Alerts for getting tagged

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Combolammas, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I've noticed that getting alerts for getting tagged in other users posts does not seems to work properly. This (not getting an alert when being tagged) has happened to me several times already. Actually so far I've only received alerts for getting tagged in threads that I'm following anyways. I've checked my alert preferences and everything looks right. I think other people have had this problem too but strangely it seems some people are getting their alerts like they should.

    Since tagging seems to be getting quite common around here it would be nice if it worked properly. Any hopes of getting this fixed at some point? Or is there something I can do myself to make it work for me?
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The maximum tag alerts allowed per message is currently set to 5.

    I suspect you didn't receive the alert because of this reason. If not, can you provide the link to the message you were tagged in but not alerted?
  3. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    If you get quoted in a post, then tagged somewhere else in that same thread, does the quote alert sort of cancel out the alert for the tag or something? Just curious.
  4. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    That might be it. I wasn't aware of a limit.

    The most recent example was the OP in defensive technique compendium but it's been edited so the original tags are not there anymore so I can't check if it had more than 5. If it happens again within the limit at some point I'll post it here.

    At least if I get a reply with a tag in a thread I follow it alerts for both the reply and the tag so I'd guess it does it for quotes too.

    Also, out of curiosity. Since I edited this quote in, does it cause an alert for you. Not important but it just sprang to my mind.
  5. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    I don't know if it does. Could you both tag me and quote me after this in 2 the same post so I can test it?

    BTW I only had you tagged about a max of 3 times at any one point in all of my posts in the def tech thread, if that helps anything.

    Also maybe because I edited my posts where you were tagged in so frequently it caused some problems in the alert system?
  6. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Why not... @Strider786
    I think the earlier problems have been with being tagged with a huge group of other people like in the Prague tournament thread. Might have been the cause in your post too if you had 5 other people tagged there or edited my tag in afterwards.
  7. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    Unless the tag alert lags or something, the reply alert must cancel out the tag alert because I only received 1 alert for the reply + no info about being tagged.

    In the first post I did tag you in a bit later in an edit however in my other posts I kept you tagged since i first posted them.

    I never had anything near 5 people tagged in any of my posts, the only people i tagged in the 1st post was tricky, you, and darksoul. Now i think your the only one tagged in that post
  8. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I guess the reply and tag have been in different messages within the same thread then and I just remember it wrong here.

    Anyways, if you edited the tags in afterwards in that first post then that explains it and the 5 tag alert limit would explain at least a couple of other times.

    I guess everythings working as intended then.
    If I might ask, though, why is there a limit on the number of people you can alert with tags? @Myke

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