Adaptable AI vs BOTs vs Humans in Virtua Fighter

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Jun 7, 2022.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    BOTs in Fightng Games are just templates with move sets. The template may be set with 50% throws, and 30% throw escape. The BOT template might be set to counter attack, or always strike first. The BOT template might be throw heavy, or dodge heavy. It might be set to fast, medium, or slow response. The BOT template might be set to Block 40% to 60% of attacks. Normally there are only 4 or 5 different BOT templates in a fighting game. And players confuse the BOT concept to Adaptable AI. BOTS and Adaptable AI are very different concepts.

    Adaptable AI has the complete move set of its character and will use it opportunistically.:sneaky: Adaptable AI is context sensitive. It knows whether its on a stage with walls or not. It knows whether its on a short stage or long stage. Adaptable AI is situation aware. It knows if the opponent has 90% health bar, or is almost dead, or is at the edge of the stage. Adaptable AI knows if it has a 90% health bar or is almost dead. Adaptable AI has models for different play styles it knows about rush down, turtle , pokers, and kamikaze style. Adaptable AI responds to the skill level and type of fighter of the opponent. ;)

    Whereas BOTS are fairly easy to cheese, figure out, and get beat by experienced players. True adaptable AI is very, very rarely beat by human players. Deep Blue in Chess, and Alpha GO in GO are examples of adaptable AI

    The next version of Virtua Fighter needs to put Adaptable AI in Arcade Mode, Training Mode, Online Rank Mode, and be made available to fill out rooms when there are not enough players online.

    Playing Virtua Fighter matches against adaptable AI would prove more rewarding than playing against most humans and BOTs, because adaptable AI would offer the true ultimate challenge, by challenging each player at their level and taking them to the brink of their skill set and imagination.

    Adding Adaptable AI to the next version of Virtua Fighter would shut the competition down for once and for all:cool:
  2. DepressedHippie

    DepressedHippie Active Member

    Nooooo keep bots off online play. It's terrible in shooters and it would be madness to introduce them into the online fighting game environment.

    Although I agree with you the AI in fighting games have been terrible as of late. I'm not sure if it's me just being older and picking up the patterns now, but I don't remember VF 5 Online, having the brain dead AI of Final Showdown/ Ultimate Showdown. Can anyone corroborate?
    masterpo likes this.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    We do not want BOTs online. BOTs in VF would be Terrible.

    However we do want Adaptable AI online. Adaptable AI is very different than brain dead BOTs. There is virtually no Adaptable AI in any kind of video games yet. There is none in shooters. There are BOTs in shooters. There is no Adaptable AI in shooters yet. Adaptable AI is something that will happen in video games in the future. Virtua Fighter needs to be the first fighting game to have it:cool:
  4. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Bots that appear in ranked matches, might be a good idea. Especially if you're trying to get rank titles, like professional or a blackbelt, and can't find opponents online in ranked for days, or months.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2022
    masterpo likes this.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    We don't want bots online. Nooooo! But we do want Adaptable AI online in ranked. Adaptable AI is a very different thing that Bots. Bots should never be in ranked. Maybe they could use regular bots to fill out Rooms . But only Adaptable AI should be in ranked. Most human players cannot beat Adaptable AI. In fact, only the very best human players could be an Adaptable AI, but even then the human probably could not win two matches in a row.

    Whereas humans destroy regular bots all the time. We play against regular bots in VF Arcade mode.;)

    In the not so distant future, Soul Calibur, possibly Tekken will deploy bonafide adaptable artificial intelligent opponents. Opponents with so much intelligence about the game that it will be almost impossible to beat them. I only hope that Virtua Fighter beats Bamco to it:)
  6. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Provided that they are not too smart.;)
  7. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member


    I think it shows that you do not know how programming works, or the _type_ of coding that is done for npc characters in fighting games, with that odd guesstimation rant about how you "think" it works?
    You also do not seem to really be in the know about how AI really works, nor how VF does.

    And no, We do not want or need "Made up buzzword" "ai" in ranked - you will have to be content with keeping up loosing to real humans, veterans and beginners alike.

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