Alternate command inputs

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by catharsis, Feb 1, 2003.

  1. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Everybody knows that Akira's dashing palm can be inputed as [2_][6][P] or from a standing start as QCF[P], and that his shoulder ram can be done from a standing start by inputting QCF[P]+[K], but there are some lesser known command input variations that I've stumbled upon... for example, moves that require a
    [2_][3][P] motion can be performed as [3][3][P] (at least on a gamepad), so long as that character does not have a separate move mapped to the [3][3][P] motion.. in other words, Aoi's rising elbow and Shun's dashing forward mid punch thingy can both be performed from a standing start as [3][3][P] ... but this doesn't go for Lau's lifting uppercut because [3][3][P] does his dashing mid combo-starter.. I'm not sure if this is a function of the pad's somewhat forgiving command inputs, so it might not work on a stick.. but I find little things like this have helped my play immensely. Does anybody else know of any other such variations?
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    sup ... the motions aren't quite as easy as QCF+P or QCF+P+K ..but what you're getting is a crouch dash that is immediately turned into an attack.

    You should go into free training and choose display from the menu, and turn on command information. Then you'll see you're probably getting something closer to a street fighter dragon punch motion or d,df,d,df.

    Anyway, an explanation of 'modifying' attacks so that FC moves can be done while standing is here. The second paragraph.
  3. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know about modifying attacks -- but it just feels different with the [2_][3][P] moves for some reason.. i think it's because they seem to come out instantly.. I know a perfect modified double palm, for instance, can come out with only 1 frame of crouch dash -- but I'm nowhere near fast enough to do this... so I suppose it just doesn't feel like I'm modifying.
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    the lifting uppercut u mentioned for lau is more commonly known as upknife

    and yes, u can do it by simply pressing[3][3][P] if u're accurate enuff~

    do it wrongly and lunging knife will come out instead of upknife
  5. Akira_Zero

    Akira_Zero Well-Known Member

    If it helps, I usually perform the m-upknife by [3][3] and either holding [3] for a while then [P] or [3][3] then roll it to [6] or [2] back to [3]+[P]. Works everytime.

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