akira attack sequence chain

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Mysterious_Red, Feb 16, 2004.

  1. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    [6][4][P]+[G], [P], [K], [2_][4][6][P] /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    upon utilizing this (again) upon some of my friends, i have noticed a tendency in ppl to start flopping around after the first [6][4][P]+[G], [P], [K] hits, so there is a good chance you can get a counter on the last hit [2_][4][6][K]. this "attack pattern" is a very good way to literally steal away your opponent hp. IF the last hit is blocked, do the regular (throw escape, evade etc etc) usage should be kept to a minimum. another good thing is that [6][4][P]+[G] (though very slow grab), is unescable.

    if this has been mentioned before (which i think is pretty much inevitable) im open for criticism /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  2. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    akira attack sequence chain 2

    [4][3][P]+[G], [4][4][4][P], [2][K]+[G] [4][K] [6][4][P] , [4][4], [1][P](light downattack) 85pts

    Dplm after the bodycheck throw is a neat looking, and guarnteed ender. If your looking for some more damage, this one's for you. [6][6][6][P] can easily be followed after the [4][3][P]+[G] inverted bodycheck throw, which will lead to some serious damage. once the [6][6][6][P] hits, it will float your opponent. after that, you have 2 choices--end the sequence with dplm, or follow it up with ABC. ending the sequence with dplm will give you a total of 72pts of damage, and 73 if you end it with an ABC. if the opponent does not use exact recovery,(do a quick [6][6] dash forward), and land the light down attack(12pts). ( grand total 85 pts.)

    EDIT minor revisions:
    the ABC after the dashing elbow works only on these characters:

    sry /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif, i almost forgot to mention u can also use DLC (81pts) instead of the ABC. The DLC will also work only on the character mentioned above, WITH the exception of Goh hinogami.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I don't think SDE is guaranteed after that throw. I believe only dblpm or sidekick.
  4. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    ...that can't be right, i set the cpu to "guard all" and on "fast" stagger recovery, and have even tested it succesfully numerous times against my friends!?!?

    can someone plz re-check...

    <font color="red"> EDIT: </font> coming back from extensive akira testing in "free training, subject: study on akira; guinea pig: kage.
    The word is now official guyz, SDE is infact guarnteed after [4][3][P]+[G]. who would've thought such a throw could lead to such massive damage. Akira players rejoice. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  5. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Next time try including a crouch dash into your "extensive" testing, genius.
  6. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    akira is the most popular character in one of the most played games in japan. Safe to say you aren't going to stumble onto something as simple as SDE being guranteed after that throw
  7. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    thx guyz for the help BMF you are my hero/savior/etc (i love it when i get proven wrong because it shows the ppl actually read my post /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif)...im not trying to be cheezy im serious!
    anyways, this just goes to show me how much there is still left for me to learn. *cheers*

    I guess sequence 2 isn't completely worthless, if you do a [4][3][P]+[G] throw 2 or 3 times in a match and your opponent get accustomed to seeing you follow that throw up with a dplm, the 4th time you do it, he will not even try to resist--and then you can safely land SDE /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    ahhhh *mindgames* /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  8. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    sorry to say but your sequence is not very useful at decent level or above.
    the reason is quite simple, because palm is already guaranteed there is no reason not to crouch dash or front dash to avoid anything that is not guaranteed (SDE in this case). There is nothing they can do so might as well do something instead of nothing. The best example would be you've been crumbled vs a lower thrower, there is no reason not to escape low throws because there is nothing else you can do.
    Again it all depends on the level of your opponent.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'd just like to add a couple of things.

    There are only two attacks guaranteed for Akira after the [4][3][P]+[G] and they are the middle kick ([3][K]) and the DbPm ([2_][4][6][P]). If you do nothing but hold Guard or try to dodge, then the SDE will hit you. However, if you dash away ([6][6]) from Akira, the SDE will miss.

    BMF said to crouch dash, but you can't crouch dash away from the opponent while you're Back Turned, and the input will result in a standing dash anyway. However, the risk in entering a crouch dash input is that if Akira chose to do a middle kick (guaranteed), then you'll get back staggered, and that's not good.

    In short: always do a standing dash away from Akira and the only way he'll ever hit you is with a guaranteed attack.

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