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Aggressive or Defensive for VF5?

Discussion in 'General' started by VFJackyFan, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. VFJackyFan

    VFJackyFan Member

    How many players are aggressive or defensive players?

    I like aggressive style and I think it works best in VF5. I played guys named Shubo, Shinn Akira, Jacalac, EmperorVF before and they were all really aggressive. Does everyone like this style? I think aggressive is the best and it works for my Jacky.
  2. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    I consider myself i defensive player. But i pick and choose when to attack out of disadvantage (abare).

    There are two types of players generally. Players who use offense as their defense, like attacking with 2p or busting moves that dont throw clash or using reverse nitaku. ( like 2k or Mule kicks with shun, dm P+K ). This is a valid strategy and alot of players do well with just this sadly. With this usually u just have back up and let them do their thing, when u have the advanatge backup and wait for them to whiff. There are people who play moral ( use etegs, fuzzy G, use vulnerable defensive tactics ) perhaps because they feel more confident in their defense more so than someone who relies all the defense on attacks. A good player has to mix those two options between the two styles. A good player, creates alot of variables.. not just resort to the same tactics over and over. People who are good pick the right time to abare, at the same time also pick situations to use defense LIKE ( ETEGS, FUzzy g, crouch fuzzy, etc. u should look these terms up). Sometimes these options may make u feel vulnerable, but sometimes in order to take a step foward u have to take a step back. Practise both abare DEF, and the actual defensive techniques that dont require attacking.

    IF u do wanna use reverse nitaku and not get thrown. look at the BRAD STRATEGY GUIde, the graph in brad stragey section shows u how to use reverse nitaku. for ex. at minus 2 u can bust out a 21 frame move or sumthing without producing throw clashes...
  3. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I'm as aggressive as it gets, sometimes I have trouble differentiating the difference between looking at Jeffry and a bear, no pun intended.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Im an aggressive player, but I can handle defense as the need arises. I think 'proper' aggression stems from having good defense basics which allow you to take more risks and emerge untouched.
    Personally my forte is forcing opponent to make wrong choices and capitalizing on them. I prefer to take the fight to the opponent instead of hanging back and waiting for opportunity. Depending on opponent though I sometimes step back and see if opponent is aggressive but Ill attack if I see chance.

    I have a strong disllike on players who just run and run and run from me... that happens a lot in online. But I recognize its a valid tactic even though I dont like it.
  5. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    It depends on my mood but mainly im very defensive. My main is leifei.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Simply put I'm passive aggressive. It works better with Jeffry than Shun but I'm still learning Shun.
  7. DrWoo

    DrWoo Well-Known Member

    Agressive when I think I can win...

    So, I play defensive most of the time...
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I use Lei Fei too, but I just can't play defensively with him. It doesn't mean that I attack out of disadv. I would just use a sabaki if possible, but I always press forward with him, dodging opponents moves with 9/3P+K, crushing rising attacks with 66K+G, pushing forward with 66P, crushing highs with 33P, etc. Just keep going going going...
    And just when they want to beat you out of this flow... they end up caught in a sabaki move or a Doku P reversal [​IMG]

    With my ma(i)n, Wolf, though - it's different.
    Here I really pay attention to using small advantage to safely pull off bigger moves and use staggers to apply pressure through simple mid/throw choice afterwards. IMO one just can't throw out moves randomly with Wolf, you'd get killed in no time.
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I'm hyper defensive. I only attack with either throws or counters.
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Lies, all Lei Feis attack at disadvantage [​IMG]
  11. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Lei Fei is at disadvantage?
  12. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Silly me, I was mistaken. When you CH jab Lei Fei HE'S at +5.
  13. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    I think there are, generally speaking, way more play styles. I especially like players being obsessed with a particular (mostly hard to stop) move. But for more play styles, Sirlin has compiled a nice list that fits quite well here: http://www.sirlin.net/ptw (under PLAY STYLES).
  14. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    One of those styles is more a personality type. (Well at least the snake is) The one regarding Daigo can just be thrown into "The one true style" it was more of a hype for Daigo than anything else.

    I agree that there are definitely more styles but generally speaking theres offensive, defensive and someone who adapts.
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I play defensive. First, I have no fear for loss. I like an opponent that is aggressive. I let him/her say all that they have in their arsenal to say, and then I take my turn. Sometimes I loose between 10 and 20 matches b4 my opponents VF
    vocabulary is exhausted. But once it is exhausted, he is no longer a threat, because I have seen all that he/she has to offer. In every loss that I take, I ultimately achieve victory.
    My opponent inherits the wind from victories that he takes from me.

    We know that where there is no contention, there is neither defeat nor victory. The supple willow does not contend against the storm, yet it survives. Weakness prevails over strength. Gentleness conquers. Become the calm and restful breeze that tames the violent sea. The cobra seeks to fix the eye of the bird, before it strikes. In that moment of looking at each other, each accepts their role - predator and prey.[/size] Fear creates the victim. Yet, something in the bird makes it seek the eye of the cobra.

    To me all of my aggressive opponents are like the cobra and I am like the bird, the cobra has no choice but to make his intentions known, but the bird without fear and with higher calling eventually understands the intentions of the cobra, and
    in that instant the cobra's aggression shines a light on the true source of fear in the encounter.

    The agressor does not rush to win, but instead runs quickly from loss.[/size] The fear of being put at disadvantage is at the heart of most aggressive styles. "Attack first before my true weakness is discovered" lies deep with in the subconcious of the agressive player. And the mind seeking to protect itself, chooses a path of pressure and aggression against the opponent.

    I am a defensive player, when the heart knows no danger, no danger exists. When the soul becomes the warrior, all fear melts as the snowflake that falls upon your hand. Because I have no fear[/size], then loss is translated to victory. And the agression which seeks to hide my opponents weakness in turn becomes my strength.
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Masterpo should go into the air balloon business [​IMG]
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I have no style...Im like Water..I adapt and then subtract.

    With that being said. I just try to eliminate your biggest strengths and watch you sit there confused not knowing whats coming next. thats the ultimate.
  18. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    By allowing your opponent to take initiative and press on with an attack, you let him dictate the pace of the match, and your only chance for retaliation comes if he's less skilled than you and/or makes a mistake.

    However, in such a case you may well be swept off your feet before an opportunity for counter attack presents itself.

    A mix of attack and defense seems to be the way to go.
  19. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Not true.. i can show you match where the tide was reverse lovely down 2-0 against and agressive jacky with adaption and a mistake punishing offense for overagressiveness. Sad thing is sometimes people with a relentless offense don't know what to do when they get hit back and options removed.

    Be Water adapt then take the form of whateva situation your in.

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