Akira Shorthand

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Tosin, Aug 26, 2002.

  1. Tosin

    Tosin New Member

    Can someone help cos i find it difficult to understand all the shortand that is used to describe Akira's moves in FAQs.
  2. Triple Lei

    Triple Lei Well-Known Member

    Yes, hello. I hate 90% of the "abbreviations" myself, too. In fact I made that quite clear when transcribing an Akira combo vid. You'll see a legend for the more common terms at the bottom:


    The point I was trying to make was: if the "shorthand" is actually longer to write than just the *gasp* move command itself, you know something is seriously messed up. And not in the good way.

    I mean, geez... "StDbPm" - how the FUCK is that easier to recognize or quicker to type than "QCB+P?"

    * Sorry.
  3. Tosin

    Tosin New Member

    Thanks for your help.

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