Akira really that hard or?

Discussion in 'Akira' started by MasteringAkir, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. MasteringAkir

    MasteringAkir Member

    is Akira that hard of character to play with compared to other characters or is he just not as popular character to be played as?

    I find doing Akira's morph combo being really hard. I can do it i assign PG to square button, but then i need to block with L1, and that change isn't easy for me to adapt to.

    Even if i cando the morph attack it's still hard to time it.

    So is Akira a hard character or is he just not popular to play as?
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    In the past he used to be really hard to master, since he had really difficult inputs to do in a combo. Right now i'm not so sure, but probably he's easier now. Don't know how much tought. I'm sure people like feck can answer better to your question.
  3. MasteringAkir

    MasteringAkir Member

    Honestly his attacks aren't so easy:p

    Suretehre are easy ones but it requires skills. And most opponents i face always catch me off guard because they have fast attacks.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Akira has always been harder than most VF characters inputwise, but this created a problem since he was also the "poster boy" of VF. Newcomers would want to play him and be overwhelmed by his difficulty.

    Jean is much easier to pickup and play.
  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Agree & is really really gay in this version. I'm still having a hard time just stepping.

    I don't mind AM2 adding new stuff but in FS Akira's fun stuff is mostly gone. [​IMG]
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I find him a ton easier than he was in vanilla.

    His combos are incredibly simple, barely any need for buffered dblplms in combos at all now. Seems like you only need [6][K][P] and [4][3][P] to get decent damage of any launcher.

    He also got a bunch of simple moves that seem to be incredibly useful, [1][P] goes under highs and is totally safe, [P]+[K] seems to be useful at distance and has guaranteed followups when it gets CH from the side.

    Teiroukanpo is really easy to get to and has a beastly mix up, simple ultra combo if you land Teiroukanpo [P].

    Ton of other buffs like [4][6][P]+[K]+[G] only being - 4 now, 13f DE and easier DLC and Shoulder ram inputs,
  7. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    I think Akira's reputation for execution is a bit overblown now. It was a real issue back in the day, but he got a few big changes that made him more approachable. The [P]+[K] ender to the [3][K]+[G] chain got added ... don't remember when. Vanilla 5? Anyway, the more difficult proper body check used to be the only ender, which meant that your basic OTG combo was pretty hard to do. Now, the big ender only adds a little more damage, and you get the easy option if you screw up your inputs.

    The other big thing, IMO, was getting a proper knee added to [K]+[G]. It used to be, if you botched the super-knee, you ended up with either a cancelled [K] (if you were lucky), or a full one. Now that you get a mid-hitting attack regardless, messing up the perfect knee isn't going to hurt you as much.

    Akira's still one of the harder characters to play, mind you, but that has more to do with movement and the fact that he can't really cheat his way into beating evades (he has to deal with them consciously instead of relying on good attacks that are already semi-circular like a lot of the cast).

    IMO, anyway. I suck, so grain of salt.
  8. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    I'm still in two minds,

    Moves like his new [3][K]+[G],[P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] are certainly easier than his old [3][K]+[G],[6][P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] for me after [6][4][P]+[G]

    And [1][P] [4][P],[P] or the now [3][3][P]+[K] doing [​IMG][3][P]+[K] make defending from close pressure easier, but the new [3][P]+[K]+[G](on hit) [4][3][P]+[K]moves are massively more difficult than the old [3][P]+[K]+[G],[P]

    Stuff like his [6][6][P]+[K],(on hit)[P]+[G],[P]+[K]+[G] seem easier to fit in, as does [2][1][4][P]+[G],[P]+[K]+[G], but the removal of [2] or [6][P]+[K]+[G] to double palm feels wrong, and not having a [3][P]+[G] throw feels weird imo.

    He feels stronger, but maybe a touch harder to use all his moves
  9. Wingman

    Wingman Well-Known Member

    Akira is a popular choice among experienced players. You're not going to see Akira players like you'd see Ryu players when playing online.
  10. resist

    resist Well-Known Member

    I'm certainly not a good akira player but I've always dabbled here and there. IMO, in terms of execution of his attacks, he is easier than he ever was. The only attack that still feels as strict as it has always been is the knee...and typically once I've gotten the rhythm down on it, it becomes easy. I'm sure that'll hold true here as well.

    Keep in mind, I'm speaking from an execution standpoint only. In terms of practical application of his attacks, I really can't say as I'm not versed enough with him.
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Double palm is guaranteed after [6][P]+[K]+[G], pretty dangerous if your opponents back is to the wall.
  12. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    I know it must just be me being rusty or rubbish, and I know the numbers confirm exactly what you are saying, because at +15 advantage the double palm is only 13frames for execution, but I just can't get it to land the knockdown like [​IMG][P]+[K]+[G][4][6][P] does in VF5's dojo command input.

    I've even locked the Kaiko guard break move and repeatedly tried to land [6][P]+[K]+[G],[​IMG][4][6][P] and can't get it to come out. It is as though it doesn't want to enter crouch on guard break. And when I enter it as [6][P]+[K]+[G],[1][1][4][6][P] it comes out, but takes all fifteen frames and allows the AI to guard.

    Can you suggest how you are getting the double palm to buffer directly into the [6][P]+[K]+[G] to land it in the 2frame window?

    I'm left with only [6][P]+[K]+[G][6][6][K][K] as an easy knock down option.
  13. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    you can do [6][P]+[K]+[G] into [4][6][P]. Probably the best option next to doublepalm on wall
  14. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Not sure how much this'll help. But I thought maybe visual would be coo to see.

    I personaly do my double palms (and single palms) with a shoryuken type motion, [4][1][2][1][4][6]+[P]. But [3][3]/[1][1] works too, whatever you're more comfortable with.

    If you can do a standing [P] to double palm in vanilla, or this game to a floated opponent. You're quick enough to get it after this guard break. Do it with the same timing as that, but [6]+[P]+[K]+[G] instead of [P] ^_^

    And yea, like Cozby said, you can get a easy [4][6]+[P] after the guard break, to whatever combo.
  15. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    The video was a great help Tha_FeauchA, and allowed me to comapre with what I was doing to eek out the rustiness of my inputs.

    I think my problem was failing to release the [K] button at the same time as part of [P]+[K]+[G] input, prior to double palm, or the other move Cozby rightly mentioned. Which was probably why only [6][6][K][K] was working in the 15frame window on Dural.

    On Jean it was completely different and I was finding the input for [6][6][K][K] stricter because of the difference in how far [6][P]+[K]+[G] pushes him away versus the moves reach.

    Personally I wish they had left [2][P]+[K]+[G] to double palm instead which I could get 9 or 10 times to come out, and instead reduced [6][P]+[K]+[G] to +12 advantage, but if nothing else it is improving my inputs.

    As it all sort of follows on, I assume [2][1][4][P]+[G] allows for guaranteed double palm (like [4][2][P]+[G] used to)? But is there part of the input buffer that gets erased/consumed by the throw animation? Thereby requiring a slight delay between throw input and double palm input?
  16. Laban

    Laban Member

    For me, Akira seems babby easier than previous renditions and other posters already stated some of the reasons.

    It also helps now that Akira's Super Elbow crumples on counter hit so it leads into some good stuff, but that now it's only -5 on block like his other elbow. As I recall previously, it used to be -10 on block or something like that back in VF5 Vanilla.

    In regards to True DLC, I'd say it's still the preferred ender to bnbs in general other than damage because it causes Wall Slump/Slide unlike DLC and allows for extra damage. That and True DLC is much easier to do now in general.

    For me, it's easy to beat most online people by just blocking something, buffer Super elbow, then getting a counter hit and mess them up. The risk and reward certainly favors this move, especially since you could still CD Fuzzy after doing it on block.

    I'd say the hardest thing really is just reading evades and being aware which side you're facing then using the proper half-circular to punish with if you're not that willing to risk a throw.

    Otherwise, I'd say it's easy to set up for stuff and getting really chunky damage on people off of things that aren't particularly that risky.
  17. blk_brotha

    blk_brotha Active Member

    I like Akira's 3+P+K it is his best low that puts him at a +7f adv. However the executions of frames are very slow i think it's 23f high crush it's sneaky and puts you in a crouch position to attack.

    CH properties give you a free juggle combo. Also it staggers opponent when you're close to the wall.

    I think Akira is very hard if you don't know how to pick and choose your spots and his linearity of his moveset that he has. Only you can rely on the elbow.

    peace out cUDDY:cool:
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I edited what I said in this thread when the game came out, I no longer think that Akira is hard to play in FS.. Shows what first impressions are good for.
  19. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member

    Akira is miles easier to use in FS than vanilla for me. Mainly because of the different inputs for the True DLC as I like to end my combos with it like most Akira players, I'm still struggling to input it consistently on 2P side in vanilla but no such issue in FS. CH SDE also is a nasty situation to land, as well as the option to go into Teiroukanpo from three different situations (1,2,3+P+G, P+K+G / 1, 6+P+G, P+K+G / 6, 6+P+K, P+G, P+K+G). The great thing about this is that you can mix it up with either a forward or back throw in case your opponent likes to throw escape and still enter Teiroukanpo and mix it up with K or P. Also, 1,1 / 3,3,6+P, P is much better now since it's properties allow it to be used in combos much easier. You can often get more damage ending it with that than the True DLC, provided you enter something like 4, 3+P to get the flop after a launcher.

    If you play VF pre-FS, most definitely, he is a much harder character to master. Like others have said, because Akira is quite a linear character, you have to carefully observe your opponent's evades and punish with the right half-circular or you could just use 4+P, P as well if your opponent isn't sharp. As well as observing evades, it's important to incorporate evades into your own play as well since a lot of Akira's moves are rigid and some have slow startup so you have to compensate to use them when your opponent is at disadvantage.
  20. mikewells

    mikewells Member

    I think Akira really rewards the investment of time and energy, expect to lose a lot when first getting to grips with him, but the rewards can be massive. I've played VF on and off for years and still loads to learn with Akira. I think beginners are often put off with his lack of [P][P][P][K] type combos, also for me Akira benefits from slowing fights down a little which is perhaps counter-intuitive to newer players. I think many of his more powerful combos are quite tough to execute with a pad also. All of that said, its the character I use the most because the feeling of satisfaction of (now and again) winning well with him makes it worth it!

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