Akira's Wall Attack

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Maelstrom, Nov 28, 2002.

  1. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom Member

    Hi all,
    I've been playing Akira for quite a long time now but I still have some unanswered questions :
    1-I only noticed recently by watching the Command List that Akira had a Wall Attack ([6]+[G]+[P]+[K]). How do you perform it ?
    2-I can perform almost all the moves and combos with my pad but there is still one I can't do : [3][3][6]+[P]+[K],[P], [3][3][6]+[P]+[K], [3][3][4][6]+[P]. I tried on Lei Fei in Free Training and the last attack never hits (opponent almost hit the ground. So I use [4][4][6]+[P]+[K] instead)... Is there a timing or anything ? I perform the first 3 moves as fast as possible... Do I need to delay ?
    -About that combo again, do that make any difference if I used [4]+[P] instead of simply [P] ? By the way, what are the differences between them except the fact that the second one makes you step forward a bit ?
    -To finish with, I've watched the combo vid on TBZone. Can anyone explain why ShinZ does more damage (for instance, the Shoulder Ram [2_][6]+[P]+[K] does 45 instead of 30...) ? The damage meter displays a max combo of 148 ! Any idea of which combo it is (my best is 135) ?
    !!VF the best serie ever!!
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    1. Enter [6][P]+[K]+[G] while you are facing the wall. The [6] direction is towards the wall.

    2. I think you need a counter hit for the first attack [2_][6][P]+[K] in order to connect this combo against Lei. Otherwise, just work on your timing.

    What do you mean by [4][P] instead of [P]? I think you meant [6_][P] right? That is, hold the direction forward before pressing [P]. You should always get in the habit of doing this as it gives you that extra bit of distance moving forward.

    The [2_][6][P]+[K], on counter hit, will give 45 pts damage. Normal hit is 30 pts. Counter damage is calculated by normal damage + 50% (30+15=45).

    I don't know about 148 pt combo though, sorry.
  3. gazza

    gazza Well-Known Member

    m-SgPm (wall) -> QCB+P (wall) -> yoho (wall) -> DBC. I've done 146 on MC. Extremely easy, and deadly.
  4. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    ^^^ NOT a combo, the DBC can be aviod by tech roll.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Sorry Mirage, but it is a true combo (since ver.C).

    The yoho produces a wall hit from which you can't instantly recover from.
  6. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    ^^ I just tested on my PS2, in training mode set tech roll on and do it on CPU the DBC won't hit. so I think it can be tech rolled
  7. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Mess around with your proximity to the dummy and your dummy's proximity to the wall before the sgpm and see if you can't get the yoho to produce another good wall hit that you can DBC before the TR.

    This combo is given in ReCharredSigh's Akira FAQ & therein it states that the combo is popular amongst Hong Kong players & is TR'able, but that FAQ was written for Ver. B (edited for Ver. C though, if I remember correctly). Nonetheless, it seems this particular combo has been discussed & tested before & when Myke says it's been a combo since Ver. C, you can more or less count on this proceeding from some of that testing & discussion.
  8. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    ^^^ I set CPU to tech roll everytime and tried at least 15 times, I can't even get the DBC hit for once.

    BTW the 148 damage combo? I didn't see that in both ShinZ's combo video maybe there is a 3rd one? The only 148 combo I know is SgPm(wall hit), SPoD(wall hit), DBC.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Mirage, I don't know what you're doing wrong.

    The Yoho produces a wall hit. If it doesn't, then you're not doing it right.

    Wall hits cannot be tech rolled.

    Therefore, this combo cannot be tech rolled.

    This is all fact.

    p.s. at the end of the combo, i.e. after the bodycheck, the opponent can tech roll and attack Akira while he's still in recovery. This has nothing to do with what we're talking about though.
  10. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but 148 seems close enough to 146 for the difference to be accounted for in the proximity of the sgpm. I think the moral of this story is don't let Akira sgpm you into a wall...a thumbless chimp with a busted pad can sgpm (wall hit) QCB+P, DJK (wall hit) d/f+P for almost half your bar.

    Oh, and my bad...The aforementioned Akira FAQ by ReCharredSigh states essentially what Myke just did...that the combo isn't TR'able but that the opponent can punish akira while he recovers from the DBC...sorry.
  11. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    "The Yoho produces a wall hit. If it doesn't, then you're not doing it right."

    I know that, sorry it was my bad, I didn't test it right, now I just tested it for 200 times(not joking I did that combio at least 200 times). The Yoho DOES produce a wall hit, but you can still TR, but in most case the DBC will still hits, however there are some case, if the angle bewteen you and wall is right(like 40 degree or so) and if you TR to the right dirction, you CAN aviod the DBC.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I know that, sorry it was my bad, I didn't test it right, now I just tested it for 200 times(not joking I did that combio at least 200 times). The Yoho DOES produce a wall hit, but you can still TR, but in most case the DBC will still hits, however there are some case, if the angle bewteen you and wall is right(like 40 degree or so) and if you TR to the right dirction, you CAN aviod the DBC.

    You cannot TR from a perpendicular wall hit, but you can if you hit the wall on an angle.

    This is no secret or mystery and it's all clearly explained in the PS2 training mode.

    You just contradicted yourself when you said, "you can still TR, but in most case the DBC still hits". The whole point of TRing is to avoid damage, but anyway the important point I think you're missing is:

    the only reason you're able to TR is because of the fact that the DBC hit.

    In other words, if Akira decides not to DBC, you could not TR.
  13. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    ^^^ Thanks, I got it.
    BTW I think if you replace Yoho with b,f+P if will work even if hit the wall on an angle., not sure though, need to test more.
  14. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom Member

    Thanks Myke,

    What does the Wall Attack do by the way ? Maybe I did it without even knowing it /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
    I'll work on using [6_][P] in my combos. But still, [4][P] does do something. Akira stands still and punches. Any use of it in a combo ?
    I love your guys enthusiasm ! VF rules !
  15. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom Member

    Ok did it... can't figure out why I couldn't do it earlier /versus/images/icons/blush.gif)

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