(Advanced) Brad's Slipping Properties

Discussion in 'Brad' started by martialfanatic, Aug 28, 2003.

  1. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure exactly how valuable this post is; I've never done anything like this before, and Brad isn't the most popular character out there, but I put in a lot of work yesterday and fully intend to finish this project, if not sooner, then later. Going through Myke's Brad Guide (nice work by the way), I read that slipping left and right can avoid some mid attacks. Curiousity struck me, and I wondered what these attacks are, and is it actually useful to dodge them. I began with Jeff and did find some interesting things.

    I'm going to start with this comment. Most of these findings are minimally helpful to an unpredictable opponent. You'd have to be pretty damn psychic to pull some off. Others were actually helpful, and it tickled me that they could actually be pulled-off. My goal is to find out info like this for every character, get the list, and right a general strategy faq incorporating the findings. With school starting next week, this project may take awhile (don't worry SoCal crew...I WILL find time to play against you at last, and playing you will help with this project), but I will finish...at least before VF5 is released /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif. Credit will be given where credit is due, and anyone who would like to help, feel free to help and post findings here (it would be much appreciated since it would cut down on the time it takes to finish) Oh, and I will report ALL findings; you will be alerted to the more difficult ones.

    General finding:

    [2]+[P]: slipping left or right will avoid this one, even at point blank range (only tested it for Jeff, but I have confidence that it will work for everybody). Of course you can't do it on reaction, but you can anticpate and punish (if you slip left...the options from right are too slow or hit high).

    The first and only character tested so far is Jeffrey. These are the moves that slipping will avoid (any form of slipping, and this isn't a complete list...yet). If I find any mistakes, I will correct them (or if it's too late, get a mod to correct them if they're willing).


    -[3]+[K]; this one is difficult to do (must be psychic), but can be done and you can counter back. It doesn't matter how close you are, but you must slip inside of Jeff's kicking leg. Seeing as how Jeff users don't favor this one, you won't really have to worry.

    -[6],[6]+[K]; More useful, but still challenging in a match. Like the other one, slip inside of the kicking leg. Once again, it doesn't matter how close you are.

    -[P]+[K]+[G], [P]+[K]; edited - not quite as useful as I thought. The timing is for the very early stages of the attack (when Jeff is first drawing his hand back). Unless you can tell it's this move right away, better off evading it. You still slip to the outside of the punch, even at point blank.

    -[P]+[K]+[G], [K]; Tricky in a match. Unless you really believe you know when they'll hit [K], you're safer blocking. Still, slip outside of the kicking leg, and it doesn't matter how close you are. You can also slip back and avoid it, no matter how close you are.

    -[4],[6],[6]+[P]+[K]; I was hysterical when I found this one. Useful in a match, just slip away from the hands when you see this one coming. It doesn't matter how close you are.

    -[P]+[K], [P]; slipping back will avoid this, and hitting [P] will stop the following [P]. Like everything else so far, it works at point blank.

    -[2]+[P]+[K]; slipping outside of the elbow avoids this one. Tricky in a match, but works at point blank.

    I'll try to find some more stuff next week after my homework and studying. I hope it's useful, but I'm optimistic about all of this. The real test will come when I try this with Jacky, Lau, Pai, and Akira (the most common characters IMO).
  2. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    I'd be interested to see your results, since I haven't experimented with the sways enough.

    This thread has great potential! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Great stuff afrocon! This is something I've wanted to do myself but just never had enough motivation to actually sit down and do it! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    I may have mentioned this in a post somewhere before, but what I think is really effective for Brad is to use his slipping against certain Mid/High strings like Lau's [6][P][P], Jeffry's [P]+[K][P], Wolf's HCB[P][P], to name a few. After blocking the first Mid you can slip the following High for a free minor counter. You can also go into ducking under the High too, but I think Slipping yields better results (head or stomach crumble into combo).
  4. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys. I did play quest tonight trying to slip more when I "felt" an attack is coming (bear with me, quest is the best I can do for comp. at the moment). So far somewhat successful.

    Myke: I did notice that slipping for Wolf's HCB [P][P] worked rather well. Other than that, I did no real testing yet. I'm going to finish off Jeffrey soon, and the next character I'm testing will be Kage.

    This all seems like a game of roulette to me. You win some, you lose some.What I did notice is that most missed attacks miss at the peak of the slip (when Brad's as far "away" in animation as he'll go). If only you could hold it for a few more frames, but oh well.

    Until next time...and thanks again guys.
  5. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Hey, good idea for starting this thread...it's about time we started talking about how we can use Brad's uniqueness to his advantage as it seems to be a topic that most people haven't got round to starting yet.

    I find that for moving in aggressively, whilst incorporating Brad's slipping, [6][P] can go into slipping/ducking, from which you can start combos. I find this is especially useful against crouching opponents due to it being a mid-level attack, unlike [P][P], which can also lead into slipping. I also used to use the knee from slipping (don't ask me which direction, cos I just go to whichever side the front of his body is facing) because it throws the opponent off balance. Furthermore (especially against crouching opponents) [6][K] followed by the aforementioned knee when slipping facing outwards is another great sliping move against crouching opponenets.

    I find that ducking forwards is great for closing distance between opponents quickly, especially if you start the match by quick-stepping backwards.

    Of course, when it's Brad Vs. Brad, a whole new world of unbelievable "slip-wits" emerges! The predicting game goes to a new level and it's a truly enjoyable experience!

    Hunting time...I sting like a bee, bite like a tiger!
  6. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Nice one afro,

    since Brad is my main character I have great interest in this thread.

    Moreover, I'll have quite a bit of time on my hands in about two weeks time, so I'll check what characters you will have done at that point and try and help out.

    All the best,

  7. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    As a person whos just taken up Brad as ( another!) secondary character this thread is very useful to me.Hope you can keep it up!
  8. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Awesome... there's nothing sweeter then getting that slip attack in. Keep up the good work.
  9. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    I have a lot of new stuff for you guys, but I'm going through some (pardon my French, but I'm highly heated) mighty stupid shit right now. My damned hard drive is undeservably fried (just two days before school starts damnit), so I basically don't have my own computer right now. Thank God we got another one a few months back. But as soon as stuff clears up, I've got some awesome stuff for you guys. After I post Kage, I'll post Jakcy (whom I've almost completed, and I found some NICE stuff). Those posts should come tonight or tomorrow night, depending on how things go today. Oh, and after Jacky is Goh (I'm going in no particular order).

    But I won't leave you without a little Brad goodness. I replied to you max, because I was about to say that [6][P] into slipping isn't that good...because the opponent can low punch you out of anything you try. But what if you know that they're going to low punch?

    Delay slipping right or left a second or two, and you will avoid their low punch. Everything I mentioned about avoiding low punches above still applies /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif And I'm finding great things just throwing in a random slip. Of course, a lot of times I get counter-hit. But when you're already on the offensive, it really helps to keep your momentum going against counterattackers.

    I'm sorry I can't type more right now; I'm on someone else's computer. I just wanted to give a little update since I'm ecstatic about stuff I'm finding. I'm so sorry guys; if I were at my own computer I'd at least have Kage up by now... /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif. I swear; computers can be the greatest thing, and at the same time the most annoying.
  10. Driadyte

    Driadyte Member

    Good information, but I have a feeling that it could get hard to interpret posts if everyone uses their own terms for Brad's slipping. We need to go uniform or something. Here's what I find easiest for me:

    Sway Back and Ducking are obvious, and can be listed as such.
    For the slipping, I usually say "Slip Front" or "Slip Back" referring to slipping to Brad's front or Brad's back. If I'm not mistaken, Front is actually Left and Back is actually Right, which would probably be best to use, I'm just trying to get people to adopt my terms, futile as it may be . /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    Anyway, I just thought I'd comment, since there were a few times where I wasn't sure which way people were talking about slipping. Keep up the good work, I hope to be using Brad's movement to it's full potential soon!
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah this is a great thread so far and has some great potential but clarifying exactly which way slips are made would be good ( possibley for any players who don't practise with him too much /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif).I was also under the impression that a slip to Brads Back is a Slip Right and then obviously a slip to his Front is Slip Left.As along as everyones one the same page about this everything should be fine.

    I use the terminology of Left and Right slip as this is what the commands are called in the move list , thus it would probably be best left at this to avoid any further confusion.
  12. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Update SHOULD be up tonight, I just hope nothing else comes up. I was just doing a quick surf over VFDC, and thought I'd reply and get this out the way.

    Sorry driad, it won't work /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif, jk. What you might be mentioning is about the "slip outside of the kicking leg", etc. If that's the case, in those situations it doesn't matter whether you slip left or right (front or back /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif), it only matters that you go either inside of the kicking leg, or outside, etc.

    And I'll consider it. I use slipping left and right for two reasons;
    1. Left and right are what's on the movelist, and it's what I've been reading since I heard about Evo. I could change, but it would be unnatural to me, and it doesn't appear to be that much of a problem to me. If there's great enough demand for it, I would, no problem. I'd rather cater (spelling? /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif) to the majority than the minority when it comes to this.

    2.I'm lazy, even when it comes to typing. Front, back, left, and right are quicker than sway back, ducking, front and back (I am too used to the first terms /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif). This second reason isn't really a big deal, but it's how I feel.

    If anybody feels the same way, pm me, along with any other issues on format, etc. The next update will use the same terms I used before (since it's coming tonight hopefully). If I get enough of a response, I'd be happy to change the terms. When I write the faq though, I'm using my terms /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.
  13. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Damn. Things haven't been normal around here. I sincerely apologize, and I won't promise when the next updates are. I'll just update whenever I'm able. Things aren't quite done with Kage and Jacky, but I'll add everything later. It will all be in the faq (I'm taking notes as I test stuff to make the faq-writing go as efficiently and quickly as possible).

    Kage: This is one tricky bastard. I find him the hardest to predict and slip against, and even in training mode when I know the attack is coming, it's hard as hell.

    [K]+[G]: I actually did this one in-game by luck. Otherwise, I would'nt have thought to test it. Slip in the same direction the kick travels. This one is really hard, because Brad has to be in the "peak" of his slipping animation at the exact same time Kage's leg is fully extended. Extremely difficult, but looks mighty tight when it's done /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [3]+[P]: This one's very hard too. The move starts up slow during the wind up, but the swing itself is actually pretty quick. Only way to beat this is to sway back, but it's so difficult that I suggest evading or guarding.

    Jumanji, [K]: Slip inside of the kicking leg. You should execute the slip around the same time the kick is starting. Challenging, but nowhere near as hard as the other ones.

    Jumanji, [K]+[G]: Like the other one, slip inside of the kicking leg.

    Yes, this update is pretty crappy. Please forgive me. I've barely had any time to play Evo and test, let alone to get to the other computer (which is used often). I can't promise when the next update will be, but I will promise that there will be no more cheap "quickies" like this one. If you have any question, pm me. If you find anything, go ahead and post it here.

    Thanks, and g'night /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hey man its all good. Get it all down in your own time /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif. All the stuffs good so far so if you just keep it up at any pace its still useful.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I was just thinking about anti-Sarah strats for Brad the other day so I decided to experiment with counter slipping against Flamingo.

    If you slip in the direction of her stomach, you'll avoid all of the following:

    FL [K][K][K] or [2][K] (the last hit doesn't matter since you actually MC the second [K])
    FL [3][K] (timing is a little tight)
    FL [P][2][K]
    FL [3][P][K]

    As you can see, you have the ability to beat some of her fastest and best flamingo attacks. Add a [P] to the slip, without any delay, for either the head or stomach crumble and combo afterwards.
  16. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Nice! Thanks alot Myke.

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