't read the entire post and then you go on to make an attempt at criticism, well..,, you know... Its embarrassing right?

    First its no big deal to beat the CPU right? Even with 5 excellence in a row. We all know what the weaknesses of the CPU is, and which combos they are susceptible to. So beating it is not really hard. And in my book, would not count as an Amazing feat[/size]. [​IMG]

    Now on the other hand if the CPU is attacking aggressively and
    it can't land a blow, kick, throw, nothing, for two full rounds,
    IMO, that's difficult to do and would count as an AMAZING FEAT![/size] I also prefaced my remarks with the fact that A) I'm on PS3 (no online) B) no players were around at the time for me to play VS mode, so I'm messin around in Quest mode.

    If yall dudes don't care about single player, and it means nothing to you, then Y bother to comment on my post about single player [​IMG]

    But some of yooz comments in this thread make me suspicious. I'm wondering whether you've tried to do in single player what I just did and you weren't able to do it [​IMG] So that would make yall h8ters [​IMG] Which would prompt me to say,
    don't hate, congratulate [​IMG]

    Like Ladon said, I stumbled across something like a quest challenge from VF4Evo. Maybe you guys R two big time for those challenges, to professional, to good LOL, That's kewl too. But don't try to put my fire out because I still get excited about things in single player [​IMG]

    I know for all of yall top players, yall didn't even need a single player in the first place right [​IMG] All you need is a dojo and online option ROFLMAO, Its all good.

    But MasterPo enjoys the entire game, every aspect of it. I'm still fascinated and excited about new things that I discover in single player. I see nothing wrong with sharing those things with some of my VFDC brothers and sisters.

    I think its a helluva skill to avoid getting hit by the expert AI for two rounds. I'm going to go for 3 rounds next. Hell if I could get a draw against every single AI in quest mode with no hits landed on either side, IMO that takes skillz[/size]

    I would count that as an Amazing feat in Single Player Mode,

    That's the point of this thread. The idea is to discuss stuff like that. If you haven't done it, or don't care to do it, why waste your time half-ass reading my posts and then making irrelevant or uninformed comments [​IMG]

    So many of you still don't understand, LOL [/size] Its about defense, and controlling how, when, and under what conditions you choose to lose. [​IMG]

    Kobi et al, when you can take the pebble from my hand it will be time for you to leave [​IMG]
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    I can't ever have an Xbox, no matter what my loyalty is to VF.
    This may sound weird, but I'm under contract. I can't knowingly use , be seen using, or promoting any Microsoft product. So its really not about Xbox per say., Its really an exclusivity thing I signed some time ago, and I'm still legally bound by it.

    That's probably the biggest reason I haven't had the opportunity to lose to any of yall on XBL.

    You're right! I don't know all of the characters, and I'm just so so on frame data. I'm a monk [​IMG] perhaps the lastmonk, and Lei Fei is the only monk in the game [​IMG] I only fight, train, and lose with one character [​IMG]

    Is the power of losing that hard to understand [​IMG] It takes a great deal of courage, discipline, and mastery, to lose properly [​IMG] Anyone can lose on purpose by just not trying to win or letting the opponent have his way. But to be able to control when, where, how, and under what circumstances you lose, and to be able to do that with good players is extreeeemly difficult to do[/size], far more difficult than beating the good players. Don't you guys see that [​IMG] If I tell Itazan, or Heruru, look man, I will only allow you low attacks and throws, and you will only beat me with 1/4 of your health left, and you can only win if you have me on your side of the ring, and I'm able to pull that off, regardless to their game plan, that takes way more skill than pulling off a lucky win or two [​IMG]

    In Single player mode, the goal was to not land a punch or kick or throw against the CPU and to not let the CPU land anything against me, and thus force a draw. Tengu, that's hard to do, I don't care how good you R online, or in VS.
    So the fact that I pulled it off against the CPU in single player mode, counts far more to me than winning a 100 games against good players. Really...

    Trust me, you would rather have me beat you right out, than to have me totally dictate the terms of how I will let you win. Whenever I do that to players they feel totally sodomized [​IMG] even though I'm the one with the loss.

    When was the last time you really truly did something Amazing
    in Single player mode? I mean something truly Amazing [​IMG]
  13. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    You sure it isn't just because you hate the Xbox and are obviously one of those people who take "console wars" far too seriously?









    After looking through some of you r other posts I could honestly go on like this all day.

    I'm the kind of person who's happy to let folk do what they want to do but you're acting awfully ignorant for someone who tries so hard to present himself as an enlightened individual.

    I have no doubt in my mind that you'll have a long winded response to this and just so you know, I won't be reading it. I've already formed my opinion of you based on your words here.

    I like you man, you're a funny guy. Intentional or otherwise. Unfortunately when I can summarise your every response to any topic as:


    The novelty kind of wears off.

    Keep at it though. It's entertaining and when I can be arsed I'll read through it, learn nothing, have a laugh at either your ignorance or flamboyantly sage forum persona and go on with my day.
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object> Game over, yeaaaaahhhhhh!
  15. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    scissors to nuts
  16. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

  17. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I never understood the mentally of a fanboy and I most likely never will. [​IMG]
  18. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Is this necessary to keep this thread??
  19. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Masterpo, I am willing to bet 20,000 VF credits that you cannot beat me however you want.


    What? So you just plan on stand blocking then? Pro.
  20. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    You tried to rubbish Transformers and your reason for doing so was ridiculous. Enough to get me typing. LOL

    Have you actually ever played opponents of that standard? Did this happen? because i'd be a lot more impressed if it did. But not nearly quite so impressed as if you were to dominate and win. You can't do anything amazing against the cpu, not anymore than you could do something amazing against an opponent that you know you're better than in every way. If what you're trying to say is that you're not better than the broken PS3 CPU, then maybe you should be asking for tips and ways to improve? [​IMG]

    No, no it doesn't. You're playing against opponents who clearly attack in patterns and never ever adapt or do certain things correctly. No wait, you're playing on PS3, so it's BROKEN AI that never adapts. are you sure this is as hard as you say? I don't think you really believe it's better than playing against good players.

    Do you believe anyone would have cared if Ali had called the manner of his defeats, rather than wins? No. And you're not even doing that much.

    To put it another way, you'e doing the equivalent VF of asking Michael Johnson (the sprinter)if he's ever beaten a lame child in a race, and did he think it was Amazing. If i asked that question i'd expect the response to be a pretty dirty look. (I'm not saying anyone here is the VF equivalent of Michael Johnson).

    Setting and trying challenges in quest could be fun and useful, but lets not get ahead of ourselves. It's all just training for the real foe and only true standard. Human opposition.

    And because i typed a fair amount and recently asked for one.
    CPU doesn't adapt, is stupid and often broken. You should be better than it, practice if you're not.
    Human opposition is what it's all about and the only way you can be "Amazing" whilst playing VF. Quest is for training.

    Yes. Let's see if he starts to dig up.

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