all vanessa players.....a quewstion pls..

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by 22222, Mar 18, 2002.

  1. 22222

    22222 Active Member

    hullo....i noticed that vanessa cannot grab high punch isit?? cause when i was in ds...i was aganist lion and he gave a high punch i think.....then it seems like i couldnt block it...or am i wrong?? btw..when i catch a persons arm....u press P+g to push him to the grd....i read abt a prsion arm lock then soccer basll kick....wats that and how do u do it?
    i also have a prob when using vanessa i noticed that i rely alot on d/b+k+g and mostly k+g moves....when i try the punches its like....not konck down....can any1 recommend a move??? basically i am now trying the ds style....not yet into mt....anyway when u f, there anyway to block it??
    and b,f+p+k is it blockable??/sorrie fer so much question....
    basically at starting..can any1 give me pointers on how to attack opponents instead of relying mostly on her K+g moves?>?? thanks
    one more question.......sorrie just started out wif vanessa do u break the opponents knee ??? i noticed a guy doing it..bending the opponents kneee is that a type of throw/??? correct me pls...thanks
    and i tried today the b+p, d+k,p,p, u+p its unreliable in the sense that all the opponent does is to block it and WHAM...i am in for a there an apporiable situation where i can use it????
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I have one answer for all your questions.

    FIND IT!
    READ IT!
  3. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    In regards to reversals ans her DS punch inashi:

    Not all attacks are reversible.

    Van's Defensive Style punch inashi works against HP and MP only (High and Middle) other types of attacks are LP, MElbow, KNee, HK, MK, ML, SWeep, Special Mid.

    You'll notice that most of the single handed attacks are reversible wheras the double handed ones aren't.
  4. 22222

    22222 Active Member

    i would like some answers b,f+p+k does she avoid high punches and kicks???
    and the f,f+p+k....does it bring down an opponent if he is squatting??
    for vanessa.....besides needing to switch to mt mode.....frm there any combo which can knock down besides g+k?
    i tried the ds mode b+p, d+k ,...the d+k is not confirmed is there any combo which follows up well frm B+p??
    any good vanessa combos to share any1 frm ds or mt mode??
    thanks me a vanessa beginner any help u can give is greatly cant seem to get pass there any way to avoid his double attack....where he clench both his arm into a fistlike and attack u frm the u block high or low???
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    i would like some answers b,f+p+k does she avoid high punches and kicks???

    I'm not sure if it avoids HP, HK, but it looks like it can. Spend a dollar and find out for us. Or maybe someone with a PS2 can test for us and find out.

    and the f,f+p+k....does it bring down an opponent if he is squatting??

    f,f+P+K: is a high-unblockable attack. So, it will miss anyone crouching. With the same dollar, you could have tested this as well. Or just look at the command list to see that it's a HIGH attack.

    for vanessa.....besides needing to switch to mt mode.....frm there any combo which can knock down besides g+k?

    Well, K+G is not a combo. If you meant launch attacks or combo starters, then [DS] db+K+G is about the only other one. Vanessa is not really an air-combo friendly character.

    i tried the ds mode b+p, d+k ,...the d+k is not confirmed is there any combo which follows up well frm B+p??

    [DS] b+P, d+K was never a combo to begin with. It's an OK flowchart though where the d+K can MC most attacks the opponent attempts. If the d+K is a counter hit, then complete the combo (d+K,P,P) and pounce (u+P) for some decent damage.

    any good vanessa combos to share any1 frm ds or mt mode??

    Just search through any Vanessa thread (hint: look under the Vanessa character section for links to Vanessa threads). Everything that's known has been more or less posted. You can also look at the Combo FAQ under the VF4 section. there any way to avoid his double attack....where he clench both his arm into a fistlike and attack u frm the u block high or low???

    It's a mid-attack, so you must block it high. You cannot reverse it because it's a two-handed attack, so your options are either to guard or escape/dodge it.

    Mr 22222, I'm being honest with you when I say that it it extremely painful reading through your posts, and it's probably the reason why nobody is replying to you. The questions you ask are trivial to many people, and don't feel like it's worth their time replying. In future, please don't use so many .....'s, and try to work a little more on your spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. And don't post the same thing twice, under different threads.

    As has already been pointed out to you, many of your questions may be answered by simply reading through the command list, and it sounds like you need to read the General FAQ too, because your general understanding of the game seems to be lacking.

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